firearm transfer bad story

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firearm transfer bad story

Post by Crockett&boon »

well guys as i posted a while back i got turned down from buying a shotgun well i filed a appeal because of it got a letter back over the weekend telling me sorry but its denied heres the kicker over 3 bad checks in 7/2000
story about the checks
keeping it short and sweet i owned 2 dump trucks and had the desk checkbook the one with 3 checks on one page well i kept 3 signed just incase my brother or dad need to go to the parts store for me if i was broke down on side of the road or job site anyway got out of the trucking biz and tossed the checkbook in my lower chest had a girl friend steal the checks write the for cash (not at once but over 2-3 days) at the same store i knew nothing of this we broke up about years after we did i got pulled over for a tail light out the then told me i had a warrent for me i went to jail seen the judge the next day paid the store back and 1000 hrs of c/service and several 1000 in court cost because the judge told me since i signed the check i couldn't prove i didn't give it to her it would be a case of he said she said
now back to 2008 the letter said if a crime was punishable by imprisonment or probataionfor a term exceeding 1 year(mine was 2) reguardless if the crime was a felony or misdemeanor you couldn't purchase a firearm by 18usca 922 b 1. imo this is crazy i've paid my debt(that wasn't mine) 8 years ago and whats funny about all this was i just purchased a new rifle 2 weeks befor this that they ran a background check on me to me this is so crazy over some checks that i didn't write 8 years ago(really 10 but didn't go to court until 2000) all this over a hunting firearm not a handgun but a 870 shotgun man this wasn't a violence or force crime or use of a weapon drugs or anything come on guys i really want to hear good or bad what you guys think
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Post by wabi »

Sorry to hear of your troubles, but I'm in a similar situation.
Nasty divorce years ago, and the ex worked in the courts. She had felony charges brought against me trying to get me put in jail & discrediting my good reputation. I hired a lawyer and he had the charge reduced to a misdemeanor domestic violence charge. I told him I didn't want to plea to that because of firearms ownership, but he told me it would be no problem to have the record sealed later. He lied!!!! Having the record sealed does NOT restore rights! It would now take a gubernatorial or presidential pardon to restore rights, and since it had been over a year when I learned of his mistake I cannot appeal the conviction!!!!!
The government is slowly taking our guns, and the people just don't realize how serious it is. The second amendment is being done away with in little steps instead of a repeal that would be noticed and fought by the general voting public.
You or I can't afford to hire lawyers to fight it on our own, and the big organizations like the NRA are no help! I had been a member for years and when I called for help I was told I'd have to hire my own lawyers and fight it on my own. They did give me phone numbers for 3 or 4 lawyers who specialize in this type cases - and not 1 of those turned out to be a valid working number!!!!!!!!!
I'm afraid it basically boils down to:
The government can't just repeal the second amendment, but they can bury our rights in paperwork & legal fine print without the majority of gun owners ever noticing. I'll bet a large percentage of legal gun owners are really illegal if they only knew the fine print that has been put in place already!!!!!!
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I couldn't agree with you more. Here in "The Peoples Republic of Massachusetts" we have the most capricous and arbitrary gun laws of any state, with the possible exception of California. There is no doubt that I break some unknown gun law everytime I go to the range or hunting. A large part of the problem is that the legislature passes bills into law which we don't even know have been proposed. This is compounded by the fact we are all working long hours just to survive.

Janet Reno said it best when she said "Waiting periods are only a step. Registration is only a step. The prohibition of private firearms is the goal."

