Crossbow Hunting

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Post by Xring »

"Only when they pry my cold dead fingers from around ....." well you know the rest of the story.
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Post by BigUgly »

What a joke.Just another case of big city politics affecting ruralites like myself. If half these people ever saw what guns can do first hand like hunters there would be alot more respect for them. This is only my view.
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Post by Shakky »

The real problem is the average Canadian is not informed when it comes to the gun laws in this country. Lets face it, they watch American TV and think we have similar gun laws here. They see people getting killed in the street and when their leaders come up with a solution they jump on board. I have people asking me if I use a hand gun when I go deer hunting! Now the big talk is about the shootings in Toronto. Everytime someone mentions it to me I mention the gun registry and the billion and a half blown. I point out how many additional cops could we put out on the street with that money. We could tighten our borders to keep the handguns from coming across and maybe even set up some social programs for young people to try and give them some hope. You could even build more jails if thats what it takes. That would make too much sence lets just blame the legal gun owner.
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Post by A.W »

"I mention the gun registry and the billion and a half blown."

............and rising.

Exocet your options and exCalibur8 your sights.
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