Out of hospital

Crossbow Hunting

Moderator: Excalibur Marketing Dude

Grizzly Adam
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Post by Grizzly Adam »

Good news! :D Glad you're out of the hospital and safe at home, Ray. Take care of yourself. :D
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Post by Esox »

I'll join the choir and say "I'm very glad you're OK and hope you get better soon".... But I'm adding..... so you can go after those low life son-of-a-guns!!!....

I remember the trouble you had with your lease this year and how they showed their true stripes in the way they treated the property owner, and now these selfish, dirtbags are still in the picture.. They're the kind that give "all hunters" bad press.... They showed no respect for anybody, or anyone else's property in the past and continue to do it now. It'll only be a matter of time before it'll happen in the near future...And you're absolutely right, this could've turned out horrible... What's next with these clowns.... They need to be caught and I really hope you nail them...

Let us know what we can do to help.. You have a lot of friends on this website and I'm sure that we can get a lot of support together to make sure you and your family get to enjoy hunting safely... Just let us know what you need....

God Bless ...
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Post by flbuckmaster »

glad you are safe and warm Ray, I will send you photos of 4 wheelers the guys down here use to hunt from. We got to get you off your feet or this could happen again.
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Post by mikew »

I'm glad you're feeling better & safe!

Be careful out there, no matter what you're doing.

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