scentlok-does it work?

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Post by B-Logger »

Here we go again!!!! It appears that either you like or believe in the Scent lok or you think it is a farce.

For quite some time after this stuff came out I thought it was nothing but a gimmick. However, I decided to do some experimenting with it. I'll try to list some things along with sort of answering some of the other posts.

1. Does it work?

Yes.....partially. Like Crazy Farmer stated, if it just gives you that little extra, then it is worth it.

I'll also add that I believe the most important article is the face mask.

The best way I can say from experimenting is that I have one stand that is a bugger to hunt because of swirling wind. I'll shorten the discussion by just saying that I've found I can not hunt that stand without Scent-lok. If I wear the Scent-lok, I can hunt it no matter what the wind is. Yes, many times they do detect that something is wrong or they must detect a slight smell, but I've never had them bolt out of there. Many times deer have been directly under me or 10 yards or less in front of me.

I've also experimented with the Scent-lok in my rifle deer blind. Without it, I get picked off if they go downwind of me. With Scent-lok, I just do not get picked off. It must work.

2. The tracking hound.

Like crazyfarmer stated; I doubt you could fool a tracking hound. Besides, it would depend a lot on the footwear and even though you have scent blocking clothing on, there is still some exposed skin. It does not give you 100% protection and the only ones I've heard this from is the non-believers.

3. What about the farts?

I actually posed this question directly to Scent-lok and got a decent answer from them. In the case of a fart, it is ejected with pressure and therefore the clothing can not block 100% of it. Or it was something along that line; it's been a long time since I asked them but I do recall at the time that I was satisfied. Apparently this was the first time someone had asked that question of them.

4. What about that lying science?

All the articles I've read pretty much states that they are trying to prove Scent-lok wrong. That is not what science does! Science does not try to prove anything.

Cutting this short, one either uses Scent-lok and believes it helps (not 100%) or he thinks it is bull. The nay-sayers really crack me up with their so-called facts and fables. The best thing is to get some and try it.....with no pre-conceived notions. None of the junk about trying to change anyone's mind. Just have an open mind. Then go from what you experience. Also, it must be tried more than one time and you still must be very careful how you dress, wash, hunt, etc.

I shower every time before hunting. I get my hunting clothing out of the plastic tote where they have been stored and then get the Scent-lok out of it's separate container. I then put the boots on and spray them. I then spray my safety belt and any other equipment. It works for me.
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Post by B-Logger »

One thing I forgot to add.

With the face mask, I find that I can not use it more than 3 hunts before putting it through the drier. If they are long hunts then I cut it to 2 times. Any more and the deer definitely pick me off more.
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Post by DirtyGun »

B-Logger wrote:4. What about that lying science?

All the articles I've read pretty much states that they are trying to prove Scent-lok wrong. That is not what science does! Science does not try to prove anything.

So, you're saying that the scientific hypothesis and all of the experimentation that follows is just for giggles? The main purpose of scientific experimentation is to find scientific fact and the fact is, carbon reactivation can not take place in your standard household clothes dryer and futher that, the carbon would already be so saturated when you purchase the clothing that it would be useless in terms of odour absorption in the first place.

If you can prove to me that carbon can be reactivated in the temperatures produced by your standard household clothes dryer, than I might begin to believe the whole Scent Lok ruse. Until such time, the science they claim to be behind the product is a total farce.

Do some research on carbon reactivation. Forget about all the clothing companies that claim to have it mastered so a process that requires extreme heat and technology can be simplified down to a household dryer and do some research on carbon reactivation alone. You'll see where Scent Lok (and other companies of its ilk) fail in their claims.

If they do, in fact, have carbon reactivation mastered, they'd be far richer companies than they have become by simply stroking the male ego...better shave...faster car...bigger peni$...bigger buck.
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Post by DuckHunt »

Without ScentLok I bagged a 9-point and a 7-point in 2007. With ScentLok I bagged an 8-point and another 8-point in 2008.

Did it make a difference? Not really. How I hunted and the wind direction made far more difference than any scent containment.

