It's noisy in the woods

Crossbow Hunting

Moderator: Excalibur Marketing Dude

Mike P
Posts: 2091
Joined: Thu Nov 21, 2002 9:58 pm

Post by Mike P »

That indeed is a savage boar squirrel that Grizz was so kind to post. It is best when confronted by boars like this to lie on your stomach and put your hands clasped together over the back of your neck and play dead until they go away.

I thought about replying and asking how many of us would fess up to putting a broadhead into a squirrel and pinning him to the side of a tree. We have little monuments all over our farm where Becker has pinned squirrels to trees. It gets really gruesome the following year when all the flesh is gone and the arrow is holding just a skeleton to the tree.

Becker might not kill a lot of whitetail bucks, but he is "lights out" with his exocet on tree rats.
Grizzly Adam
Posts: 5701
Joined: Fri Aug 04, 2006 8:36 pm
Location: Decatur County, Indiana

Post by Grizzly Adam »

I agree with y'all that it is a neat picture ... but please note (as I plainly stated in the original post) that the shot and the pic was my brother Eric's work.

He lives in southern Indiana. We don't have fox squirrels here where I live.

I'll tell Klem that you like his pic, though! :D :wink:
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