"There was a Wisconsin warrant for Vang"

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"There was a Wisconsin warrant for Vang"

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There was a Wisconsin warrant for Vang

Larry Oakes and Chuck Haga, Star Tribune
December 2, 2004 HUNTERS1202.VANG

When Chai Soua Vang allegedly opened fire on hunters who confronted him about trespassing near Rice Lake, Wis., another Wisconsin county had a warrant for his arrest for trespassing while hunting in 2002 and failing to pay the fine.

That outstanding warrant from Green Lake County means that Vang, charged with killing six hunters and trying to kill two others Nov. 21 in Sawyer County, may have known he stood to be arrested if the hunters who confronted him that day called the sheriff's office.

A survivor said landowner Robert Crotteau yelled to Vang that he planned to report him as Vang walked away, and they wrote down the hunting license number pinned to the back of his coat.

The shooting started seconds later. Though Vang said they shot first, survivors dispute that.

"We have a bench warrant out for his failure to appear," Green County District Attorney James Camp said Wednesday. "If he had been stopped up there and they ran a records check, they could have arrested him and forced him to either pay the fine or take a ride to our county [jail].

"I can't imagine anybody killing anybody because of this, but stranger things have happened."

According to records in Green Lake County, southwest of Oshkosh, Vang and companion Ber Xiong were hunting deer in April 2002 when a deputy ticketed them for trespassing.

The two told the deputy they had shot at a deer and chased it from adjacent land where they had permission to hunt.

"Both parties admitted that they knew that this was not the proper procedure," deputy Thomas Guell said in his report.

Vang was fined $244, court records show, but he didn't pay the fine. He also failed to appear in court to contest the charge, as required if the fine is not paid. In October 2002 a judge issued a warrant for his arrest.

Camp said Vang's name rang a bell when he heard about the Sawyer County killings last week, and he pulled the records.

In Minnesota's Kanabec County, where Vang bought 40 acres of land last year for hunting, Vang or a member of his hunting party was ordered off a neighbor's land on Nov. 6 this year, opening day of Minnesota's deer hunting season.

"We kicked one guy off three times," said Jamie Owens, 22. "He came over the fence and onto our land, and my dad pointed and he got back over. But he did it three times."

Owens said that neither he nor his father ever spoke with Vang and could not say whether he was the man who was told to leave their property.

He said that more than a dozen Hmong hunters used the Vang land. The property includes a house but is mostly a thicket of oaks, poplars and birch.

Vang bought the 40 acres in October 2003 on a contract for deed for $176,000, with a down payment of $5,000 and payments of $1,260. It is not clear whether others helped with payments.

The Vang property has not been searched, Kanabec County Sheriff Steve Schulz said. Vang has never been cited for trespassing or any other crime in the county, Schulz said.

The writers are at [email protected].

Talking about Vang's native country

Post by GUEST »

I know a little bit about Hmong people too. Please don't think that I look down on these people. I just want you to have a bit info of his native country.
They are Lao's ethnic highland people who live in tri-county border area (Lao, China, and Vietnam). Their Agriculture is mostly Slash & Burn method where they chop down all trees, shrubs and burn them to fertilize the land that they grow their crop. They move around in their highland territory and mark their land for returning in a decade or two later since the land quickly go less fertile without using modern fertilizers. There were more than 40 ethnic communities like that in central of Vietnam. Like their brothers, their way of living and working, surely slows down their civilization. Other word these people are very low civilized in their mother land. The government tries the best to keep them in 1 place, so they can control these people. As the result of that, Hmong people didn't have to pay tax and didn't have to joint the Army in Lao. These people live in harmony. They are naive, easy to be used, and unpredictable. With these people, if you had one bag of ASPERIN or PENICILINE, right away, you can become their God in their territory.
Unfortunately, their territory is so crucial that both CIA and Ho Chi Minh wanted to use during Vietnam War.

Ho Chi Minh, in sixties, wanted to use their land to make something called Ho Chi Minh Trail to attack the South of Vietnam. To make them happy, Ho Chi Minh enlisted many low educated Hmong people in to the NVA and gave them high ranks as well. Remember, Ho Chi Minh did the same to all ethnic people in Vietnam too.

