One month

Crossbow Hunting

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kendo kid
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One month

Post by kendo kid »

As the soybeans develop into their full yellow leaf stage and lose their tender protein rich growing leaves, the deer are moving to feed on other things. Today, I noticed they were hitting the fall apples (those that are sweet) as well as the green forbs. The Dent and Flint corn varieties are starting to firm up. However, I can still just get my fingernail into the corn seed. Much of the corn crop, especially on lighter soil types, is dead and brown. Generally in Toronto region, the crop was advanced enough to get decent cob size and good fill. I spotted a really nice track (2.75 in. wide) in the dry hard dirt. Soil particles crushed to provide a perfect outline of his print. I know whom I want this fall. I pruned the last three stand shooting lanes and I am now ready. Most of September I will try to keep my mind off the deer hunting as I just get too excited and filled with anticipation. Hope a little goose shooting will help. I will not go back into the stand until October 1. I want the as cold Canadian winters. The old scrapes are sitting waiting quietly for action. Some of the trees have died that received a beating last fall from rubs. I am ready. I know the winds I need for each stand, access and exit routes are clear, shooting lanes open. Now I get serious. One shot a day with my X. Only one shot because that is all I get in the real world. That one shot needs to be DEAD on. Everyday a different distance and just one shot. Maybe it is from 17 or 25 or 30 yards. With one shot you are forced to focus, take your time, concentrate and ease into the trigger. My confidence soars as the end of the month approaches. Target shooting during the summer is fun. This is serious. I will be ready.
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Post by Bucko »

Many years ago [17]after I felt confident with my archery shooting I would get a routine of making one shot at the target before leaving for work early in the morn.I enjoyed that and I felt it was an excellent indicator of my skill.I can remember I was quite happy with my shooting then,heck I even had a tree stand in the yard and also an elevated deck porch to practice from.Didn't have the nice targets like now,I used an old styrofoam boat dock float for the backstop with local straw bales holding paper plates. :|
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Post by wabi »

We didn't plant the food plots (soy beans, garden beans, and a commercial blend with rye, clover, and turnips all mixed together) until late July. The beans are up, but they don't seem to have tops on them. :shock: Base leaves and bare stems above? :lol:
We intentionaly get them out well after all the farmers around have their crops growing well. When the other beans are getting old & tough our food plots are still tender.
We've had some hot, dry weather the past few weeks, but luckily enough rain to keep things growing. Now we're getting cooler weather and some nice rains. I have hopes the plots will really start growing now, and with season just 4 weeks away the timing just might be right this year.
Doesn't look like much of an acorn crop this fall, either. Perhaps I can fill my tags without much walking for a change.
The landowner where I hunt even bought another (smaller) tractor this summer. It should be a lot easier to use to haul the deer out if it's wet and I can't get my truck close to the plots. We plan to make a platform for the 3-point hitch on the back to haul feed (and deer). He has a frame already made, but I'll have to weld some reinforcements to it and put a plywood bottom in it for him.
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Post by R.J. »

Jon : Yep the " whitetail " countdown is on ! Got a few " clever boys " that have eluded us in past seasons in mind ! ( I'm working on a set-up for one tomorrow = new ambush point etc. , then won't touch it till opening day ) ... Tuesday is early goose opener ... going to try to make it out for a couple of afternoon set-ups after work ... what's your schedule like ?
See Ya. ... R.J. > " Remember , Trophies are measured by the time and energy expended to get them , not the size or quantity of the quarry "
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kendo kid
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Post by kendo kid »


I am totally flexible. My schedule is my own. You tell me where and when and I will be there with 3 Doz Canada Geese Decoys and a huge desire to thin the population of flying pillows. PM me.

Kendo Kid (aka Jon)
The only ex who has a piece of my heart is Excalibur
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