Excalibur...it takes a LICKIN and keeps on ticking~!

Crossbow Hunting

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Excalibur...it takes a LICKIN and keeps on ticking~!

Post by Sandman »

Well I post this thread with great embarassment (sp?) but i have broad shoulders. My good buddy RJ convinced me yet again to head out for an evening hunt so away we went. We arrived and headed into our spots around 3 pm. I made the long climb (climber) up my favorite tree and was approx 30-35 feet up when I settled in (wind was a bugger so we wanted to get good and high)~! I settled in and raised my bow up untied it and hung it off the corner of my climber while I made the final adjustments to my safety harness. WELL IF I DID NOT HIT THE SIDE OF MY BOW AND DOWN SHE WENT!!!!!!!!!!!! :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops:

I thought well *$#@% there's my hunt for the night....RJ heard the thump and thought I had fired a shot he looked down towards me and could tell from my reaction what had happened. I climbed down and looked my bow over with little to no signs of it's impact from 30-35 feet up....there's was none other that the butt was covered in dirt~!

RJ and I regrouped headed out to the truck and set up a mini range (lots of time left for the hunt). I THOUGHT FOR SURE MY BOW WOULD BE OUT BY A MILE AFTER THAT FALL RIGHT??? WRONG we set up a target at 20 yards and I took a shot and then RJ took a shot....if we had not pulled our bolts between shots I am sure we would have Robinhooded it~~~~~!!!!!!

All I can say is WOW I am totally (not that I was not not before) convinced that Excalibur's products are THE BEST on the market~!!!!!



PS - RJ change fill you in about the deer we seen that night....Nothing close enought to shoot but still a great night out~!
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Post by Livtahunt »

I agree they dont get much better then Excalibur
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Post by R.J. »

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Robin .... I know Bill T . use to do a drop test at some of the outdoor shows to illustrate how rugged the bows are , but not from 30 + feet up ! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Still bang on at 20 yards ! .... unfreaking believable ! If I hadn't shot the bow myself , I wouldn't have believed it ! .... good thing the ground was rain soaked and boggy !

As for the deer .... man the rut is in high gear ! .... some rattling , buck's , doe's , fawn's running everywhere ..... passed at least 3 , 30 yard shots because the deer just wouldn't settled down , and I couldn't get them any closer :? ... When I can get out , I'm still hunting from a ground position due to circumstances beyond my control :? The stiff swirling wind didn't help matters either !

Robin : Thanks again for driving and inviting me to that honey hole .... nice to get out of the house and watch the " nature channel " !
See Ya. ... R.J. > " Remember , Trophies are measured by the time and energy expended to get them , not the size or quantity of the quarry "
Posts: 4667
Joined: Thu Jan 01, 2004 5:50 pm
Location: Rice Lake, Ontario

Post by Sandman »

10 Roger on that RJ......It is good medicine for me right now~!

Wildlife Management & Reduction Specialist
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