A very good start for the season (but a poor end to the day)

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A very good start for the season (but a poor end to the day)

Post by wabi »

No, I didn't kill one. Didn't even fire an arrow. But I did have a chance to raise the Exocet and aim at one within range. A mature doe and two little ones entered the food plot shortly after daylight and began to browse on some tender young wheat sprouts totally unaware of my presence about thirty yards from them and 20 feet aloft. I took time to take the Exocet off the hook and sighted on the largest young one which would have been a perfect broadside shot. I (with the safety on and no intention of shooting) put the red-dot on it's heart-lung area, slowly squeezed the front of the trigger guard until I had convinced myself I could have easily made the shot, then re-hung the Exocet and went back to watching them feed.
A bit chilly here this morning after acclimating to a long hot summer, but it was a great morning to be in the woods and see the world come to life as the sun cast it's warming rays through the trees on the hill to the east. Dressed in full camo, sitting on a small platform 20 feet aloft in an old oak tree, crossbow within easy reach and at ready, safety insured by a full body harness carefully attached, and plenty of activity from the wildlife that inhabits the area. A nuthatch inspects me from a distance of mere feet away, a squirrel scurries through the branches to my right, deer feeding to my left and below me........... Thank you Great Creator for allowing me to be a part of your wonderful creation and for the senses you have given me to allow me to enjoy it to it's fullest!!!!!!
It just don't get any better! :wink:
OH, and after a break for some food & coffee, and a little time to visit my freinds on the forum, I'll be heading back to the woods. A different stand this evening, but a few more hours outdoors watching God's great creation in action again, and giving thanks to be a part of it. One will come along that looks like it would fit my freezer well sooner or later, the question of WHEN makes it all that more enjoyable! :lol:
Last edited by wabi on Sun Oct 02, 2005 10:27 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by GaryL »

Superb read wabi, 100% the way I feel also. Thanks
Last edited by GaryL on Sat Oct 01, 2005 4:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Sliver »

GaryL wrote:Superb read wabi, 100% they way I feel also. Thanks
Ditto :D

Reads to me like you had a great morning :wink:
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Re: A very good start for the season!

Post by Golden Eagle »

wabi wrote:Thank you Great Creator for allowing me to be a part of your wonderful creation and for the senses you have given me to allow me to enjoy it to it's fullest!!!!!!
It just don't get any better! :wink:
Amen wabi. I totally agree. I did the same as you with the bow on an adult Doe as I havent killed with it yet. Was a good feeling.
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Post by Partikle »

Sounds like you had a great day Wabi. What is the temperature there? I'm getting out tomorrow evening for the first time but it's supose to be 25 degrees C or 77 degrees F. I hate the heat :evil: It's going to be even a couple of degrees warmer then that for the next 5 days here in Ottawa. I'm hoping stuff will still move around in the warm weather. I'll bring my camera and shoot the does and fawns with that if I see any.

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Post by wabi »

It was in the 50s (F) here yesterday morning. It warmed up a lot during the day and was in the high 70s yesterday evening. I should have stayed home, but the hunting urge led me out again yesterday evening. The heat and my impatience caused me to loose one. Oh, I found it early this morning, but it was already bloated & stinking. A decent 6 point at 10 yards and what I thought was a good angle, but the arrow ended up a little far back. I trailed him after about an hour's wait, and jumped him off a bed about an hour later. UH-OH! If he's still alive I must not have got the hit I thought I had! Better back off until morning! Well, went back at daylight and found him less than 100 yards from where he first bedded last night, but the heat and the poor shot placement had done it's work. He was ruined :( I'd say he was about dead when I jumped him off the bed last night as he didn't go far, and it looked like he didn't move around any after he bedded the second time. Wish I'd have given him more time before I trailed, but hindsight is 20/20. I had to get home quickly this morning, but I'll go back after while and salvage the antlers. They should make a good rattling set, so all isn't lost. I may even be able to attract a coyote with the carcass.
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Post by GaryL »

It happens wabi, done yer best and thats what counts. I passed up a good shot this morning as It is geting a little to warm.
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Re: A very good start for the season (but a poor end to the

Post by Deer Dave »

wabi wrote:No, I didn't kill one. Didn't even fire an arrow. But I did have a chance to raise the Exocet and aim at one within range. A mature doe and two little ones entered the food plot shortly after daylight and began to browse on some tender young wheat sprouts totally unaware of my presence about thirty yards from them and 20 feet aloft. I took time to take the Exocet off the hook and sighted on the largest young one which would have been a perfect broadside shot. I (with the safety on and no intention of shooting) put the red-dot on it's heart-lung area, slowly squeezed the front of the trigger guard until I had convinced myself I could have easily made the shot, then re-hung the Exocet and went back to watching them feed.
A bit chilly here this morning after acclimating to a long hot summer, but it was a great morning to be in the woods and see the world come to life as the sun cast it's warming rays through the trees on the hill to the east. Dressed in full camo, sitting on a small platform 20 feet aloft in an old oak tree, crossbow within easy reach and at ready, safety insured by a full body harness carefully attached, and plenty of activity from the wildlife that inhabits the area. A nuthatch inspects me from a distance of mere feet away, a squirrel scurries through the branches to my right, deer feeding to my left and below me........... Thank you Great Creator for allowing me to be a part of your wonderful creation and for the senses you have given me to allow me to enjoy it to it's fullest!!!!!!
It just don't get any better! :wink:
OH, and after a break for some food & coffee, and a little time to visit my freinds on the forum, I'll be heading back to the woods. A different stand this evening, but a few more hours outdoors watching God's great creation in action again, and giving thanks to be a part of it. One will come along that looks like it would fit my freezer well sooner or later, the question of WHEN makes it all that more enjoyable! :lol:

Wabi, I can agree with your post 100%, as I had a similar evening yesterday!!! God's creation is a wonderfull thing to be a part of!!!

God Bless

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Post by wabi »

Went back out this evening and it was just too warm to shoot at one! I let this brute walk despite several great shot opportunities :lol:
The pic wasn't taken during the hunt, but he's a regular customer at the feeder and I've named him "Buttons" when I tell the landowner stories about him. He came in, munched corn for about 15 minutes, then had a dessert of tender clover. He was 7 yards from me at the feeder, and I could hear the corn crunching clearly :lol: The only other one that came through was the little fawn still wearing the spotted coat. Turned out to be a great evening. Saw deer, could have easily taken one, but it was just too hot to really get too tempted to flip the safety off. :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Post by buckeye »

To bad about the buck Wabi. Sometime things cannot be avoidable or foreseen. As for your morning hunt I think most members feel the same as you and I hope most hunters across the country feel the same as every bowhunter by now has taken to the woods once again. I know a lot of us spend much time in the woods all year long but when I put on camo and actually start hunting their is a different feeling or even maybe a complete contentment that comes over me. I can't explain it. But maybe the best things in life are best left unexplained and therfore left uncomplicated?

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Post by Partikle »

Same weather her Wabi, it was about 80 degrees this afternoon and I almost went but I talked myself out of it. It's just too hot and I figured the meat would spoil quickly in this heat. It's supose to be hot all week, hopefully it will cool off a bit by next weekend.

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Post by striper »

WABI: We all like to end a story with a quick clean kill, but like the rest of REAL life, things don't always end that way. Thanks for a well written report. For you, I wish you could have found him sooner. Striper
May your days be long and your hunts many. Pray that the God of the Bible will protect you as you go.
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