Crossbow Hunting

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Post by GREYWOLF »

:( :( Well I just got up after a very bad and scarry day in the woods , I am allergic to bee's !!! and after a 2 mile walk into my best area with a climber and other stuff on my back I just hapend to ,step on a ^%^$% wasp nest, they hit me twice in the neck , 2 times in the arm, and 2 times in the face. Neadless to say I new I was screwed because I had left my EPI KIT in the car. I droped every thing in some brush and started to take a short cut to some RR track's which would shave some time off my return to the car and the drug's i needed! I was moving at a very fast pace and my blood preasure was realy going up ,and the faster I went the more the toxin's sped thru my blood stream and making it even harder to get air into my lungs. I realy got scared when I didn't see any land marks I knew on my so called SHORT CUT ! I was lost and in my panic state I had gone farther into the woods , than out. This is something I hope I never go thru again. I took a compass bearing and headed straight out to my car thru swamp , pricker's , brush at full steam . And in about 15 minutes I hit the RR tracks about a 1/4 from my car. I felt a little better seeing familiar land marks , but I new I still was in deep trouble , The hives had my eyes almost closed and every breath was a strugle . It is still blury but I made it to the car and got 2 pills in my mouth and with some water was able to some how get them down my almost closed throut, hit my self in the leg with the EPI pen . after about an hour I was able to drive to a hospital to get checked out . 6hours later now I still feel like crap but I am still here !! If any of you guy's don't get along with those BEE'S dont make the same mistake I did , you may not be able to wright about it if you do!! I cant wait till the first frost !! GREYWOLF
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Post by TYE »

Wow, glad to know you'll be okay now :) I got nailed by one of those buggers mowing the lawn a month ago.....
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Post by Evan »

I got nailed on the back of my hand when wasps built a nest inside the driver's rear view mirror housing on my pickup. I didn't know it at the time. I climbed in my truck one day, rolled down the window and this wasp appeared out of nowhere and stung me. It took a while to figure out what was going on. After I got stung I had sharp pains going up my arm the rest of the morning. I guess I'm not allergic to them but it sure was painful. I waited until dark, had my wife hold a garbage bag over the mirror housing, poked a small hole in it with my knife, and let them have it with wasp killer. It was a pretty large nest. My wife also got stung when wasps built a nest under the railing of our above ground swimming pool. And day before yesterday we got rid of a huge nest in one of our birdhouses and another under the roof overhang of my utility shed. The wasps have been really bad this year. Strange because it's been so dry this summer in NE Illinois. Maybe they like this hot dry weather.

Glad to hear you're going to be okay after that nightmare.

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Post by BUCKSHOT »

Glad to hear all is well now! I can imagine your concern!
To all, take all of the necessary precautions for a safe and happy hunt!
Enjoy the Harvest!
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Post by LoneWolf »

It must have been a scary experience you had there, it sure sounds like it.

Glad to here you made it out of the woods alright, GREYWOLF.
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Post by wabi »

Glad to hear you made it to your epi kit in time. Guess you'll carry it with you next time out :wink: I have never had any problems from stings, but I had a good friend that had severe reactions. He retired, was working on his farm with the epi kit in his truck. He was working about 300 yards from the truck, and got into a nest of yellowjackets. He had multiple stings, and didn't make it back to the truck!
I guess if you have severe reactions, you better pack the epi pen with you at all times!
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Glad to hear you got out O.K. A number of years ago I was at a farm auction about this time of year and the yellowjackets were really making a nuisance of themselves. I took a big chug from my pop can,felt a lump as I swallowed,then a sharp pain near the bottom of my throat! I had drank one of the little buggers! My chest felt tight for about a hour but no other ill effects. I've often thought how bad that would have been if it happened to someone with an allergy to bee stings. Not sure why,but they always get dopey about this time of year and seem to hang around people.

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Post by chris4570 »

WOW!! What a horrific story. I guess two lessons to be learned;1-If you are allergic to bee stings carry your EPI-pen. 2-Bring a compass and carry it on your person.

Glad to hear you are OK.
You can take the man out of the woods but you can't take the woods out of the man.

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Post by Shakky »

I got nailed by one while setting up my ladder stands last week. It was the first time I've been stung so everyone was kind of keeping an eye on me to see what would happen. I'm lucky nothing happen not like your case. Wow that would be scary. My daughter is alergic to peanuts so we carry an EPI pen everywhere we go. She hasn't been stung yet so I don't know how that would affect her. I'm glad your OK you may want to carry that EPI pen with you.
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Post by GREYWOLF »

:D feeling much better today ,thanks guy's. I called my doctor and got a script for 4 more kits 1) for home 1) for fishing 1) for hunting and 1 for a spare , This was the first time I have had a reaction in 6 years. ands I hope it is the last.I will sure be looking were I step from now on
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Post by tkstae »

That is a good lesson to us all. Sometimes little mistakes can cause big problems while in the outdoors. Glad to see it turned out ok. Think I'll doublecheck everything before I head out for opening day this week. Best of luck to you this season.
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Post by Hoss »

glad your Okay Greywolf.....glad you shared your story before season should remind all folks.... :wink:

BE PREPARED IN THE WOODS>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
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Post by Kevin 2 »

Graywolf, Glad to here you are OK. My wife and I had a simular experiance a few years ago. She got sting about 20 to 25 times, gets hard to tell at some point. We may forget lots of things heading out but we both check and re-check the Epi-Pens. I cary one and so does she.

You had a close one very glad it turned out for the best.

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Post by GA.crossbowhunt »

i glad your ok greywolf. i am that way wiith shrimp. icant even be around it much less touch any of it or i will swell up like a ballon and have real shorteness of breaths.but i am glad your aok :D :D
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Post by DOXNUT »

WOW! Nice to hear your alive and breathing. That must have been a very scary experience, I personally hope I never experience that. I have notice alot of bee activity in my area this year, much more than usual. Maybe I should start caring one of those kits, just in case me or a buddy needs it........................
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