Archery Hunt Uproar in KW AREA

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Archery Hunt Uproar in KW AREA

Post by Kjay »

This is a post from another canadian hunting sight. Read it, but dont blame me if you feel a little pissed of.

Taxman is right and I saw it myself. If anyone has actions planned or e-mails or contacts (or otherwise) let us know what should be done to protect our rights. The man's name is Larry Anstett from Haysville.

Taking aim at reckless hunters; Wound and run archers leave cruel aftermath
The Record (Kitchener, Cambridge and Waterloo)
Wed 19 Jan 2005
Page: A1

Larry Anstett slows his vehicle to a stop and quietly opens the driver's side

"Hello, sweetheart," he whispers.

A doe stares back before scampering into the woods.

This is the way it should be, the way Anstett wants to enjoy the deer on his
picturesque Haysville property, west of Kitchener in Wilmot Township.

But in recent years, it's been a different sight.

Anstett and his neighbours have found deer corpses, deer with dangling, injured
legs, and deer with arrows sticking out of their heads and stomachs.

Anstett blames irresponsible and unethical hunters.

"This is what's left out here in the bush, but people don't see it," Anstett
says as he flips through pictures of injured deer. "I see it all the time."

Archery season runs from Oct. 1 to Dec. 31.

Anstett doesn't allow hunting on his 77 hectares (about 192 acres), dubbed the
Haysville Valley Deer Sanctuary. But the property beside his does.

The problem, Anstett said, arises when a hunter shoots from a long distance. The

arrows miss the deer's vital organs, and the animal runs away wounded.

Instead of tracking the deer, as required by law, hunters leave them for Anstett

to find in the bush and forests of his property.

While he isn't against hunters in general, Anstett is fed up with the
irresponsible ones.

"These deer are dying cruel deaths in the bush," he said, noting that if such an

act occurred anywhere other than the bush it would be considered animal abuse.

"They (hunters) have the right to hunt, I understand that. But when I see an
injured deer on my property it interferes with my enjoyment of the property."

Every season, Anstett finds at least one deer injured by a hunter. Kristine
Harding, a neighbour, has seen two injured deer in the past two years, one with
an arrow in its nose.

"It absolutely breaks my heart," she said.

Her message to hunters is simple: "If you're going to hunt, do the job. Finish
what you started."

Anstett said hunters should be shooting from a distance of about 18 to 23 metres

(20 to 25 yards). But some hunters shoot from 40 yards away.

"The best hunters aren't gong to take these risky shots," Anstett said. "They
respect the animals."

The arrow is designed to hit an organ, such as the heart, rupture an artery and
cause an animal to hemorrhage and bleed to death.

Bill Murch, a spokesman for the Ministry of Natural Resources in Guelph, said a
hunter must take a training course in safety and proper hunting techniques
before receiving a licence.

But the shooting distance is left to the hunter, Murch said. He agreed with the
20 to 25 yards recommended by Anstett.

While there is no law based on distance, Murch said, hunters are obligated to
track animals after hitting them.

"If hunters are shooting and not making an attempt to recover them then that's a


If they don't try to track the animal, hunters can be charged under the Fish and

Wildlife Conservation Act with abandonment of meat or allowing flesh to spoil.
The maximum penalty is a $50,000 fine, but Murch said fines for charges of this
sort usually range from $1,000 to $1,500.

This year, a Windsor man hunting in the Red Lake area was fined a total of
$1,750 for hunting illegally and letting a moose spoil.

"They're supposed to do the best they can to recover the animal," Murch said,
adding this isn't always possible.

If the arrow doesn't hit a vital organ a deer can run away and make it
impossible for the hunter to find it, he said.

Anstett's property is posted with No Trespassing signs, but said hunters who
want to track deer can contact him, and he'll call in his own hunter. The last
thing he wants is for an animal to suffer.

Ed Reid, a wildlife biologist with the Ontario Federation of Anglers and
Hunters, said that what Anstett and his neighbours have witnessed is a "sign of
a careless and irresponsible hunter."

Most hunters, he said, strive for a "quick and humane kill."

