There Goes The Alaska Wildlife Refuge!!

Crossbow Hunting

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Sorry for not replying right away,Greyowl. I went to bed right after hitting the submit button. :D I am working on a drilling rig as a toolpush. Not really shift work,I have a office/livingquarters at the rig and stay 24 hrs/day for usually 3 to 6 weeks at a time. Depending on operations/problems at the rig,sometimes am up at odd hours. Just finished cementing casing in the ground last night!

Woody Williams
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Post by Woody Williams »

I also believe that when ANWR was originally set up there was a provision for oil exploration. Seems that got changed by the Dems..
Woody Williams

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Post by GREY OWL »

ALINALBERTA wrote:Sorry for not replying right away,Greyowl. I went to bed right after hitting the submit button. :D I am working on a drilling rig as a toolpush. Not really shift work,I have a office/livingquarters at the rig and stay 24 hrs/day for usually 3 to 6 weeks at a time. Depending on operations/problems at the rig,sometimes am up at odd hours. Just finished cementing casing in the ground last night!

Seriously thinking about heading up to Fort Mac., ta make some real money. Buddy of mine says their screaming for warm bodies to work. I could make 2 1/2 times my present salary. These labour problems at work are pissing me off. Anyway........... nice talking to you. I'm leaving in half an hour with my son to go Whitetail hunting.

Grey Owl
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Good luck Greyowl,hope you get one of those monster Sask. whitetails! And yes,I can vouch for a labour shortage in AB. right now. Experienced workers are impossible to find for any of the trades and anything patch related. :evil:

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Post by Woodsman »

Republican = anything for a lousy buck $$$. :roll:

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Post by A.W »

U.S. Senate blocks Alaska oil drilling plan News Staff

Republicans in the U.S. Senate were unable Wednesday to overcome Democrat objections to oil drilling in Alaska's Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.

The drilling provision, which was included as part of a defence budget bill, was passed earlier this week by the U.S. House of Representatives.

However, Senate Republicans could not garner enough votes to end a threatened filibuster by Democrats and some moderate Republicans.

Supporters of the bill needed 60 votes to avoid cut-off the Democrats' threatened filibuster of the bill. The vote was 56-44 and Republican leaders in the Senate are now expected to re-introduce the bill without the drilling provision.

U.S. President George Bush has made the Alaska drilling proposal one of his top energy priorities in his bid to decrease reliance on the Middle East.

Canada has strongly opposed the plan, saying it would disrupt caribou herds that migrate through the Yukon to the refuge.

Oil companies have estimated there are about 16 billion barrels of oil under the tundra -- enough to replace about 30 years' worth of Middle East oil imports.

Protection of the Alaska refuge from oil companies has been championed by environmentalists for years. ... ling051221

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