I agree with Mike P. I think using the proper camo pattern for the surroundings is more important than scent containment. If they can see you from 150 yards it doesn't matter what you smell like.

Mossy Oak New Breakup is a fine example of a camo pattern that is just too dark for my area. It has way too much black in it. Ditto for Advantage Timber. I prefer something more like Realtree Hardwoods HD Green for early bow season or Grey for all around use.

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Post by groundpounder »

I don't use it and never have. Will I ever....? I do like watching hunting shows from time to time but the main thing I hate about ALL of them is the commercialization of them. You can start watching a program in the middle and figure out who their sponsors are by shows end. And you know they couldn't have done it without them :? One of the largest deer I have taken I shot from the ground at 40 yards undetected. I had just come straight from work when I worked in the machine shop. Hadn't changed my navy blue uniform or my oil soaked work boots either :wink: Isn't the saying "I'd rather be good any day"
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Post by dlzinck »

1. I am a member of team PETA (People Eating Tasty Animals) and therefor will not eat salads for a month before I hunt.

2. I cannot stop my farts

3. If scent lock would contain my farts and release them when I got home, I could never go home.

I read somewhere (I cannot remember where, nor do I stand behind these numbers) that a hound dog can pick up scent approximately 5000 times better than humans. Deer were rated in the same article at 10,000 times. For the sake of argument, lets assume that is true. Since I can smell myself sometimes (on really bad days :shock: ) I assume deer can smell me from VERY far of on really good days.

Our only advantage is the wind and height because I can't find a shoot through camo bubble at Cabelas. If you can't play either of those cards. You don't have a chance. Just my humble opinion.

On the other hand. If scent lock gives you more confidence, then you will probably be a better hunter because of it.

Good hunting!!
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Post by B-Logger »

DirtyGun wrote:
B-Logger wrote:4. What about that lying science?

All the articles I've read pretty much states that they are trying to prove Scent-lok wrong. That is not what science does! Science does not try to prove anything.

So, you're saying that the scientific hypothesis and all of the experimentation that follows is just for giggles? The main purpose of scientific experimentation is to find scientific fact and the fact is, carbon reactivation can not take place in your standard household clothes dryer and futher that, the carbon would already be so saturated when you purchase the clothing that it would be useless in terms of odour absorption in the first place.

If you can prove to me that carbon can be reactivated in the temperatures produced by your standard household clothes dryer, than I might begin to believe the whole Scent Lok ruse. Until such time, the science they claim to be behind the product is a total farce.

Do some research on carbon reactivation. Forget about all the clothing companies that claim to have it mastered so a process that requires extreme heat and technology can be simplified down to a household dryer and do some research on carbon reactivation alone. You'll see where Scent Lok (and other companies of its ilk) fail in their claims.

If they do, in fact, have carbon reactivation mastered, they'd be far richer companies than they have become by simply stroking the male ego...better shave...faster car...bigger peni$...bigger buck.

Nowhere did I say anything about giggles.

Many times you will find differences between what science says is correct and what actually works in the field. Sort of like theory and practice.

I do not need to know the science of this thing at all. All I need to know is does it work in the field or not. If it least partically, then I'll use it. If it makes no difference, then I'll just not buy it. For me, it has worked more times than it has failed. Therefore, I'll use it. When it stops working, I'll quit using it. Or maybe something better will come along.

I suppose the new Scent Dust would fall into your scientific category too, but I am going to experiment with it anyway. Thank you.
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Post by DirtyGun »

B-Logger wrote:
DirtyGun wrote:
B-Logger wrote:4. What about that lying science?

All the articles I've read pretty much states that they are trying to prove Scent-lok wrong. That is not what science does! Science does not try to prove anything.

So, you're saying that the scientific hypothesis and all of the experimentation that follows is just for giggles? The main purpose of scientific experimentation is to find scientific fact and the fact is, carbon reactivation can not take place in your standard household clothes dryer and futher that, the carbon would already be so saturated when you purchase the clothing that it would be useless in terms of odour absorption in the first place.

