ground blinds

Crossbow Hunting

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ground blinds

Post by Bert »

Looking for information on ground blinds. Anyone have any suggestions.


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Post by BigBird-VA »

I've shot a number of turkeys and a few deer from a Double Bull blind. DB makes the best and they hold up. I shoot mechanicals through the mesh and they do pretty good out to 30-35 yds or so. We have a number of places here that have no trees so a blind is the only way to hunt it.

Here's a link to a video of the last day bird I took from a blind.

As you can see in the video this blind has seen some battle. There are a number of holes in it from arrows.
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Post by wabi »

For one or two people and the crossbow the Ameristep Doghouse has been adequate for me. Not the best blind as far as quality, but for the price it has held up fairly well. Been out year-round for a few years now and it's still good enough to use. Had to spray paint it after the color faded to a nice shade of pink, and have to climb in and out a window since the door zipper broke, but it's still up, still weatherproof, and still conceals me. Plus, if someone comes along and thinks they need it worse than me, I'm not out enough $$$$ to loose any sleep! (luckily it's so old and beat up they probably wouldn't bother to steal it)
A buddy of mine bought a generic copy (thinner material and no black lining) and thought he got a real bargain. It literally fell apart at the seams after a few months!
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Post by BUSHDOG »

i picked this hunters view blind up last oct 99.95 canadian it says 4 person which maybe a bit tight but its great for 2 or 3 add a propane buddy heater and its great at 5 in the amImage[/url]
groundpounder mount
muzzy mx4 100grains
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Post by BigBird-VA »

Now is a good time to hit Ebay for a double Bull blind. Deals aren't on there every day but if you stick it out you'll get one. I bought a damaged T5 on there that was new in box for just over $200. Sent it back to DB and they fixed it for free. No idea why the seller didn't do the same but he didn't. After the first fix it still wouldn't stay popped up. So I sent it back again and they sent me a new in box blind for my troubles. I've tried several blinds and now have 3 DB blinds. I've left them out for almost the entire season and no fading or signs of wear. They cost more but it's like buying an Excal or one of those China made xbows you see. You get what you pay for. And their service is superior too.

No matter what blind you get if you're a serious ground pounder you need the DB back pack, the Wild Thing. Carries your blind, chair, and other needed items and you can even put your xbow in the part made for a compound and carry it too. Walking hands free to a spot is pretty nice.
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