Careless hunters anger Anstett
New Hamburg Independent
05 Jan 2005
Byline: Doug Coxson
Source: The Independent

A day before the bow-hunting season ended last Friday, Larry Anstett helped a
friend track a gruesome trail of blood-soaked snow to a dying deer.

And while it's not an unusual occurrence to find a wounded deer on Larry
Anstett's sprawling Haysville property where hunting is banned and dozens of
deer herd for the winter, the deer tracked last week was just one of five
half-dead animals discovered with arrow wounds over the last couple of weeks.

"We're becoming unwilling participants in this carnage," Anstett says, angered
over the careless and desperate shots some hunters are taking to bag a deer
before the end of the season.

Commenting on the skill of the hunters involved, a local property owner and
former hunter who was reluctant to provide his name for this article, said the
shots are either careless or extremely poor. "It's pretty brutal," he said.
"Both of the hits were pretty bad."

Regulations require hunters to do everything possible to harvest animals once
they've been hit. Most animals, if shot correctly fall fairly close to the spot
they are wounded.

"You take the deer down on the property you're on. If you're not close enough,
you don't shoot it," Anstett says.

"We understand the odd one will get away, but this is too much," adds Anstett.

"The bottom line is hunting is necessary to cull the herd," said the neighbour.
"The problem is you have poachers and guys who aren't responsible."

Not about to shy away from controversy, Anstett is speaking out against what he
calls irresponsible hunters and some local landowners who allow the them on
their properties without checking licenses or offering written permission.

He says one local property owner offered permission for hunters during the
weeklong shotgun hunting season in November but the same hunters returned for
the bow season last month. When they were confronted by the property owner, they

said they had permission despite the landowners protests.

"You take the deer down on the property you're on. If you're not close enough,
you don't shoot it."

"I'm convinced they haven't got a clue," says Anstett. "Plus as it gets close to

the end of the season, they're getting desperate."

"December 31 is the happiest day of the year for me because that's the day I get

the gift of no more hunting."

. Photo: Doug Coxson, The Independent / A trail of blood-soaked snow and
staggered hoof prints lead away from the Nith River on Larry Anstett's Haysville

Deer Sanctuary last Thursday after a wounded deer walked several kilometres from

where it was shot before dying.
. Photo: Doug Coxson, The Independent / Owner of the Haysville Deer Sanctuary
Larry Anstett, pictured last October beside a deer that wandered onto his
property after being shot nearby, is disgusted with the amount of dying and
wounded deer he's discovered on his property during the recent hunting season.
He says hunters who fail to make a kill shot are responsible for the carnage
that creates unneccessary suffering for the animals.
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Post by Kjay »

We need some action but do not know what to do? Any ideas? Although I am a Wellington County hunter this could grow to proportions that all hunters would not want.

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Post by GREY OWL »

Well Kjay, I found the article very interesting and very true. This Anstett fellow, he makes a lot of sense, and I back what he says. He's not an anti hunter, but does post his land, which he has a right to. He's just pissed off that he finds wounded deer on his property through the hunting season. There are lots of so called hunters out there that should just stay home, or better yet, hit the archery range a little more.

Now if Anstett doesn't allow hunting on his property, guess what??, that's where all the deer go for safety, wounded or not. That's likely the reason he finds so many dead deer on his land. Whether he knows it or not, he could be contributing to the over population of deer in the area.

When I go deer hunting, I want the deadliest tool in my arsenal, which happens to be a Crossbow, Excalibur at that.

Grey Owl
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Post by Kjay »

I agree with you on that point but rumor has it that he is lobbying to ban archery hunting. Now that i do not agree with. Because a select few of uneducated and irresponsible hunters hunt in the surronding area of his property , and therefore he only sees the bad in what is going on. I my self am a responsible hunter, and still know that a deer can just as easily get away, from me or you, as it is to pull the trigger on that deer. And with that being said I for one will track that deer until i have put all efforts and resource out to harvest that particular animal. So it kind of pisses me off when some other uneducated person persecutes all ARCHERY hunters as a whole saying we are IRRESPONSIBLE. So I for one say that i am a RESPONSIBLE hunter as i can forsee that everyone on here could do the same.

