C ' Mere?

Crossbow Hunting

Moderator: Excalibur Marketing Dude

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Post by BOB7255KHZ »

OK on the seeds, I'm sure they would work if everything else would leave those tasty seeds for the deer. My dad put out some sort of seed block.....looked like every kind of seed known to man was in it, sealed in a molasses hard block.
Well just about every critter was on it in no time....coons, possums, chipmunks etc.....then the blue jays, doves.... everything was there. It only lasted a few days.....the deer never had a chance at it.
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Post by crazyfarmer »

the only way I could see a nice buck showing was if a doe in heat was coming there at lick it. Then he would be with her. Where its doe, bucks shouldnt be far off
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cmere dere

Post by silentdeath »

i used it last year. worked great mixed up 5 gal inwater soked acorns in it and in 2 days it was all eaten up by deer.
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Post by pdislow »

last year i did a little experimenting with shelled corn.
when shelled corn was put next to shelled corn with molasses the molasses coated corn was eaten first.

when shelled corn, shelled corn soaked in water 3 days or more, and shelled corn soaked in salt water 3 days or more were placed side by side, the salt soaked corn was eaten first, then soaked corn , then dry. the racoons ate a lot of it as did birds and rabbits and squirrels. the area also became a favorite of owls late afternoon. but the big 8 pointer showed up between 0030 and 0130. someone already stated they didn't get old by being stupid. that was in s.e. north carolina
thanks philip
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