OT: Gunman executes three young Amish girls

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OT: Gunman executes three young Amish girls

Post by marmot »

I am sorry for posting this information, but, as a father with young children who attend public school, this incident along with what occurred last week has me distraught.

http://www.cnn.com/2006/US/10/02/amish. ... index.html
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Amish Killing

Post by Hipwader »

I have been in the "public service" for almost twenty years and have seen just about everything and this event even rattles me and I have no children.
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Post by TYE »

There was a graffiti bomb threat at my old highschool here in Peterborough last week....
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Post by saxman »

I have 6 wonderful children and I sweat this kind of stuff everyday.
They range in age from 21 to 11 and 3 of the 6 are in school all over the country and there are times(like this) that I dont sleep and want them back home.
There are some SICK MF'S in this world and as far as I'm concerned they need to go.
I think only GOD should decide between life and death for these bastards but I would like to arrange the meeting

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Post by crazyfarmer »

it makes me wonder if these nutjobs watch the news and see others do it, so they get the idea to do the samething.. Sometimes I wish all news shows would be banned from TV

thats 3 of these killings/shootings in the past week :roll:

My 5 year old started school this year so I worry about this crap also..
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Post by marmot »

crazyfarmer wrote:it makes me wonder if these nutjobs watch the news and see others do it, so they get the idea to do the samething.. Sometimes I wish all news shows would be banned from TV

thats 3 of these killings/shootings in the past week :roll:

My 5 year old started school this year so I worry about this crap also..
My twins just turned six. I was just shy of my fortieth birthday when they were born. If something like this happened to my twins, it would destroy me. They are my only children.
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Post by Brampton Mike »

:cry: Man this crap never happened when I was a kid in school or when my kid was in school either.....what the heck are some people thinking???? Brampton Mike :cry:
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Post by LV2HNT »

I am disturbed and saddened by the recent events also. Unfortunately they will become more common and severe in the future because no one will do anything about it but cry and turn their heads. It is just something we will have to deal with. I hope and pray that a solution can be found but it probably won't happen as long as our countries keep on their present courses and as long as money rules the world. What realy pisses me off is that the anti's will use these events and others for fuel against guns. Guns are not at fault here. It's the people using the guns that commited the crimes. The people would still commit equaly horrible crimes if they had no guns. They would make bombs or get in their car and start driving around hitting every group of people and kids they saw. The anti's should be locked up in jail and doomed to an eternity in hell for ignoring the real problems that our society faces so that they can wage their own personal wars against guns. It is horrible to think of the time, money, and recources they will waste in the name of fixing the problem when they won't even admit what the real problem is. Something has to be done to keep people from slipping through the cracks and to bring some morals back to our society. I hope events like this will stop all together but I don't expect that to happen. So I atleast hope that all of those poor kids didn't die for nothing. Hopefully one of these days the world will wake up and do something to actualy make our world a better place. These shootings have been going on for some time now and we are no better off than we were when they began. Thanks to our government who doesn't care, and won't do anything about anything unless it means more money or votes in their pockets.
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Post by deerman »

Amen!!! The world is in serious turmoil and it must change.When I was in high school not to long ago it seems1975-1980.We were able to bring our hand me down shotgun or rifle into shop class and refinish the stock or reblue the gun.There never ever was a threat to anyone, but somewhere some little johnny decided not to take his meds and was watching to much trash on tv and not in the outdoor woods decided to shoot someone.The bad apple always ruins it for the others.And yes the Anti-Gun people are going to feed off this bad event.
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Post by wabi »

The news of things like the school shootings in the past week is really upsetting. The death toll in the Amish school was up to 5 this morning as two more girls died of their wounds last night.
I read yesterday that the young man who shot the principal is now eligable to be released on bond! What ever happened to keeping murder suspects in jail without bond?
I think we need more action from the police like they displayed in Florida last week when the suspect in the murder of the deputy refused to obey the command to show his hands. Fill him full of lead and ask questions later when there is any chance of his escaping or doing more damage!
Unfortunately, in both school shootings involving the students being shot, the shooters were aparrently planning to kill themselves anyway. My question would be how an adult could just walk into the shool building anyway? I know at our local school you have to enter where people in the main office have you in sight. I would think if you refused to stop and check in a 911 call would soon follow. The Amish school would lack the availability of a telephone inside the building, and this may have been thought of by the @#*&% that did the shooting. (sorry but words like person or man just don't seem to apply to this creature).
Looks like the fact that gun control doesn't work to do anything but put guns in the hands of criminals would soak into even the thick heads of politicians someday, but I guess they are too busy thinking of tactics to get votes to consider facts.
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Post by buckeye »

We can only offer our deepest and sincere condolences to the families of these innocent children. What kind of person can commit such senseless and ruthless acts against children or for that matter against anyone. I just can not imagine the pain in those parents who must bury a child. Go home tonight and hug your children or call them and tell them that you love them.

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Post by chris4570 »

It makes no sense. You're pissed off at the world so you go out and kill innocent school girls only to kill yourself afterwards. What did killing the girls accomplish for this sick puck?!

Teachers should be allowed to carry guns. Even if not every teacher, if there were a few for every school, incidents like this could perhaps be prevented or ended with minimal loss of innocent lives. It's unfortunate that it's come to this, but I think it would work.
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Post by marmot »

For those who can afford to make a donation or who wish to send a card, there are addresses listed at the bottom of this page: http://www.abc27.com/news/stories/1006/366077.html. The Amish do not sue, nor do they have medical insurance. Hopefully, the Milton S. Hershey Foundation will step in and help the families defray the cost of medical treatment. The Amish have supplied the factory with milk since the early days.
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Post by ecoaster »

The man was a coward. He is recieving his eternal punishment as we speak.
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Post by Farmer »

It is a sad world we live in. No one has to take responsibility for their actions. Even the courts and the people we elect to government will not hold these people responsible. It is not their fault; they came from a broke home; it was an abusive family, etc ,etc. Society has failed them. What a load of crap . ( many have come from poor / or broken homes and are responsible citizens ) Until people are made responsible for their actions society will only get worse. ( we have free will , we chose to do good or bad )
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