Excalibur strikes again

Crossbow Hunting

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Excalibur strikes again

Post by jeff »

On Saturday I managed to put my bear tag on a blackie taken with my Exomax. That's 2-2 the last 2 seasons.
I started baiting the begining of August and withing 10 days my bait was being hit. I restocked it a couple of time and every time I went there it had been hit. I went out on opening day (Sept 1 and 2). To my dismay nothing came in those two days. I was starting to wonder if the bears had moved out of the area. A friend of mine hunted on the 6th and again nothing.
This past weekend was a completely different story. My buddy and I planned on hunting this past weekend but due to family restrictions I was not able to get out of town until 5pm on Friday. When I got to uor hunting area around 8pm my friend was coming out of the bush. I asked him how things went and he showed me a bloodied bolt. Me said bears had been on the bait almost non-stop for 4 hrs. Two were on the bait as he was going in. He had one small one on the bait for almost 2 hours while he could still hear others walking around the whole time. He shot his just before dark. Needless to say it was a late night.
I thought for sure that his luck would have killed my chances on Saturday. Man was I wrong. Pretty much the same thing as the day before. Walking in there was a sow with 2 cubs on the bait. We pulled out the video came and got some great footage before we scared them away so we could get into your stands. He got up in his tree and set up the video camera shile I put some fresh bait down. I was not settled in my stand for more than 5 minutes when a small bear came in from our right. He was on and off the bait for the next 3 hrs. Not a shooter as he was too small. Approaching 7pm he started to get nervous. He made a quick exit shortly thereafter. Just before dark slightly larger bear came in. A perfect 17 yard quartering away shot had the bear down within 30 yards. His exit was right under our tree and at one point I thought he was going to climb it. Needless to say it was another late night with two bear hunters going home very happy.
Thanks to all the staff at Excalibur for making an outstanding product. Now the only thing to do is wait until the deer season starts.


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Post by franklinm »

Sound`s like a very exciting hunt , We can not hunt bear`s here where I live , hope I never run into one going or coming to my deer stand , the hunt might be over , sent problem`s , you no . :oops:
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Post by GREY OWL »

Good story Jeff. With that many bears around, I'd be a little leary walking out after dark, not sure if I'd be walking forward or backwards. :shock: :shock:

Good luck filling your freezer with Vension.

Grey Owl
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