My .02 cents, Fellas happy turkey season which is coming upon us,

personal opinion

Post by BUCKeYeHunter »

he has entirely too much time on his hands and wants attention.there's probably 200 deer on just less than 200 acres. like aforementioned,if i was a deer,that's the first place i'd run if someone was slinging arrows at me.deer are mighty quick and extremely jumpy during hunting season and it's not only the rookies i hear stories from at how a deer jumped or ducked an arrow even though they tried for a perfect shot............even at 20 yds. 50 people huntin around 200 acres and and you have 5 misplaced shots.........that only counts for 10 percent of the hunters(what is the percentage of deer taken compared to injured animals? 50-5?) would he let any of these hunters track across his property as according to law in his area?(no,his own private hunter gets to come pick it up) is there a law that says hunter must call landowner before tracking deer?(making up his own rules?) if he's spendin a bunch of money feeding and caring for these deer i'd imagine he'd feel somewhat attached and maybe even personally responsible for HIS pet deer........heck,that's probably deer hunter's heaven on the adjoining properties and jealousy could account for alot.tham's my deer and you can't have any.BLAH! that article is so controdictory and even quite biased.....maybe i'm biased,whatever,i'll stop babbling now.jm2cw.
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Post by Kjay »

I did not see the news tonite but a local news station (CKCO) had him on tv this evening and he is trying to get a ban on Archery hunting. I am not a total expert on this because i could not find very much info on the matter as of yet. Seems like some of the guys from no more about it than i do i have only read what was posted on there and searched the net for this propaganda like bs. Anyways seems like any type of publicity is bad publicity for hunters, so this is not good at all.
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Post by Kjay »

You guys have really got have a look at this, especially us who reside in the KW surrounding area, ontario and Canada for that matter. Maybe some of you agree with Irresponsible hunting, but i know for a fact that you guys enjoy archery hunting. Meaning that if you lost it, you guys would be quite pissed off, he is actually petitioning the Prime minister and apparently has the backing of both the Canadian and American Humane Societies. Guys come on now and have a look, this is worse than what i think most of you have thought.

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Post by LoneWolf »


Nobody here agrees with irresponsible hunting...

But you are right!...

It does sound scary, and I think maybe we should get some letters going here. It sounds like pretty serious stuff... I don't know how far they can get with this, and I'm not sure I want to find out either...

If they ban bow hunting then they're gonna target and ban firearm hunting next.
There are alot more irresponsible/slob firearm hunters than there are irresponsible/slob bow hunters. Unfortunately THEY make us ALL look bad!...

Ontario Trophy Bucks
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Post by Kjay »

K guys wake up, this is for real, ecalibur it is your lively hood, you guys it is a favorite past time, There is an aricle that headlines BAN BOW HUNTING, Wilmot man tells prime minister in the KW RECORD pg. B8 very top article, so guys, istead of just lookng at this posting say something. You guys are so adement about other stuff well now this should hit you hunting home fairly close. SO WAKE UP, Say something show some interest as bow hunters.
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Post by decee »

Tell Argo to get rid of him

My kid is not going to U of Waterloo ... ilcox.html
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Post by GREY OWL »

Now this story seems to be changing. When I first read what Anstett said it sounded like he wasn't blaming all Archery hunters, but rather the irresponsible ones. He said he had no problems with hunting, just the people shoting at long distances wounding animals. Nothing in his article said anything about banning archery. Now your saying his petitioning the Prime Minister's Office. After reading the first part of your post, it all made sense to me. In fact I totally agree with what Anstett said. Who wants to see deer wounded and injured. I agree there is slob hunters out there, and quite frankly they should not be hunting unless they have enough pratice with whatever weapon or tool their using, to make a quick humane kill. That's why I had my son shoot well over 1000 rounds with his .22 last summer to prepare him for his first deer hunt. Little Owl shot 3 deer with his open sight 30-30 rifle, dropping all three almost in their tracks, two of them were over 100 yards away. I would of never let him hunt with me unless he was fluent with his gun. In the article it says that a neighbour saw a couple of deer with an arrow sticking from its nose. I'd call bullshit on that one. We all know the power of an arrow shot either from a xbow or compound bow. It would have to be a very long shot to stay in a deer's nose. Both animals I shot with my Exomag made complete pass throughs.