CIA, not long later, wanted to do the counter intelligence, and used many uncivilized Hmong people to work as CIA agents.

When the North Vietnam took over the South and made the country communist. Lao also became communist country afterwards. Hmong people were revenged and badly mistreated by their own Government. That is why they wound up in USA.

After all, what happened to those who were isolated in highland, live in slash & burn agriculture, and right away became high rank officers/commanders in NVA, or well paid CIA agents?

They turned out to be hardheaded, not obey the law, slowly or not be able to adapt themselves in to the most modern country in the world.

And the product of all those negativities is Chai Vang who lucky had money to buy a piece of land to hunt, who joined the army instead of going to college, who drove the biggest vehicle on the road for living, who did not get any charge for pointing the pistol at another, who did not pay for the trespassing ticket with no consequence what so ever, who used high power assault rifle with snap on scope.

Hmong people must take this lesson. Minnesota, the state that governed by a wrestler, must learn this lesson. Law maker must learn this lesson. Especially, all my fellow hunters should learn from this incident.

Thank you for taking time reading my bad writing.

Good luck, get a Buck in to the back of your Truck.

The lone leopard.
Posts: 10
Joined: Mon Aug 30, 2004 4:32 pm


Post by kodiak »


I'd just like to thank you for taking the time to write that...

I found it a VERY interesting read!!

Again, THANKS!
Posts: 2928
Joined: Mon Jan 20, 2003 9:16 pm
Location: Montreal, Quebec

Vang's statement

Post by Woodsman »

Here's something I read on another forum:

posted November 24, 2004 12:51 PM
http://www.twincities.com/mld/twincities/news/1025er County Probable Cause Statement in case of Chai Soua Vang, released Nov. 23, 2004

Editors note: The below information contains graphic information and content some people may consider offensive.

Probable Cause Statement
Chai Soua Vang 09-24-1968
810 4th Street
St. Paul, MN 55106

On November 21, 2004 at 12:30 p.m. Sawyer County Sheriff's investigator Gary Gillis was contacted by chief deputy Tim Zeigle who advised that there has been a shooting with multiple victims in southern Sawyer County. Chief Deputy Tim Zeigle requested that investigator Gary Gillis respond to the scene.

November 21, 2004 was the second day of the 2004 Wisconsin rifle deer season.

Investigator Gary Gillis was advised that the incident occurred in the woods behind a cabin at 394N Deer Lake Road in the town of Meteor in Sawyer County, Wisconsin. Investigator Gary Gillis learned that there had been some sort of dispute that developed between a hunting party at 394N Deer Lake Road and at the time an unknown male subject of Asian descent. Reports indicated that the Asian male wandered onto property owned by Terry Willers and Robert Crotteau. The Asian male was located sitting in a tree stand on the private property. The asian male was confronted by Terry Willers and told by Willers to leave the property. Willers used a walkie talkie to advise the rest of the hunting party that were located at the cabin that Willers told the subject to leave and Willers was going to wait and make sure the subject left.

Lauren Hesebeck was able to provide the following information. At this point Robert Crotteau, Joe Crotteau, Lauren Hesebeck, Dennis Drew and Mark Roidt left the cabin and went to Willers location. During another verbal exchange with the Asian male one of the members of the property owner's party wrote the back tag number of the Asian male subject in the dirt on a "mule" which is a 2 side-by-side seat ATV. The back tag number that was written down was 0685505. The Asian male was also advised that law enforcement was going to be called.

Records check of the back tag indicated that the tag was registered to Chai Vang 09-24-1968, 810 4th ST E, St Paul MN 55106. 5'04" 145 lbs black hair and brown eyes. Vang was later arrested and was in possession of this back tag. The Asian male from this point will be referred to as Vang.

Vang started to walk a way and got approximately 40 yards a way. Then Vang appeared to remove the scope from his rifle and turned around and started shooting. Vang shot several times and hit Willers. Prior to being shot Willers returned fire but did not hit Vang. Vang shot several more shots and struck Dennis Drew and Mark Roidt. Lauren Hesebeck attempted to hide behind the "mule" but Vang moved around the "mule" and shot Lauren Hesebeck in the shoulder. Robert and Joe Crotteau ran away from the scene. Vang then pursued Robert and Joe. Both Robert and Joe were located away from the initial scene and had been shot to death.

