Kwikie Quiver top mounted

Crossbow Hunting

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Joined: Fri Sep 05, 2014 12:48 pm

Re: Kwikie Quiver top mounted

Post by nyexhunter »

nyexhunter wrote:
Just one question regarding safety.
In the very extremely improbable chance that the bolt did not launch correctly and went in an upwards trajectory before getting past the stirrup, wouldn't hitting the quiver cause a potentially hazardous situation?

No, the point or broadhead is already positioned past the quiver and the arrow retainer prevents any potential upwards trajectory.
Thanks for the explanation. Maybe I'm a little too cautious after seeing some crazy things happen over the course of 30 years or so with vertical bows at the indoor range. Quite a few years ago I had the upper limbs blow up on an Oneida Eagle bow (engineered recurve with cables running through the riser). The arrow hit the pins on my sight and somehow made it through downrange, however, I felt real lucky I did not get injured.

When I was researching to buy a crossbow, I went to Cabelas in Buffalo, NY and the store employee did not push the bolt far enough back in to seat it properly and the guy in front of me had a partial dry fire and the bolt launched above the target.

The possibility of a string breaking, nock insert coming off, or the bolt doing something crazy, after I pull the trigger is probably more than one in a million. Even so, I want to be completely sure that if something does break loose, that it flies forward unimpeded and does not have a chance of hitting something close to me and bouncing back.

Thanks for showing me the option of a top mount, I will stick to the Excalibur provided set up below the rail and take my quiver off when I get to my stand or for target practicing.
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