Nothing all week,but this weekend is good.

Crossbow Hunting

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new paradox
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Nothing all week,but this weekend is good.

Post by new paradox »

I have been out all week and nothing.I have seen some running around,but they are all staying buy the roads.Nothing is going into the bush yet where my stands are.There are no rubs or scrapes anywhere.Where I hunt there are no grain fields,so I don't know where they are all hiding.It has been warmer then usaull,but there was fresh snow.What do you guys use to get them to come your way?Scents no good if they are not in rut.
Last edited by new paradox on Sun Nov 05, 2006 10:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by groundpounder »

Grunt call worked for me last night. I did have the deer in sight though when I called. The deer had already run by me but I grunted three times and brought him back to 25 yards. Was also wearing H.S. scents fresh earth cover scent wafer and every time I walk into these woods I break off a pine limb and roll the needles in my hands then on my clothes and boots. Its hard to beat "natural" cover scents. I also hunt from the ground.
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Post by Partikle »

I've been out 6 times so far and I've passed on 4 small bucks. Sorry the pictures are grainy, I turn the flash off before I take the picture

Twice on 2 different hunts from the same tree stand I passed on this lad.

I passed on this one

Here is the one I passed on yesterday.

And here he is in a scrape working a licking branch and then urinating. Sorry it's so grainy, it's a 4mp digital still camera with video feature.

I've had more opportunities so far this year then all of last season. I did my scouting in April after the snow melted and picked and prepared my trees then. It's easy to see the deer trails right after the snow melts and you don't have to worry about spooking the deer when your cutting your shooting lanes.

Try setting up inside the corner of a field or near a food source. Make sure there is some cover so the deer feel safe moving during daylight.

Good Luck.
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Post by crazyfarmer »

I dont use anything.. just hunt the trails or food areas they feed in... Everyday but 1 day this bow season ive seen atleast 3 deer. Usually 8-12 everyday.

Something else, before I really knew what I was doing.. example: walking areas alot, not hunting the wind right, making to much noise, and etc I hardly saw deer. 15 years later I usually see 7-8 deer everytime I hit the stand. Experience and learning plays a big role in what you see 8)

something else, watch the weather channel.. when that BIG H is over you, you better be in the woods or on the field :D
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new paradox
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Post by new paradox »

The deer are finally moving out here.Went out yesterday and used my tags up before noon.I love my Paradox,got the doe at 20 yards and the buck at 70.I was in my stand for the doe,then I let a budy use it while I walked around,he got one two hours later.I got one of those walking sticks that you can rest a gun on,the buck was watching me walk down the trail along the field he was in ,so I rested the bow on that,aimed high,and took the shot.It hit him low but went right through.I didn't think I got him but I went to look for my arrow I found it covered in blood.It took an hour to finally get him but he was worth .Rifle starts in a week so I can get another in that season,and I will be useing my Paradox,did I mention that I love it.The budies buck was a huge 6x7 but his muzzle load didn't go through,my bolts did even at 70 yards out.
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