But if you are right in saying he's trying to ban Archery hunting, then yes there is a legitimate concern, and should be watched closely. I really don't think it'll get to far. Deer have to be culled one way or another, if there's to many deer, then disease sets in and could wipe out the whole herd, and possibly go into livestock. Just come see whats happening here in Saskatchewan, with CWD. Anstett whether he knows it or not, may be doing more harm than good by not allowing more hunting on his land.

Grey Owl
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Post by Kjay »

I cannot locate the actual article on the net but it was in todays KW RECORD, on Pg. B8. Written by Cherri Greeno:

This is a dictation and not my own writing in any way or form.


A wilmot township man is calling on Canada's prime minister to ban bow hunting, an activity he describes as cruel and inhumane.

"There are too many animals that suffer too long," siad Larry Anstett, who owns 77 hectares (about 192) of land near the hamlet of haysville that he's dubbed the haysville Valley Deer Sanctuary.

In recent years Anstett and his neighbours have found deer corpses, deer with dangling, injured legs, and deer with arrows sticking out their heads and stomachs.

These deer are hunted with arrows on neighbouring properties during archery season, which runs from Oct. 1 to Dec 31. Many Deer That aren't hit in a vital organ run onto Anstett's property, where they die a slow death.

In the hopes of saving these deer; Anstett plans to send a letter to Prime Minister Paul Martin, asking that he "abolish bow hunting on the basis of cruelty to animals."

Robert Pye, communication coordinator for the Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters, disagrees with Anstett, calling bow hunting an 'excellent hunting method."

He said hunters are trained to hit vital organs such as the heart and lungs to ensure an instant kill. What Anstett is seeing on his property is unfortunate but is not common in the province, Pye says.

Instead, Pye said what is inhumane is the thousands of deer that die every year in car collisions. He said the deer population is growing steadily in southwestern Ontario.
Laura Simon, field director for an urban wildlife program for the Humane Society of the United States, said she'll be cheering on Anstett in his quest to ban bow hunting.

She described it as a primitive form of hunting that's "just not humane."
"It's very difficult to get a clean kill," she said.

All quoted word for word from the KW RECORD, Tuesday March 29/05, Pg. B8 top left corner article. This is an issue at hand.

someone listen dammit, quit just looking at the post, say something.
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Post by GREY OWL »

I can see your frustration Kjay. Don't let this character get you all riled up. Its really easy to see the personal agenda this guy has, with his photography of wildlife on his property. Robert Pye, communication coordinator of the Anglers and Hunters, has some very good points to make. I'm sure if this got big air time in the media, you'd see alot more politics coming into play. First he has to prove that it was archers that actually shot and wounded all those deer, and not just special interest groups sabotaging the good name of archery hunting.

I would like to truly help out, but not sure what I can do living 1500-2000 miles away. If you have a e-mail address, let us have it.

I really feel sorry for you Ontario guys, that have to put up with all these groups like P.E.T.A. anti-hunting organizations, that seemed to be based out of Toronto or Ottawa. P.E.T.A. did come here to Saskatoon with their message, it got absolutely no where. This is the biggest city in the province, (215,000) and I'm sure 175,000 come directly from the farms. When I was growing up on the farm, if you didn't hunt, well you were almost nothing. They were laughed out of town. But in big cities like T.O., Montreal, Vancouver, some residents there have a hard time telling the difference between a horse and a moose, and for hunting, well that's taboo.

Keep us informed what this joker Anstett does with his whining to the P.M. I'm sure Martin or his colleague's won't give him the time of day.

Grey Owl
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Post by LoneWolf »

I don't know about this, after doing a little checking into it I honestly really don't think this nonsense is gonna fly. Besides, there is way too much money to be lost by the government if they were to ban the archery hunt....

Let's not get all in a frenzy over this.

There are slob hunters everywhere, not only in Ontario. So what are they gonna do next??? ban bow hunting world wide???... I kinda have big dougts on that!...

With that said, as bow hunters we have to be sure to take only the high percentage shots on the game we hunt. The same can be said for firearm hunters for that matter...

Ontario Trophy Bucks
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Post by Kjay »

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