Five Dead, 3 Hurt in Wis. Hunting Dispute

Crossbow Hunting

Moderator: Excalibur Marketing Dude

Mighty Mooser
Posts: 309
Joined: Tue Sep 09, 2003 9:30 pm
Location: Lunenburg, On

Post by Mighty Mooser »

It never ceases to amaze me how one idiot can ruin something that we enjoy. I would never hunt with someone like that, and the story said he was hunting with 2 buddies and got lost. I am sorry If my buddy was a wee bit deranged he wouldn't even get to camp to clean dishes. One year while up moose hunting I met some other guys from the home territory, but after having a few beer with them, and seeing the one guy smoking joints like they were candy, I asked the question to the others in the gang. You hunting with him, and they replied yes and said they would only hunt with him if he smokes to joints getting out of bed iin the morning. Apparently he does this every day, and if he didn't he would shoot at sounds etc. I asked which direction they were going, because I did not want to be in rifle distance of this idiot. Ironic or not he was the one that got the moose for their gang. I took him 9 shots at 50 yards and he originally shot it in the hoof, and then once in the vitals on the ninth shot. Never seen him again since, and hope he is jail or rehab!!!
When you whack them you better stack them!!!

Post by brayhaven »

Shemp wrote:There should be much stiffer fines for people tresspassing on private property. ( especially with a firearm ).

The excuse that they didn't realise this was private property should not be a factor for tresspassers ( as it is their responsibility to know where they are ) especially when you are handling a firearm as the possibilities for bad things to happen are endless. ..... .

In Florida we have pretty stiff penalties for "malicious tresspass" which involves carrying a gun or any item which indicates you intend to remove something from the property. The penalties can involve jail, heavy fines. (<$10K) loss of weapons & vehicle. As opposed to simple tresspass where you have no weapon etc. Proper posting must be done so there is no question, the property IS private.

Post by cdngunner »


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