Problem with Slick Tricks

Crossbow Hunting

Moderator: Excalibur Marketing Dude

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Post by Cossack »

Mine are tight both 1" and magnaums, on Gold Tip and Beman shafts. I do use a BH wrench to tighten them down against the metal washer. But, given how well they shoot and their terminal performance I care less if they played a tune in flight. Seriously, have you tried disassembling them and changing the order of where the blades go?
It could be the insert of the shaft you're using. Is the heavy part of the BH shaft ( next to the threaded part) bottoming out before the shaft is fully into the insert? I'd try drilling the insert hole (just a bit) deeper to see if that makes a difference.
If none of these make a difference then you may indeed have gotten a bad batch.
Ben S.
Posts: 498
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Post by Ben S. »

Yes Cossack,I've tried numerous times to disassemble the blades and change the order of the blades and the slots. I'll just keep fooling around with them. I still have not heard back from the company. They still fly great. I think I'm 10 for 10 with them and almost all the deer fell within sight. I'm going to check to see if it is an insert problem although they seem to tighten down fine. Thanks to all for your help.
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