I saw Hope

Crossbow Hunting

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I saw Hope

Post by mdcrossbow »

Thanks for your prayers, I felt conforted the whole time.

My uncle lives in Slidel, 12 miles outside of N.O. It took the dirrect hit from the storm with upto 175 confirmed winds sustained for 5 hours. One thing about this whole ordeal; you can tell the believers from the non-believers. You can see hope in their eyes and actions and in their voice. You see allot more in their faces from the many hours they have worked to shovel mud, tear out drywall and carry everything to the curbs that was not above 5' and then furniture littered the streets, trees, boats,cars and anything else in the path of the 29'wave. Much of the area of Slidel along the Ponchatain is tooth picks. To see any place without dammage you would have to travel inland many miles. I have some picks I need to develop and I'll get them up.

Jimmy [uncle] is very smart man, he developed the oxgen respatory device which you see all people with oxgen tanks useing. I didn't know this. He also improved a device to anchor boats to docks. His pileings are 30' their is damage to the pilings 1' below the tops from the boats banging into them but his 2 boats , a sail and a shrimp boat are the only 2 that stood the termindes winds of the storm in the whole area. Unbelivable !

Now for the great news, Jimmy was asked to come to a church by his frind the local shariff and I told Jeff the sheriff I would like to go and in the morning Sunday, Jimmy said I'm comming with you. It has been 30 years sence he has been to church. His mother is the one I know who prayed for me many many nights and I know he was brought up in church. His family is in termol and my cusin , she could not believe he went. I did allot of sharing the Love of Chirst while I was their and found also glimmers of hope in family members. Many tears were shead and the Lord gave me strigth to console and give hope. although I was only their 2 days it was like a life time. My brother had been their a week when my dad and I arrived and he worked so hard. Shoveling mud and helping Jimmy to clear the house, When Rod left Jimmy broke down. When I was packing up books from the upper shevels I found a KJV and asked if he read it and he responded , do you think I'm an athist? I told him no , I know you have known the truth and once you know it it hard to turn from it and he took the bible and put it where it would not get packed. I think that may be what lead him to want to go church with me. Just a quich little insight to the sole. Praise God for He knows what is needed when it's needed.
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Post by striper »

Davehawk: Thanks for passing that on. God still works in men's lives, and sometimes it takes a tragedy to wake us up. Something similar happened to me almost 25 years ago, and my life was changed forever. Striper
May your days be long and your hunts many. Pray that the God of the Bible will protect you as you go.
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Post by mdcrossbow »

Woodsman, stripper,

I think I see or the Lord has given me a little insight to what he sees, when a person has hope they are not looking inward they are looking outward to help. Hope is comforting others and when you do that you can't help but to see greatfullness in the eyes and faces and in return the Lord blesses both the giver and the receiver.

I saw hope in the eyes of many and knew they were children of God and I saw faces of others who were lost and had harden hearts and eyes sealed up. I have a serreal sence of awe when speeking to an older Frence lady outside her antique store who lost everything , as she was picking up pieces on the ground she said I have my life and health, She knows the Lord, I didn't have to ask. When I found myself speeking with a Christian the Holy Spirit was their in the mist.

I meet 3 Cusins I haven't seen sence 74, Dennis in his late 30's is a strong caring believer, he is the back bone of the family. Please pray the Lord gives him wisdom and courage in dealing with his family situation.
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