Crossbow Hunting in Kentucky!

Crossbow Hunting

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Post by franklinm »

You Gent`s sure hit the nail right on the head with this one .
And I believe that as soon as the state`s find out that cross bows arn`t rifles , more will have them in there bow season .
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Post by wabi »

Not sure, but my understanding was that the season got changed at the last minutes to be "expanded" but still not the full "archery" season.
Looks like the argument that the crossbow is/isn't "archery" is still alive there!
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Post by wabi »

I can remember when the introduction of compounds was thought to be a threat to bowhunting. Then my home state (Ohio) even added crossbows to the allowable equipment. I never really took a "stand" for or against either addition of allowable equipment, but rather just continued to hunt with my recurve. It was high-tech enough for me. Back in those days the deer were pretty scarce, and a few more hunters didn't really have that big of an impact on your slim chance of really killing a deer. The "success" of the hunt was usually in just spending time afield with nature.
Looking back, I guess there was some opposition to the new methods, but communication then was a far cry from today. I sure as heck wouldn't have wasted a day to drive to the state capital to complain or voice my opinion at a hearing even if I felt opposition, and I'm sure most other hunters felt the same.
I will admit I felt the new hunting methods were probably easier to master, and they in fact are much easier than learning to master a "traditional" bow. I've been shooting one since I was old enough to pull a bowstring and haven't quite perfected my shooting yet. Maybe another 40 or 50 years and I'll have it down to a foolproof method. :lol:
Just thinking back to those days brings the thought that perhaps the most opposition comes from the fear of the unknown. It's something I know nothing about, and I've been having fun (success) with my known methods, so something new is probably unnecessary. If it makes it easier success rates might go up, and my successes will be somehow diminished. I (while mightily thumping my chest) managed to shoot a deer using the old method, and now some novice can go out and learn to shoot as well as I do in a matter of hours instead of years! If they kill a big buck their first hunt it will make my efforts look like nothing!
I would guess a lot of the opposition comes from hunters with that kind of thinking. Instead of looking for the positives (like in the modern world of farm raised food hunting isn't necessary for most people's survival so our right to hunt is endangered, and we need all the support we can get) they look for the negatives and oppose expansion.
I guess when they are shooting foam targets at the range with their registered and licensed compound bow they might wake up and look back at the "old days" when you could hunt and wonder why they didn't realize it was working to the favor of the anti-hunting animal rights idiots for dissention and opposition among the ranks of hunters (over something as trivial as the way we launch an arrow) to weaken our resolve to support all legal weapons and methods of hunting.
As a hunter-trapper-fisherman type outdoorsman, I can only pray we all wake up before it's too late!!!!!!! I want my son to some day be able to set down to a meal of game he killed with whatever legal and ethical method he chooses and enjoy the feeling that only a hunter can experience. I preach ethics to him every time we go out and explain to him the reason for seasons, bag limits, and fair-chase (and I believe a 5 year old can really grasp the meanings), and I know that in his heart he wants to enjoy the thrill of hunting someday soon. I only hope the bickering and in-fighting among todays "sportsmen" doesn't destroy his chances of fulfilling his dreams.

OK - down off the soapbox and out to test the new smoothbore blackpowder load I'm working on... :wink:
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Post by JDMiller »

bstout......they changed it in March.....a compromise was reached between the bowhunting groups and the KDF& was really more of a submission because the oposition had the legislators involved in a bill that would have left the season as it already existed. The bill....would have circumvented the KDF&WR and allowed legislation to set methods , bag limits and season length without any input from the KDF&WR or their biologist. If this were to would have set a dangerous prescident for future wildlife management issues and basically would have allowed anyone that could get legislation involvement to set our seasons. If you can understand this......the KDF&WR had no choice.

Our crossbow season.....through the compromise.....will begin Oct. 1 and go through the third weekend in Oct. It will reopen again the second Saturday in November( opening of our modern gun) and go through Dec. 31. Its a workable agreement and definitely a lot better than we had but the prime rut hunting usually falls in those weeks of Oct. & Nov. that its closed. The KDF&WR did not bind us to any time limits or future expansion. Honestly.....if they had agreed to a Oct 1. through Dec. 31 it would be done and over with. So.....were going to get the data and relieve the concerns of a few.....regroup and go after the few weeks left out. This is a start but its not over with by a long shot.
Woody Williams
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Post by Woody Williams »


JDMiller is president of the United Crossbow Hunters of Kentucky. (UCBK).

He is doing and excellent stand up job. I know that some folks on here ar members, but we are in the process of having out annual membership drive.

Please log onto and register at the site.You do NOT have to be a memebr to register and participate there.

However, you can renew your membership or join there. Show you support for your fellow crossbowers..

Woody Williams

We have met the enemy and he is us - Pogo Possum

Hunting in Indiana at [size=84][color=Red][b][url=]HUNT-INDIANA[/url][/b][/color][/size]
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