Sarah did good

Crossbow Hunting

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Sarah did good.

Post by jaybird »

Unless anything has been changed,it is the Congress that is in charge of spending. The Congress creates the bills, then sends the approved bills to the Senate for their approval, then to the President to sign off on. As far as I know, the Democrats have control of both the Congress and Senate. And between the Congress and Senate they load most bills with PORK. Now if the President vetoed every bill that had PORK,the government would get nothing done; so he must sign off on bills just to keep things going.
Having pointed this out, it is both parties that have contributed to the situation we are now in.
What is needed are term limits for Congress and Senate and something that President Bush #41 asked for but didn't get was a line item veto.
There is no reason that someone should be able to make a career being in Congess or the Senate,give them 2 terms in each and then out in the public sector to earn a real living. If it wasn't such a cushy job they would not keep running for reelection.
If Nobama and Biden get in they will try to bring back Clinton's gun and ammo bans and that will be just a start.If you recall, it was Ted Kennedy that introduced Nobama at the 2004 DNC convention.This being a hunting website, I cannot see any reason to vote for them if I want to continue with my favorite sport of hunting. McCain is a fisherman and Palin is both a hunter and fisherman so I'll be voting for them.
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