Two Days, two deer, and a question.

Crossbow Hunting

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Two Days, two deer, and a question.

Post by Flinger »

Our season opened Saturday and it was my first time out with a crossbow. This is the first year that Virginia has allowed crossbows to be used excect for handicapped persons. Killed a big doe Sat. evening. She came in to an apple tree an hour before dark. She was close and I hit her a little high and backed off the trail. Found her Sunday morning. Shot another doe a few hours ago. Hunting the oaks this time. My eyes aren't what they used to be and I have a hard time seeing blood under a flashlight but finally unraveled the trail and found her. Got her dressed and hanging in a tree. Will get her out first thing in the morning. Now for the question. How do you guys hold your crossbow in a treestand if you can't hang it from a hook. I have found it to be rather awkward. I've hunted with a recurve for many years and it's totally different. Got to be a more comfortable way than what I'm doing. Thought maybe you guys would have the answer.
Deer Dave
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Post by Deer Dave »

I use an ole man climber, so I rest it across my lap or on the seat works well, or I hang it on a bow hook...

If you are hunting out of a loc on type stand , I could see it being more of a problem...with the weight and balance...the bow hook is your best bet.

Good Luck, Dave
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Post by striper »

I use a Summit climber and rest the broadhead end of my Exocet on the padded front rail and rest the butt on my lap. I can raise the bow into firing position with little effort and no noise. Striper
May your days be long and your hunts many. Pray that the God of the Bible will protect you as you go.

Post by curmudgeon »

Congrats on your kills.
I use a Northstarr climbing stand. If I don't hang it above me to my left (I'm right handed), I attached a couple of expanded hooks covered with rubber automotive hose on the right side of my treestand to hold my cocked Vixen.
These bolt thru the side of my treestand arm to hold my Xbow, it leans slightly outward to get the string away from my sitting position.
Easy to pick up without a lot of movement. Still waiting on that shot tho to try it out. Altho have practiced with it. I only slip my cable out from the left side
to attach it to a tree.
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