While Vang was pursuing Robert and Joe, Lauren Hesebeck was able to call on the walkie talkie to the cabin and advised that he had been shot and needed help. Help arrived and removed Terry Willers from the scene. A short time later Lauren heard another ATV approaching and then heard more gun shots. Lauren advised that Vang then appeared again where the shooting originally started. Lauren Hesebeck heard Vang say something like "one of you fuc kers are still alive". Lauren Hesebeck indicated that he returned fire at that time but is unsure how many times.

Robert Crotteau, Joey Crotteau, Mark Roidt, Jessica Willers and Allan Laski were all deceased at the scene from what appeared to be gun shot wounds.

Terry Willers was shot in the neck and was taken to the hospital. Dennis Drew was shot in the abdomen and was transported to the hospital. Lauren Hesebeck was shot in the shoulder and was transported to the hospital.

On November 22, 2004 investigator Gary Gillis was advised that Dennis Drew had also died from the wound he received.

Vang was later apprehended by Wisconsin DNR Warden Jeremy Peery. Vang was still in possession of his hunting gear, including back tag and also his rifle. The rifle was a Saiga SKS 7.62x39 caliber, serial number HO-3104079. Vang did not have any ammunition with him when taken into custody. Vang made no comments to Warden Peery.

On November 22, 2004 at approximately 10:15 a.m. investigator Gary Gillis and FBI agent Ken Mammoser interviewed Chai Vang at the Sawyer County Jail. Vang was read his Miranda rlghts which Vang indicated that he understood and also signed the form indicating that he understood them. Investigator Gary Gillis also asked Vang if Vang could read and write the English language. Vang stated that he could. Investigator Gary Gillis asked Vang to read out loud the waiver of Miranda rights. Vang read the waiver out loud to investigator Gary Gillis and S/A Mammoser. Vang stated that he understood the waiver but at this time wished to talk to a lawyer first before making a statement. At this point the interview ended.

At approximately 10:30 a.m. Investigator Gary Gillis was contacted by the on duty jailer. Investigator Gary Gillis was advised that while jailer Frank Metzinger was going to move Vang back to Vang's cell, Vang advised Metzinger that Vang was willing to talk to investigators. Investigator Gary Gillis advised Lt. Kurt Barthel of this and advised that the request by Vang needed to be in writing. Lt. Barthel then met with Vang and gave Vang a Sawyer County Jail inmate request form. Vang wrote out and signed the form. Vang wrote "I would like to talk to the investigator now. I don't want a lawyer at this time." Investigator Gary Gillis and S/A Mammoser again met with Vang in the interview room at the Sawyer County Jail. Investigator Gary Gillis showed Vang the inmate request form and asked Vang if Vang had filled it out and signed it. Vang indicated that he did. Investigator Gary Gillis advised Vang that Investigator Gary Gillis needed to read Vang his Miranda rights again. Vang stated that he understood. Investigator Gary Gillis read the Miranda rights and Vang stated that he understood his rights. Investigator Gary Gillis then advised Vang to read the waiver of rights which Vang did and signed the waiver of rights at 10:35 a.m. indicating that Vang wanted to talk with investigator Gary Gillis and S/A Mammoser.

Vang stated that Vang had been hunting on public land and got lost. Vang stated that Vang located a tree stand next to a swamp. Nobody was in the stand so Vang climbed into it. Vang stated that after approximately 15 minutes another hunter approached Vang. the hunter asked Vang "Why are you in the stand, you're on private property," Vang stated that Vang told the subject that Vang did not know that the land was private and that Vang did not see any "no trespassing" signs. Vang stated that Vang climbed down and started to walk away. Vang stated that while walking away Vang heard the other male subject call on a walkie talkie. Vang did not hear what was said.

Vang stated that a few moments later 2 ATV's approached his location with 5 or 6 guys on them. Vana stated that Vang was confronted by this group also. Vang stated that one of the subjects that Vang believed to be the owner of the property stated "why were you in my son's stand"? Vang stated that Vang told the man that Vang did not know it was private land. And that Vang did not see any signs indicating that land was private. Vang stated that this man stated "you just trespassed through 400 acres of private land." Vang stated that the others in the group surrounded Vang. Vang stated that the man that Vang thought to be the owner then started calling Vang names like "gook, chink, fuc king asian." Vang stated that at this point the only one that Vang saw with a gun was the first subject that kicked Vang out of the stand.

