OT--The Law . . .USA

Crossbow Hunting

Moderator: Excalibur Marketing Dude

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Post by Country »

That's interesting about how the minorities are going to overrun us sometime soon. I thought that was only happening in the states but you Canucks are faceing the same thing. I don't know what that will mean for all of us. Will we end up being taxed to death? Will our governments, police departments, and public institutions end up corrupt like those in Mexico and South America? I think a lot of us see the future as being some what bleak and don't want to bring offspring in to the world to have to go through the chaos and tribulation the future will surely bring. Global warming, draughts, war, over population, food shortages, the bomb. I worry about my son and what he will have to face in the future along with his children if he has any. The writing is on the wall even if we managed to stop immigration today. I hate to say it but mother nature needs to step in with a pandemic like the bird flue or plague.
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Post by sumner4991 »

Country . . .interesting view. I read where the fall of all democracies comes at a time where the people figure out they can pay themselves(via the vote), then the government crumples. You are right, basically they tax themselves to death.
I'd rather wear out than rust out.
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Post by Country »

Just had a discussion around the coffee table with my co-workers. The general consensus was that we didn't pay our polititians enough to attrack the really good people. They have a point in that a football coach not to mention the players make a ton more money then our representatives. The Pres I think makes something like $225,000 a year. I don't know how much a CEO of a major company makes but it's a lot more then that. Until were ready to pony up the bucks, expect more of the same.
There is a Will Rogers quote that I like and it is: Presume every polititian is a crook unles proven otherwise.
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Post by navaman »

research the North American Union (NAU). globalist are working hard to make Canada, United States, and Mexico into one union. it appears to be harmless but there would no longer be any soviergnty of any of our nations. politicians and corporations wouls have absolute power and authority over the people. will it happen in our lifetime? in our children's lifetime? only they know for sure. it's why i choose to place my confidence in the Almighty (the God of my understanding) because only He can give the strength, courage and peace to live through the frightening times that ARE coming. anyone who puts their faith, in family, posessions, money or their own abilities are going to become as a shell-shocked and weary soldier. we must look to that Power that is greater than ourselves in order to do the things we must for ourselves and our families survival.

ok. i'm off my soapbox now. you guys probaly won't see me around for a little while because of all the preparations i got to do so that i can get my business re-located etc. etc. but feel free to e-mail if you wish. this is one of the greatest forums (and i'm a member of a few of them) i've been a part of. it is because of the good men and women here that i took my first trophy and took it with a crossbow at that. everyone of you are a blessing to new guys who want to get into the world of crossbows and crossbow hunting. :D :D :D
"Be on the alert,stand firm in the faith,act like men, be strong."
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Post by sumner4991 »

Country . . .it's insane, the amount of money a good CEO makes, even a bad CEO. Same goes for the professional athlete, of which most would not qualify for a ditch digging job outside of sports. Just because a group of guys are over paid, doesn't mean we should over pay the next group. However, that is the logic behind our current events . . .then we raise the minimun wage to help the poor folks keep up with inflation. It's a faulty circle. Not sure it can be fixed.

Navaman . . .good luck on the move. I hate moving. You are right about looking toward the Almighty for the strength to carry on and do what we must. The problem I've seen is too many folks are expecting the Almighty to do the job for us . . .that will not happen. We must do the work . . .God will help, but will not do the job for us.

Maybe we should add a rule about politics and religion in the same post. :D
I'd rather wear out than rust out.
Perception trumps intention.

2006 Exomax w/Agingcrossbower Custom Stock
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Post by saxman »

AHMEN.can I say that?

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