OT Stupid Canadians.

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OT Stupid Canadians.

Post by Tigerpaw »

As we have always though the libs. have proved once agian that they do not think much of the citizens of this country. How can we be proud Canadians when our own gov. tells the world that we are nothing more then popcorn eating drunks?

Tuesday » December 13 » 2005

Tory plan is 'beer and popcorn' money

BEAMSVILLE, Ont. - Prime Minister Paul Martin tried yesterday to stem voter backlash after a senior aide publicly criticized the Conservative child-care policy as flawed because it could allow parents to use their child-care benefits to simply buy "beer and popcorn."

During an appearance as a panelist on CBC-TV, Mr. Reid criticized the Conservatives' child-care policy, which Mr. Harper says would give parents more flexibility on who provides daycare for their children.

"We are not trying to take people's time away from their grandparents, but working families need care," Mr. Reid said. "They need care that is regulated, safe and secure and that's what we're building here. Don't give people $25 a day to blow on beer and popcorn. Give them child-care spaces that work."

(The Tory plan would actually provide families $25 a week per child.)

Campaigning in Gatineau, Que., Bloc Quebecois leader Gilles Duceppe said Mr. Reid's comment showed contempt for Canadians.

"It is profoundly contemptuous," he replied when asked by reporters. "I don't agree with Harper's proposal, but to say such a thing ... It reminds me of Jean Chretien's declarations on unemployment. He said people in the Gaspe, all they want is their cheque to go buy beer. I remember that. When I say that Paul Martin's party is the same as Jean Chretien's, here are the same contemptuous attitudes."
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Post by Tom »

I think that ALL the ottawa wannabee's think that we are all stupid.

Just today the PC party said they would buy3 of those very large planes ther the DART team needs to more their equipment. They currently rent these planes when needed which is about4 times every 4-5 years. When SPEND our money BILLIONS FOR THESE PLANES if they will not be used very much.

These people need to figure out that it is OUR money and spend it only on things we need.

This election is scaring me ............ none of the people running actually know what the people of CAnada wants.
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Post by chris4570 »

I wish I knew how to speak French!! Deep down I have this desire to become a politician, and start my own party. Because there is no party that can offer what I want.

If I was Prime Minsiter I would,

Not promise anything.

Scrap the gst.

Make everyone of us(politicians) accountable for their actions. If you screw up you are fired!!!

Beef up the military

Reduce immigration.

Scrap the gun registry, and destroy all pertinant files.

Eliminate wasteful spending.

Not bow down to animal rights nutjobs. Reinstate the spring bear hunt for Ontarians.


Make changes because they are right not because they buy votes!!!

All things current politicians could not do.
You can take the man out of the woods but you can't take the woods out of the man.

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Post by GREYWOLF »

:D BRAVO !! Chris4570 , with the support of sportsman and outdoorsman you could be elected !! a silent voice is never heard, and numbers can matter in times of change , heratage is worth standing up for !! we have the same sh&* going on hear in the states !!and we vote very carfulyand question over bearing authority
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Post by decee »

chris4570 wrote:I wish I knew how to speak French!! Deep down I have this desire to become a politician, and start my own party. Because there is no party that can offer what I want.

If I was Prime Minsiter I would,

Not promise anything.

Scrap the gst.

Make everyone of us(politicians) accountable for their actions. If you screw up you are fired!!!

Beef up the military

Reduce immigration.

Scrap the gun registry, and destroy all pertinant files.

Eliminate wasteful spending.

Not bow down to animal rights nutjobs. Reinstate the spring bear hunt for Ontarians.


Make changes because they are right not because they buy votes!!!

All things current politicians could not do.

Is that a PROMISE???

Check out the latest line of blatant LIES from the LIEBERALS

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Post by DesertRat »

Good luck! UNfortunately you are up against the same heap of crap that Harper is, that is Toronto Liberal country winning the vote.

If you want to win you need to ban guns, ban hunting, legalize gay everything, allow terrorists to enter the country rather than seeking trained professionals that may actually contibute to society. After that you can steal our tax dollars, set up all your buddies and family with offshore deals, have a sponsorship program, send our troops into battle with garbage equipment, set up emissions testing for vehicles in Ontario (provincial Liberals), destroy healthcare, waste a billion on a registry that doesn't work (even after being told it wouldn't), order criminals to be deported but not actual make them leave, allow criminals charged with serious offences to be out on the street in no time because it would be unfair to take away someone's rights, especially a criminals (liberals feel close to criminals. I wonder why?). Make campaign promises like the GST will be gone and then blame the public for being stupid and taking the promise the wrong way. Allow the USA to stomp all over the NAFTA agreament even after the governing body for NAFTA ruled the US was in the wrong. Have tomatoe heads running important portfollio's such as Minister of Natural resources (provincial), the good old days of David Collenette as transport Minister, Alan Rock as ANYTHING!!!

If you can do most of these things, you would be a perfect Liberal candidate and stand a good chance of being elected because southern Ontario can't seem to get i t's head ou t of it's ass!!!!!
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Post by Tigerpaw »

DesertRat wrote:Good luck! UNfortunately you are up against the same heap of crap that Harper is, that is Toronto Liberal country winning the vote.

If you want to win you need to ban guns, ban hunting, legalize gay everything, allow terrorists to enter the country rather than seeking trained professionals that may actually contibute to society. After that you can steal our tax dollars, set up all your buddies and family with offshore deals, have a sponsorship program, send our troops into battle with garbage equipment, set up emissions testing for vehicles in Ontario (provincial Liberals), destroy healthcare, waste a billion on a registry that doesn't work (even after being told it wouldn't), order criminals to be deported but not actual make them leave, allow criminals charged with serious offences to be out on the street in no time because it would be unfair to take away someone's rights, especially a criminals (liberals feel close to criminals. I wonder why?). Make campaign promises like the GST will be gone and then blame the public for being stupid and taking the promise the wrong way. Allow the USA to stomp all over the NAFTA agreament even after the governing body for NAFTA ruled the US was in the wrong. Have tomatoe heads running important portfollio's such as Minister of Natural resources (provincial), the good old days of David Collenette as transport Minister, Alan Rock as ANYTHING!!!

If you can do most of these things, you would be a perfect Liberal candidate and stand a good chance of being elected because southern Ontario can't seem to get i t's head ou t of it's ass!!!!!
Ditto to that DesertRat!
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