If you can prove to me that carbon can be reactivated in the temperatures produced by your standard household clothes dryer, than I might begin to believe the whole Scent Lok ruse. Until such time, the science they claim to be behind the product is a total farce.

Do some research on carbon reactivation. Forget about all the clothing companies that claim to have it mastered so a process that requires extreme heat and technology can be simplified down to a household dryer and do some research on carbon reactivation alone. You'll see where Scent Lok (and other companies of its ilk) fail in their claims.

If they do, in fact, have carbon reactivation mastered, they'd be far richer companies than they have become by simply stroking the male ego...better shave...faster car...bigger peni$...bigger buck.

Nowhere did I say anything about giggles.

Many times you will find differences between what science says is correct and what actually works in the field. Sort of like theory and practice.

I do not need to know the science of this thing at all. All I need to know is does it work in the field or not. If it least partically, then I'll use it. If it makes no difference, then I'll just not buy it. For me, it has worked more times than it has failed. Therefore, I'll use it. When it stops working, I'll quit using it. Or maybe something better will come along.

I suppose the new Scent Dust would fall into your scientific category too, but I am going to experiment with it anyway. Thank you.
Well, you did state that science doesn't set out to prove anything, when in fact, the Scientific Model cosists of Characterizations, a Hypothesis, Predictions, Experimentation and a CONCLUSION.

Without a proper controlled environment, nothing can be proven. Trials 'in the field' are left to chance and luck and there are too many variables to allow for a formal conclusion of whether the garments work.

What may seem to work one day may not work the next and the supposed conclusion that is reached will mainly be affected by wind direction, humidity, terrain, height of the hunter, sunlight hitting the ground, etc...the list goes on and on and on. This is where these companies have succeeded. They have captured footage when the right circumstances have favoured them and they have attributed the success to the garments, when they most likely had nothing to do with it in the first place due to the inability of the carbon within the clothing to do what they say it does, which is proven by scientific fact.

If it makes you feel better to wear them, then go for it. Placebos are used in many clinical trials and it has even been proven that they can 'trick' the human mind into thinking that they work in some cases. Logic and scientific fact just state that the garments that are of discussion here have a lot in common with the aforementioned placebos. They're just all flare and marketing with no actual substance.
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Post by whateverworks »

Soooooo, these hunting bubbles,,,,would they be made out of a material like the shoot through mesh in ground blinds? 'Cause really you'd have to shoot through them right? Unless they had sliding windows.
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Post by crazyfarmer »

i may have to look into these hunting bubbles more now.. would be nice if you could pull one out of your pocket, fold it out, step inside, and pull a string and it inflates around you. Now you have the typical hand pockets like scientists use at labs to hold your weapon outside the bubble

heck with scent lok.. bubble lok is the new scent lok :lol:
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Post by B-Logger »

Just one more word and that is enough.

Science never tries to prove anything. If you set out to prove something then you are working on a theory.

These so-called experts who have tried to prove why Scent-lok won't work have gone on the idea that this stuff completely blocks scent. It does not, so there was nothing for them to prove in the beginning. What I go on is practical experience and that experience tells me that it does work to a certain extent. Certainly not the 100% these people are thinking.

No harm. Still friendly.
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Post by Woody Williams »

It will probbaly work the first one or two times you wear it.

After that the carbon is satuarated and all you have is plain old camo..

No, a clothes drier does not recharge it..
Woody Williams

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Post by DirtyGun »

Woody Williams wrote:It will probbaly work the first one or two times you wear it.

After that the carbon is satuarated and all you have is plain old camo..

No, a clothes drier does not recharge it..'s already saturated at the store. :lol:
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Post by Shotnbeer »

I believe if you have the wind right doen't matter what you smell like. :)
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Post by Limbs and Sticks »

I've never bought any thing to cover my scent, not trapping nor hunting, rubber boots help, I saw where higher up helps, wrong, thermals work like this when temp is rising the thermals rise, when temp starts to drop so does the thermals, so being high dosn't help either, the only thing camo is good for is bird hunting, I've killed deer covered in bright orange, blue jeans and a tea shirt and each time the wind was in my favor play the wind and your a winner,

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