Hunting Mishaps

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Hunting Mishaps

Post by curmudgeon »

:D Vixchix's hunting dreams, etc got me to thinking and since it is kinda off season, what has happened to you?
I remember once when an older hunting buddy of mine we were using the same make of verticle bows, (Dartons) going in one morning in the dark. I followed him to his tree stand sight and wanting him to get a loft safely I stood there to help.
I tied what I thought was his bow to his pull up line and then hurried on to my location. After getting up about 20 feet or so and pulling up my bow up, or so I thought, I had his bow. He used sights but I didn't.
So he was stuck with my bow and no sights and it was getting daylight fast. Needless to say, I had to get back down and deliver him his bow.
Well that morning hunt was shot . You just can't walk around early in the A.M. and expect to do any good, leaving scent every where. :oops:
Just one of my mishaps. I'm sure you probably got one too. :D Can you beat this :roll:
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Post by BUSHDOG »

two years ago 3days into the shotgun hunt i woke up late with a cold got to my spot on the ground behind a cedar rail fence about 7:00am was feeling lousy had a leakon the ground in front of my chair then had a smoke was in a lousy mood was getting ready to leave after doing all the wrong things and about 7:45 im kicking the ground looked up and a 8point buck is walking by me about 20yards out in the field put three in him .so you never know :)
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Post by dnepr »

Did something similar last year, me and a buddy went out nosed around in the morning for a bit then decided it was way to windy and decided to just hoof it back to the truck and call it a day . 2 guy's yapin and hustling down a gravel road , making all kinds of noise and a doe walks out and stand perfectly broadside right on the old logging road we were walking on . so it proves ya just never know.
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Post by Bow Life »

went shot gun hunting a couple years back and walked into my stand with my dad (i wasnt old enough to be legally alone yet) so we set up and pulled the gun up and realized that the trigger lock was on the gun, and my dads keys were in his friends truck. about half an hour later and some screwing with it we finally got it off. saw two deer about half an hour after that but were too far for a shot.

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Post by groundpounder »

Three years back on a rifle quota deer hunt at a close WMA I walked about 3/4 of a mile in and set up my Tree Lounger deer stand in the dark. Upon getting all climbed up and settled in I looked down and realized I forgot to put my orange vest on when leaving the truck. After debating for a minute and after kicking myself climbed down to go back and retrieve my vest. After I entered back into the field now getting daylight to go back to my stand I saw three hogs in the 200# range cross a narrow path at the far end of the field. They came right out of the area that I was just in and they were too far and moving too fast to try and get a shot off. That was all I saw on that hunt. :evil:
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Post by TPM »

Well that morning hunt was shot . You just can't walk around early in the A.M. and expect to do any good, leaving scent every where.
Well, sometimes you can. One crisp morning I was quietly sitting in my ground blind, where I had carefully snuck into before sunrise, when about 45 minutes after the sun came up I had to poop. I mean I couldn't wait. :( I got out of my blind and and walked about 60 yards, found a log and did what was looking like would be the most exciting part of my morning. All the scent wicks and Tinks 69 in the world couldn't mask this one. :oops: I headed back to my blind to enjoy a nice quiet morning. Less than five minutes after I settled in a buck appeared on the other side of the field. :shock: To make a long story short, ten minutes later I was field dressing him. :D
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Post by Rage_A_Holic »

Here's one from Gallery Of The Odd. Remember to keep those safetys on!!

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Post by Fergie10 »

Thats probably my worst fear about hunting is inurjying someone eles i dont care if i injury myself becasue i was probably being an idiot i would be so mad at myself if i hurt a someone who coldnt see it comin
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Post by Rage_A_Holic »

I agree
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Post by ranger66 »

It was the night before opening day of the rifle hunt and we're sitting around the camp and just about to call it a night and I said to the gang, make sure you remember your trigger lock keys for the morning. So morning rolls around and we get up and said to everyone, " you got your trigger lock keys, make sure you have them." Very good eveyone has the keys. So we get to our hunting spot and everyone is unlocking the rifles except, you guessed it me. Boy did I feel low, made sure everyone remember theirs I forgot mine. Good thing I had a set at home(I only live about 10 mins. max from the hunting grounds). So I give a call home, hoping the wife would hear the phone and bring me other set of keys. Tried 3 times and was about to give up miss opening morning, when I heard this tired voice on the other end, "Hello". Boy am I glad you answered the phone I said, could you please bring me my extra set of keys and explained what had happened and she chuckled, what a woman I have, she got up and brought me my keys within 15 minutes of hangin up with her, in her PJ's. I make sure I have my keys now, and even if I forget them, my buddy has a spare set for me and I have a set for his gun.
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Post by Doe Master »

Thats why I`ve opted for the combo trigger locks.
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Post by TPM »

Thats why I`ve opted for the combo trigger locks.
That's why I don't use trigger locks at all when transporting. I just use them for storage if I'm somewhere where there is no lockable cabinet.
BTW, those standard Master brand trigger locks are quite easy to remove without a key. My wife left her shotgun at the camp once when she had to leave early in case we wanted to do some grouse hunting at the end of the week. It had a trigger lock and I couldn't find her key. A hunting buddy I was up there with said, "No problem". He just securely gripped both sides of the lock with his hands and twisted. It popped right off.
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Post by BigUgly »

Always remember ammo. Drove 25 minutes to duck blind, 20 minutes to blind in the swamp then repeat in reverse, no damn shells.
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Post by TYE »

I've fallen off a few cliffs. One was about a 10 foot drop and I landed right on my face/shoulder, didn't hurt much since it was mossy leafy ground, but I felt like an idiot.

That was a few years ago, and this past year I fell/flipped down a drop off that was about 20 something feet, and scratched up my rifle and covered it in mudd, and also banged my knee and my hip pretty good. But I just went back to camp and drank it off. Was kinda funny cuz I was walking with Roy, and he turned around and I was gone. Then he laughed when he seen me all covered in dirt and mudd at the bottom lol. :oops:
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Post by raydaughety »

About 6 years ago, I got permission to hunt a piece of land through an friend of a friend. After getting written permission to hunt the area, I found a small pond with alot of deer sign and set up a stand there, waiting for bow season. I took a small buck on the first afternoon in the stand. About 2 weeks later, I returned to the stand and after a short bit, I heard something coming up behind me. Here came 2 guys in full camo, sneaking quietly as if they were stalking something. The guy in the lead had a small carbine rifle. :shock: . I decided to keep quiet and let them pass by without letting them know that I was there. Shortly there after, they came back on the same trail but this time they were both carrying 2 large black trashbags. Call be stupid, but I just didn't put 2 and 2 together at the time but decided that there was too much activity in the area and never returned. This was in September. Well in January, 2 deputies and 2 ATF agents showed up at my house and showed me a couple of photos of me on a trail camera. I told them that I had permission to hunt there and showed it to them in writing. Come to find out the landowners sons had a "FARM" in a thicket and they weren't growing collards if ya now what I mean. They asked and I told them about the day that I saw 2 guys with the trash bags but could not identify them. Nevr heard anything else except the news. Never hunted that county again. :wink:
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