Stupid Things You've Done.

Crossbow Hunting

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Stupid Things You've Done.

Post by A.W »

AirForceVet gave me the idea for a this post. Lets have a laugh.

Here's one I posted a couple of years ago.
A.W wrote:This kind of reminds me of my earlier days with a computer.

One day I was getting so frustrated with my computer at work (self employed) that I threw the mouse at the wall and much to my amazement it blew apart into lots of pieces.

Off I went to Staples for a new mouse.

About a month later my printer started acting up and making all sorts of internal noises and wouldn't print. I needed to print some documents.

Off I go to my computer shop and bought a new printer, $300 and change. Got my office up and running again.

Several months later I was sitting with nothing to do so I thought I would look at the broken printer again.

I took the cover off and started prodding around. I found a little piece of circular plastic with an arrow stamped on it. No matter what I checked I couldn't find anywhere in the printer that this would fit.

I plugged the printer in and low and behold...It printed. I'm a genius!!!!

Several weeks later I had a client come in who was in the computer business. I showed him the piece of plastic and asked if he knew what it was.

He replied.............Wait for it..............It's from a mouse. It's the bit that holds the little plastic ball in on the bottom. :shock:

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Post by tkstae »

I've done so many that it's hard to remember, but the last one I did was to some how leave my thumb sticking up when I shot my Exocet. Man did that hurt. Didn't lose the nail but it's still black and blue.
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Post by Hi5 »


I really like your post. I just wish I knew you better. I'd just love to post about EVERY stupid thing you've ever done.

I'm not telling about mine, though.

:D :D :D :D :D
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Post by A.W »

Hi5 wrote:A.W

I really like your post. I just wish I knew you better. I'd just love to post about EVERY stupid thing you've ever done.

I'm not telling about mine, though.

:D :D :D :D :D
I've done many a thing that caused me to shake my a wall. :wink:

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Post by Hoss »

Ok its hot as hell in this house we are cleanin up..(Rental property no AC) the vacum cleaner gets clogged..So I take off the bag and there is a wad of crap hangin there. Thats the problem its gotta be..Ok just to make sure I tell my kid to plug it in and had forgot it was on when I unpluged it...Im sweatin like a whore in church and Im lookin right up in it still makin sure I got everything and whoooosh the dam thing comes on and coats my face before i could get outa the way with dirt a 1/8 inch deep...boy did i look kid just laughed there butt off at that one....I felt like a idiot....... :lol:
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Post by Andrewj »

Ok, since we are all telling about the stupid things that we have done, we all know that I am perfect and never do any thing silly :P. So I will take the opportunity to tell about my wife’s water habits! Classic…

About 4am I woke up after hearing a strange noise, after waiting for it again and not hearing it for a while I then went back to sleep. Then when our alarm went off at 6:30am we then got ready for work and then went upstairs to have breakfast….only to find out top floor flooded!! My wife had left the up stairs spam tap slightly on and the dripping over 6 hours had flooded our top floor! Amazing!

Any way the dripping noise that I heard was the water seeping thought the top floor down into the cavity between floors, into the electrics. So the noise was the power and lights all shorting out! Hahaha

So a hair dryer, towels, vacuum and 4 hours we finally clean up the water…

But if that wasn’t enough…she did it again 3 weeks later!
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Post by wabi »

Can't remember anything stupid, but it seems like I have a list of things Not to Do. :wink:

~When an electric bench grinder motor stalls - grab the V-belt & yank. (13 stitches & 2 broken bones in the little finger)
~Stick you finger in front of the crossbow string (6 stitches & 2 broken bones in the other little finger) when shooting.
~Look up tp see what the kid is yelling about when cutting a Christmas tree. (8 more stitches)
But I did learn valuable lessons from the events, and remember the Not to Do list very well. :oops:
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Post by A.W »

Wabi. Was it you that posted a pic of your finger a while back?

If it was could/would you repost it so that others can see the type of damage it causes when your fingers "do the walking".

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Stupid Things You've Done

Post by Leonard Hawkins »

was on a deer hunt with some buddies and left camper to do some scouting, was about 100 yds from camper and found what looked like a buck scrape. The grond was all cleared out and fresh dirt scattered around. Thought i would smell the dirt and see if it smelt like buck urine. drug my fingers thru it and found out it was where a buddy took a dump. wont happen again. Hawk
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Post by Country »

Early one morning I was riding in the back seat of my buddie's car along with two other friends up front. We were on our way to hunt when this animal darted out in front of the car. It happened so fast that we wern't sure what it was. Fearing that it was a farmers cat as we had just passed his barn we stopped and backed up to see if we could render any help to it. My buddie got along side the critter, opened his door and leaned out and down to examine it. It wasn't a cat at all but a very pissed off skunk who delivered a perfectly aimed shot right into his face. It was five degrees out but we had to continue the trip with all the windows rolled down due to the smell.

Post by curmudgeon »

:D Try to not poop in your coveralls :oops:
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Post by wabi »

I posted a pic one time, but don't have a copy of it on file. Now both little fingers match! Since I did the v-belt & pulley stunt I can't completely straighten either finger. :oops:
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Post by chris4570 »

well this is the stupidest thing I almost did. Very close. Ok maybe not the stupidest but would have not earned any brownie points.

I was at a party. Invited some people from work One was a girl who talked, talked, talked, talked, talked. Did I mention she talked. It was annoying.

Well I was sitting next to this guy, we were shootin the poop, and i start to say " I don't know how anyone could stand to be with her, she just talks so much." I think I got to "anyone" when my dumb arse brain remembered that I was about to say this to her fiance. I can't remember how I finished the rest of that comment, but I got up afterwards and kinda gave a 'wooo that was close.'
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Post by leonk »

curmudgeon wrote::D Try to not poop in your coveralls :oops:
You remind me of a story... A guy relived himself while hunting,
he was wearing coveralls. The trouble was the scent was kinda following him everywhere. He checked his boots etc - nothing, long story short - his business was in the hood :D
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