Wheres the old timers?

Crossbow Hunting

Moderator: Excalibur Marketing Dude

Posts: 2640
Joined: Wed Oct 09, 2002 8:43 pm
Location: Ontario Canada

Re: Wheres the old timers?

Post by Tom »

I guess you could call me an OldTimer. I was one of the few that came to this version of the Excalibur Forum from the older version. Believe me, what a change, it was like going from a cheap Chinese crossbow straight to an Excalibur. I too have seen many members come and go. Some people, like I did, was take an extended period of time away from here. Since I came back, I mostly sit back and let others reply to the threads and questions. I guess it is like passing the torch to the newer members and helping new blood and ideas get into the forum. I still voice my opinion when I feel that it needs to be said. I have hunted with crossbows for over 30 years, yes even before Excalibur, but I still use their Original Relayer. Safety is very important to me so if I see or read something that might lead to a safety issue, I SPEAK UP NO MATTER WHAT ANYONE THINKS OF ME. Not one person needs to learn the hard way and get hurt when there are people around that can teach them the right way.

Now about the Forum. It is a great collection of people and minds from around the world. The trouble is, that people from different parts of the world, even just different parts of your State, County or Province can interpret your words to mean something totally different than what they were meant to mean. That is just a difference of a way of life. Do we all have to agree with someone's opinion, HECK NO!!!!! That is what makes this a great site, so many different opinions and ideas for you as a member to decide for yourself what you want to use or try.

So go ahead and voice your opinion on their ideas BUT never is it acceptable for any one person to attack a person personally Not every person is going to like all members here, so if you do not like that person, either ignore them or voice an opinion different then their thoughts and let others choice their own opinion from the idea put forth in front of them. But LEAVE PERSONAL ATTACKS OUT OF THE FORUM!!!!!!

It is up to us, the members here to keep this site just like it has been and I hope will be for a long time to come. A self moderating site are few and far on the internet, but it is here and we can help keep it that way.
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