Buck Decoy

Crossbow Hunting

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Buck Decoy

Post by huntman »

Has anyone ever hunted with a buck decoy? If so do decoy's tend to work at this time of the season or are they better during the rut and pre rut? I recently purchased one but have yet to use it. I have read a few books on set up but not one mentions time of season for best results.
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Post by Partikle »

Hey Huntman,

I'm in the same boat as you. I have a Renzo decoy but have not used it yet. I've been watching a real 4 point buck from my stand the last 2 mornings hoping the big boy we saw last week would show up but no luck. I watched him eat just 10 yards away from me for over an hour yesterday and for 40 mins this morning. I figure if a real dear won't reel in the big boy then a fake one won't.

I'm not sure if the rut is still on? I had some tinks 69 hanging from a tree and the little 4 pointer only took a brief smell yesterday after eating corn for 20 mins then he ignored it the rest of the time? He did not go near it this morning.

Anybody have any tips on how to lure the big buck over to my stand before december 31st? We've seen him around twice in the past week but can't seem to get a break on a shot.

Big Guy

Post by Shemp »

Depending on when the 1st rut was on in the Ottawa area, the second one should be in the next few days. ( The second one is starting in the PTBO area ). If your stand is near the start of that bucks scrape line when he starts tending it again, thats where you will get your chance. If I were you I would find his scrape line from the 1st rut and try and get at one end of it, preferably the end he starts with in the evening.

If you can get this figured out and be there during or right after a snow storm or a rain....... Be ready

This has worked for us with 3 large bucks taken late in the season in the last 3 years.

P.S. Dont be afraid to set up on the ground if need be to get in the right spot, just remember to only hunt there when the winds right. You will only get one chance at this.
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Post by FlyingAce »

I have a number of DVD's where some of the pro staff guys were using buck and/or doe decoys, and whenever they saw a shooter they got the buck's attention by using a grunt call or rattling antlers and the buck gets downwind and makes a beeline to the decoy. Personally, I have not used a decoy, and it seems to me that a decoy just relaxes the animal somewhat making it more forgiving to hunter error, but this is just my observation; I may be wrong.
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Post by R.J. »

I have hunted with both buck and doe decoys ....

Here is a thread with some pictures that show how they are set up in a clover field set up .... basically this setup is used when deer hang up in the bush till late .... the decoys in the field give them some confidence to come out early ..... but .... if you get a dominant doe that knows all of the deer in her area , and she usually is the first out in the field .... she may get freaked out / suspicious when she sees the decoys ....

There are some decoy pictures in this thread ...
http://www.excaliburcrossbow.com/phpBB2 ... ight=decoy
See Ya. ... R.J. > " Remember , Trophies are measured by the time and energy expended to get them , not the size or quantity of the quarry "
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Post by Sandman »

Never get tired of your pics RJ!!

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Post by gametrail »

HI!! Everyone. I use a buck and 2 does sometimes early in the season. Then in the chase and rut i use them as 3 does. You have to make sure you wipe them down good with a scent killer. I also added a tail waging kit to 2 of them, that seem to help alot. It is alot like rattling if you get something in every 10 times you try you are doing good. Also it seems a buck will come in from the back end of a doe and head on with a buck decoy. So that will help in where you place them for a shot. Hope this helps.
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