Brush Barriers for Deer

Crossbow Hunting

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Brush Barriers for Deer

Post by BryanOney »

In January we had one heck of an ice storm in northern Ohio. Worst ice I have seen in my 40 years. No power for 4 days, limbs down everywhere. Been going out to my stand sites getting limbs off my preferred deer trails to get deer to use them. I have read that a person can make brush piles to nudge deer closer to a treestand for a shot. In one spot I had a buck pass just out of range this year in a funnel. There was so many limbs laying around that I decided to make a 20 yd, 4 foot high brush pile to try to get deer to come my way. Anyone ever try this. Did it have much influence on getting deer to travel closer to your stand.
Woody Williams
Posts: 6440
Joined: Wed Oct 09, 2002 5:07 pm

Post by Woody Williams »

Yes, your idea has been around for at least seveal hundred years.

The native Americans used to do it for all kinds of animals.

I've blocked runs with limbs before to get the deer to use a different and more favorable (for me ;) ) run.
Woody Williams

We have met the enemy and he is us - Pogo Possum

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