Disapointment & confusion sets in

Crossbow Hunting

Moderator: Excalibur Marketing Dude

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Joined: Tue Sep 12, 2006 4:12 pm
Location: Michigans Thumb Area

Post by deerman »

Hey sorry to hear of your shoulder. My dad of 83 years old fell and hit his shoulder on the cement curb and it shattered his entire right shoulder. He had to have a complete shoulder replacement and now he is doing great. My brother works for a major hospital in the south west and he informed my dad that there are 3 levels of quality in the material that makes up these artifical shoulders,hips,knees ect. MAKE sure you request the top level replacement hardware otherwise you will be back in for another replacement in 10-15 years. Your young,,so get the best. Good luck and take care;Deerman.
Constitution states "That all power is inheret in the people:that ...it is their right & duty to be at all times armed"...Thomas Jefferson 1824.
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Post by mikej »

whats wrong with dog hunters???
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