Best boots for still hunting?

Crossbow Hunting

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Post by Pydpiper »

I wear a pair with the "Winchester" name on them, my wife bought them last year somewhere. It is a big boot, zipper up the side and waterproof right to the top, which I need and enjoy.
I think they were fairly inexpensive, I wear Redhead lifetime socks on in them and my feet are warm and dry if I am sitting or walking. What I thought was kinda cool about them is they have small hard rubber studs on the bottom, the are recessed until the boot hits the freezing mark, then the studs protrude and give great traction on snow and ice. I have however ripped a few off on the footrest of the quad, but the idea was neat.
I would recommend them from a price standpoint, but they are heavy and pretty bulky so I am in the market for something new too.
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Post by chris4570 »

I have a pair of Lacrosse Alpha Burly 800gm. Very comfortable for walking. Good height on them for walking through flooded timber, puddles, etc Good feel as well. Unfortunately they only lasted two seasons before both boots had holes in them, up around the ankles. I still have them, and use them if I intend on hunting drier areas.

I purchased a pair of Lacrosse Burlys ATS this summer. 1200 gm thinsulate. They are a little heavier and of different construction than the Alpha Burlys. But I think they are more ruggedly built. I have no problem walking miles in them.

For still hunting the Alpha Burlys would be my first choice, so long as they don't fall apart.
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Post by sipsey »

LaCrosse Alpha series---i use the ones with the least insulation--1 size larger---when cold enough room for extra socks--when not i can walk for miles in the swamp with them--used em for years
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Post by Cossack »

Boots that leave no scent behind are best. This pretty much means knee high rubber.
I've been using ribber boots too. But, read an article recently that they actually INCREASE human scent by causing the feet to sweat more, ergo bacteria, odor etc..
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Post by Hoss »

Alpha burleys is what i use got a size bigger and I wear thick socks...when it gets cold I take the insert out that comes with the boots and wear 2 pair of socks..NO cold feet for me..TRICK #213 keep your head bundled up when it gets cold .your body will pipe more blood to your head trying to keep it warm and toes and fingers get cold..those warm throw away shake up bags only work if they can feed off fresh air..if you put them in a boot with no ciculation they will not work well..
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