Vang stated that Vang was told to get off the fuc king property and never come back. Vang stated that at one point they wrote down his license number and stated that they were going to call the law enforcement. Vang stated that some of the others in the group started calling Vang names (gook, chink) and were also swearing at Vang, Vang stated that Vang started walking a way and got approximately 20 yards a way and turned around and observed the man that had the rifle walking towards the rest of the group, Vang also observed the man take the rifle off his shoulder and took the rifle into his hands. Vang stated that Vang stated that Vang was approximately 100 feet away and looked back again, Vang stated that Vang observed the subject with the rifle point the rifle at Vang. Vang stated that Vang immediately dropped to a crouch position and the subject shot at Vang and the bullet hit the ground 30 to 40 feet behind Vang.

Vang stated that Vang removed the scope from his rifle. Vang stated that Vang shot 2 times at the man with the rifle and the man dropped to the ground. Vang saw all the others run towards the ATV's and Vang continued to shoot. Vang stated that 2 or 3 more men fell to the ground. Vang stated that a couple of the men started to run, Vang stated that Vang chased after one of the men that ran towards the cabin. Vang stated that the man was yelling "help me, help me". Vang stated that Vang shot at the man several time while chasing him. Vang stated that Vang stated that he got to about 15 to 20 feet of the man who was still running away and Vang shot him in the back. Vang stated that the man dropped to the ground. Vang stated that the man did not have a gun. Vang stated that Vang walked up to the man and heard the man groan and then Vang walked a way. (This is believed to be the body of Joey Crotteau.)

Vang stated that at this point Vang heard one of the other men call on the walkie talkie and state "we've been shot and need help." Vang stated that Vang observed 3 other subjects coming on an ATV. Vang stated that Vang then turned his reversible coat from orange to camo. Vang stated that he also reloaded his magazine with 5 or 6 bullets. Vang stated that Vang did not shoot at these men because they had guns with them. Vang stated that the men were in by the other injured men for less then a minute and then left. Vang did not know if the men took any of the wounded out with them.

Vang stated that Vang then observed another ATV coming with 2 more people on it. Vang stated that the driver of this ATV had a gun on his shoulder. Vang stated that Vang began to run and Vang stated that they saw Vang running and were going too fast to stop and drove past Vang. Vang stated that they stopped approximately 10 to 15 feet past Vang at a 45 degree angle. Vang stated that the man removed the gun from his shoulder with one hand while the other hand was on the handle bars of the ATV. Vang stated that Vang shot 3 or 4 times and both people fell off the ATV and onto the ground. (these are the bodies of Allan Laski and Jessica Willers.)

Vang stated that Vang then started to run back towards where the original shooting started. Vang stated that Vang looked up the trail and saw that one of the men were standing. Vang stated that Vang yelled "you're not dead yet?" Vang stated that Vang shot one more time in the direction of this man but doesn't know if he hit the man or not. Vang stated that he continued to run away and did not return. Vang stated that at one point while running Vang decided that he did not want to shoot anybody else, so Vang threw his remaining ammunition into a swamp.

Yang stated that approximately an hour after throwing the ammunition away Vang heard the airplane overhead. Vang stated that Vang was thinking that they were looking for Vang so Vang was thinking about turning himself in. Vang stated that Vang came upon a hunter with an ATV and asked the hunter for a ride to the road. Vang stated that the hunter drove Vang to the hunter's cabin. Vang stated that the wardens were at the cabin waiting for him.

At the scene there was only 1 rifle located. That rifle was located near the body of Mark Roidt.

All of the victims were dressed in blaze orange clothing.

Preliminary autopsy results conducted by the forensic pathology team under the direction of Dr. McGee of the Ramsey County, Minnesota Medical Examiner's office are as follows:

Robert Crotteau -gun shot
Joey Crotteau -gun shot
Al Laski -gun shot
Jessica Willers -gun shot
Mark Roidt -gun shot
Dennis Drew -autopsy pending

Investigator Gary Gillis
November 23, 2004

The great outdoors is where I want to be.
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