new animal to hunt ????

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new animal to hunt ????

Post by GREYWOLF »

:?: :?: :?: Hard to belive , this this is the first I have heard about this ... 0000000001
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Post by LoneWolf »

How are you suppose to know if the cat your about to shoot is actually a feral cat ???

No thanks... I only shoot what I eat, and I don't eat cats!...

Besides, it's not my trip to go around hunting and shooting some poor kid's pet cat.
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Post by GonHuntin »


When a mouse invades your house and you trap you eat him too???

To many folks, varmints are like mice in your house......they MUST be delt with or they get out of control.......

Do you have ANY idea how many birds and other wildlife are killed each year by housecats??? The numbers are astonishing! I don't go around shooting housecats in people's yards.......but I kill every one I see in the field!!! Around here, we can have quail, rabbits and squirrels......or we can have cats running loose......personally, I prefer the quail, rabbits and squirrels and do my best to give them a fighting chance!!!

I have permission to hunt predators on 40,000 acres of ranch land.......I can't kill enough coyotes to make a dent in the, when they get out of control, the agriculture department send in gunners in helicopters to kill as many of the coyotes as they can.......of course, this costs the tax payers a bunch of money.....every coyote I kill saves the ranchers money and saves tax, I don't eat them, I don't even skin them.....and I don't feel any worse about that than you do for killing a mouse that you don't eat............

Think about it!
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Post by LoneWolf »


If I happen to have a mouse in my house my cat takes care of it and it gets flushed down the toilet, cause she won't even eat them...

I understand what you're saying, and I was just saying it wasn't my trip.

If they are a problem that have to be dealt with, that's fine and I don't have any problem with that.... It's just not me, that's all...
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Post by GonHuntin »

That's fine, but please don't judge other people who are only doing what they have to do to control a problem! Just because you chose to shoot only something you will eat doesn't make you morally superior to someone who doesn't follow your self imposed set of rules.......that is EXACTLY the same type of attitude crossbow hunters get from many other hunters! I may have interpreted your post wrong, if so, I apologize.......but I think if you go back and read what you will agree that it comes across as derogatory to anyone who doesn't happen to follow your idea of how things should be done...........
Last edited by GonHuntin on Wed Apr 13, 2005 11:29 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Herbinator »

Here's one for ya,

My in laws live on a nice 5 acre lot just outside Calgary. They have neighbors on one side who have at least 10 cats. In fact, they don't even know how many they have. They roam around the area killing all the birds, ducks and rabbits etc. The inlaws are getting older and enjoyed watching the wildlife from their porch. When they first bult the house a few years ago, there were only a couple cats around, but now there are lots! My mother in law wants to shoot them when they get on their property, but is afraid of getting in trouble. They have talked to the neighbors about it, but they don't care. What do you guys think? Should I lend them a rifle?

PS I haven't looked into the legality of any of this, just looking for opinions.
PPS I'm not a cat person...:wink:

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Post by stump »

Herbinator, I can empathize with your in-laws. Despite a bylaw against cats running free in my area of the city, my neighbour's cat has been killing baby rabbits and birds in my back yard for the last three years. I spoke to him about it, but he didn't do anything. I contemplated shooting the cat with a pellet or bb gun, just to dicourage it, but my wife was against it, and friends told me it wouldn't work anyway. I considered live trapping it, but then what do I do with the cat? One alternative that really appeals to me is to borrow a buddies dog that hates cats and has a habit of killing and half eating them. Then I think of my neighbour's kids and how much they love the cat. I don't know what I'm going to do, but I got my kids a West Highland White Terrier pup at Christmas, and I'm hoping he'll discourage the cat from visiting. He has no interest in killing any rabbits, all he loves is chase them. If that changes, I'll seal off the yard.
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Post by Shakky »

What bothers me about this problem with cats is that if a dog was causing half as much trouble there would be people shooting them left and right. Not to mention the by-law officers would be enforcing the laws and not looking the other way. I love it when people tell me they have an outside cat. This translates into I let my cat outside and have no idea what it is doing or where it is but I know that from time to time it will come home again. Just hope it isn't using your garden as a litter box or killing birds at your bird feeder.
I too think twice before I kill anything. If given a choice I would rather catch a cat and take it to the animal shelter then kill it. If this doesn't smarten up the owners then they leave you with no choice.
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Post by Herbinator »


So true! I like the idea of trapping the cats and dropping them off at the pound. That way, there is really no harm done and the neighbors will get the message. I just have to keep my mother in-law from getting her hands on them. She's crazy! There's no telling what she'll do!! :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Post by TYE »

I have a pet cat.... Lots of wildlife running around my backyard... :? Except the skunks buggered off. But that's a good thing. My cat actually got in a fight with another cat and his tail got prety beaten up, so half of it ended up falling off, hehe. He looks so funny now. Anyways... I have a pet rabbit also, but the rabbit lives inside the house 24/7. I actually forgot the whole point of me posting this.... oops, oh well... :oops:
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Post by Galgo »

A firend of mine had a similar problem he live trapped the cats and turned them into the humane society. It costs the ownewrs something like 40 bucks each time to get them out. That greatly reduced the number of roaming cats.

Hey TYE which half of your cats tail fell off :lol:

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Post by A.W »

Now that Toronto has expanded the use of "wet waste" (green bin)recycling the number of rats in the city has increased. Cats do keep the numbers of rats and mice down in the neighbourhood.

Exocet your options and exCalibur8 your sights.
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Post by LoneWolf »

Sorry, for not reponding before now, I just got back in from painting my signs to put up on the property.

You got a cat problem, let some fishers go. They'll do the job real quick in no time. We had a big porcupine problem down in our area and the MNR released a bunch of fishers to take care of the porcupines. Now there are no more porcupines (exept the odd one) and the cats are starting to thin out too, even the domestic cats are getting it...

BTW, my post wasn't to look down on any hunter, if it's legal then I don't have a problem with it what so ever. I don't hunt with guns cause I find it's too easy and not enough of a challenge for me, and it doesn't do anything for me when I harvest a deer with a gun . That doesn't mean I look down on, or think I'm better than hunters who choose to hunt with rifles/shotguns... Because I'm not!...

Ontario Trophy Bucks

Post by Spring »

I spend alot of time in treestands. From time to time I'll see a cat come through looking for songbirds and small rodents. I call it target practice. In fact, they are the only living thing I use for the purpose.

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Post by DOXNUT »

I hate to say "I'd shoot Cats!" But when it comes to mother-nature, I do my best to conserve everything . So if means removing a very strong, effective predator that is not suppose to be there......I guess I have no choose! This has become a problem due to animal owners, not evolution.

Yes, maybe it's cruel, but we can't just stand around and watch our fuzzy natural animal friends be over-taken by our mistakes.

SORRY, just my 2 cents.
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