Team Va 10pt ML buck down

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Team Va 10pt ML buck down

Post by crazyfarmer »

well, I posted that monday morning I missed a huge 8pt which I thought was roughly 20-23 inches wide due to my scope being fogged and I thought I shot low. Well read on.... I went this afternoon since the weather broke from the front that passed this morning so the air was cooling down big time and deer should be on the move. I deiced to try a buck bomb for the first time and I highly reccomend them now. Anyhow, I got in the stand early around 3 and set off the buck bomb scent and within 10mins I had spikes running down the bottom. Damn it really work LOL... anyway, they passed on and around 4:50 I caught movement coming.. I saw horns but not great width.. I put the scope up to check since he was 40 yards and closing and saw a right sticker point off his G2 and instantly knew he was a shooter. I clicked the safety off and by then he was only 30 yards and slightly turning towards the buck bomb scent can I had out so I pulled the trigger and wham, down in his tracks. Let me add that im not happy with the TC shockwave sabots since this is the second one that didnt exit a deer at under 30 yards! But they did the trick still... however, im worried about blood trailing with only 1 hole had he run. Anyway, I walk over a inspect and he had another 1inch kicker off his left side G2 also and very good mass!! He ended up measuring right at 20inches wide and has 10 scorable pts with huge bass thickness.

well, I get home and hang him up and notice that right below his front shoulder he has a serious gash and a see a 50cal hole in his left leg(has come from a very low right hand side shot). The wound was only 1-2 days old(since blackpowder came in saturday lol). No one has shot at a nice buck in this area so all I can figure is that this is the same deer I missed at 15-20 yards monday morning. It makes sense since I know I had the scope lined up perfect on that deer, but I just pulled the shot way low since he was so close and my scope was fogged. The bodies look very similair since they both had grey shoulders and very good mass also. Someone else may have shot this buck, but since I mainly hunt this area alone the chances are greater that this is the same buck I missed and lost so much sleep over... talk about ironic.... now the question is, will I mount him.. The wall is full now, but this deer actaully has a laughable story which makes it a very good wallhanger story for my kids later on LOL :lol:

he's not my biggest deer, but he does have a perfect rack and a good story now LOL... any opinions on mounting? I have 5 on the wall now and this one would be about the 3rd biggest of them


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Post by wildwindom »

Great buck crazy even better story. He would be on the wall for sure!!
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Post by mdcrossbow »

Great buck crazy, Congratulations ! I'm taking my son out for a day pass down at FUMA and we will hunt near Zion Cross roads this Saturday looking for one or 2 of those bif farm bucks.
Grizzly Adam
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Post by Grizzly Adam »

Good buck, Crazy! :D

Why can't you just saw his antlers off under the topknot and nail 'em up somewhere, as an altenative to full mounting? Lot's cheaper! Since you like to hunt bigger bucks, this probably won't be the last nice one that you won't really want to mount.
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Post by Iamcdneh »

Great story! I want one! lol
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Post by deerman »

Good Buck; I would get a skull antler mount for the wall. When they are in sight on the wall rather than in a box you will never forget the great story behind the hunt. Keep up the good hunting!
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Post by catcher »

Great buck and cool story. My rule for mounting is that it has to score higher then any prevoiusly mounted. Or if it has more character or unique diferences. The drop tine is next for me. That is a tough one. It must have been awesome for you to walk up to that buck you shot. It is a good one that is for sure.
Mike P
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Post by Mike P »

Crazy, if cost is not a consideration, it comes down to wall placement and presentation I think. The rack is nice with the kickers and this would represent your third best buck. You could also feature a sneak or semi sneak mount with the buck looking to the left so that the kicker on the right antler is presented prominently.

I face this dilemma fortunately as you now do. My office is full and wall space is not available. Did I ever mention I have every species of duck indigenous to the lower 48 mounted? My days of living in the central flyway as a younger man were spent with a duck call and a black lab named Drifter.

So now if something goes up on the wall, something comes down! I think you might have reached this point as well. I just got the "Mohawk" buck back from the taxidermist last month. I mounted that deer due to his mane, the taxidermist called him the zebra buck. The fact that he had a 26 inch inside spread came into play also. But when he went up, a buck I killed in Texas on my families ranch came down. That buck means a lot to me as my dad was still alive when I killed that buck and I would think of him every time I would look at the mount.

Any thing that comes off the wall is packaged meticulously and I store the mounts. Who knows, I may build that trophy room I keep thinking about. And every so often, I get ambitious and change some ducks around, keeps my office looking fresh and new to me. I am stating to do the same thing with some bucks. The Texas buck will be back, he is just on sabbatical.

So in a nutshell, number three all time, the story, the kickers, its a no brainer. Go for it! Think about that sneak or semi sneak pose for that boy, I would feature that right antler sticker.

Put him on the wall and take down number five. Hopefully in the future you will post about running out of storage space in the basement for all the bucks you had to take down from the wall.
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Post by kevin »

very nice Buck.
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Post by flbuckmaster »


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pitch black
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Post by pitch black »

good buck, i would have it mounted in a minute
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Post by cubb »

Awesome buck, i would have him mounted for sure. By the way what is a buck bomb?
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Post by crazyfarmer »

thanks everyone... Cubb, if you look in bass pro and other hunting stores you will see them. Its basically a can, filled with doe pee or young buck(whatever you want to buy since they make 4-5 different kinds). Its a spray, so you shake the can and place it on a flat surface and it blasts out the scent for about 1min, which covers everything close by and drifts a LONG ways. Perfect for a buck downwind. They are 7.99 a can, so not cheap for a one time use, but man do they work;)

FLbuck, thanks man... I spend alot of time looking for sheds, scouting, and hanging stands. I have the sheds to this ones dad or son that ive been after this year but have yet to see him. He's a good 2-3 inches all around bigger than the one I got yesterday.

Catcher, I really like the stickers on this one so that makes him different from any buck I have mounted. Thats the big plus for him and the story to boot;)

MDcrossbow, goodluck man! Ive heard of that place before and im sure its some biggins in there. I cant go again untill saturday so its eating me up since I really have buck fever now LOL.

Mike P... Ive got about 15 on boards and 5 wall mounts lol.. I have one spot he can go in and I do have one 14 year old mount that needs to come down. But each has a good story and memory like they should. Oneday I want a seperate trophy room also so thats why im leaning to mounting him and the semi sneak turn pose you said to highlight the kicker;) I know ill kill bigger, but who knows how long we have to hunt or live on this earth, so hopefully my kids will take the trophy's with them LOL to remember me with LOL(im only 27 so i hope I live for a good while LOL)

thanks to everyone else again, I can reply to everyone... but if anyone wants a big buck, let the lil ones go. Had I shot the first 2 that walked by me that day, I never would have seen him :lol:
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Post by ecoaster »

Seems to me you posted something about not having big bucks in another post. I would say that the VA bucks are just top heavy instead of heavy in the rump :lol: .

I wouldn't think twice about putting that fella down. Conrats!
I hunt for memories, the meat's a bonus!

Post by tws75 »

very nice buck congrats!!!!
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