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Post by sumner4991 »

The people without guns are scared to death of people with guns. Mainly due to some really great media coverage of every illegal gunshot and the media's expertise on making the story worth watching/reading. You have to admit . . .there have been some pretty good fuel for these fires too, especially in our school systems. Seems like everytime someone goes crazy and starts shooting, the "experts" figure out some way to have kept that person from ever owning a gun. Fact is, we simply have way more people in the world . . .the number of crazy people has risen and will likely continue to rise(the percentages probably remain the same or could even be lower). As we all know, it's the crazy person that's at fault . . .not the gun. Crazy people find ways to kill other than with a gun when a gun isn't available.
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Post by Crockett&boon »

thanks guys it really blows me away that more people hasn't said anything in this thread since its about peoples rights about hunting and gun laws kind of blows me away with the lack of responce i really thought people would be a little mad knowing the good ole usa gov. can do this as simple as this
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Post by Pydpiper »

I feel for you, but it seems to be the same story over and over, Americans getting their rights stripped left and right.
A lack of a response does not mean a lack of sympathy though. :D

I am just glad I no longer reside in the land of the free.
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Post by Hi5 »

Part of the reason why the response level was low may be that we Canadians don't know the ins and outs of your laws. Plus, we have our own crosses to bear when it comes to firearms laws.

Are you prohibited entirely from owning firearms? Are you only prohibited from purchasing firearms from retailers? If there is a prohibition, does it apply nationwide, or just your state?
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Post by flbuckmaster »

get this one guys. I am going thru a pretty nasty divorce right now and my ex and I have mutual restraining orders on each other. no big deal...So I attended our local NWTF banquet last week and actually won a benelli shotgun. so when I went and filled out the paper and went thru the background check, it was denied becuase I am under a current restraining order. screwed again by my ex!!!
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Post by raydaughety »

I think that we should pay close attention to what several of your friends have posted here. I'm not sure if it will make any difference in the longrun but If I have the money available and see a gun that I like, or one that myself or Tyler will need in the future, I'll buy it while I can. :wink: .

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Post by wabi »

Forgot to add - there is a procedure for filing with the BATF for restoration of rights. BUT - when I called last I was told congress cut funding so the BATF had to close that department for now! Check back in a year or two and we may be able to take your application........ :evil:
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Post by Crockett&boon »

yea right now their is a bill going in tn that will be heard on the 15 of march that will make all hand gun and asst.rifle bullets have a ser.# on them if it passes this means that you can no longer after 2010 have in your poss. bullets that don't have a ser.# on them their trying to make it federal offence to own or make or reload bullets for a hand gun or a asst rifle (and they refuse to let people know what kind of asst.rifles) sad day if it passes
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Post by Long Trang »

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Post by LV2HNT »

Sorry to hear about your missfortune guys. Unfortunately this is a widespread problem here in the states. I have a friend that is the nicest guy in the world who got into a bad relationship with a realy crazy girl just after highschool. She got pregnant and he vowed to stay by her side and support his child like most good guys would do. It didn't work out that way though. He tried his best, but her mental problems were too much to handle. They got into a bad fight one night, which was the norm, and she got violent, which was not uncommon either (she was over a foot taller and bigger than my friend). The police were called and they sided with her. Now he has domestic violence charges on his record and may never be able to own a gun again. He has spoken to a bunch of lawyers and gotten different answers from almost all of them. So he isn't sure what to think or do. One thing I can tell you is that if he can get his rights restored it would probably cost more than he could afford.

Now a days, he has full custody of his boy after many expensive, drawn out, court battles which her own parents went to, to testify against her. She is now in Michigan I believe, using crazy drugs and running around with different guys. She has had atleast one other child who she tried to kidnap once, and she has been married atleast two other times. She is a real nutcase and unfortunately my friend didn't figure it out untill it was too late. Fortunately though, he has managed to make the best of his situation and has a great kid to show for it.

It realy pains me to see situations like these. The government is slowly chipping our rights away untill it one day feels it is safe enough to take them away totaly. That day may come very soon too, with all our presidential candidates being against guns, I am affraid of what the next four years have in store. I also fear it is too late to do anything about it because our words are not heard as individuals and banding together as a group would make them portray us as terrorists, a cult, or just a bunch of wackos, and then deal with us appropriatly. Joining organizations like the NRA may help but I am skeptical.

I can't believe that they want to put serial #s on all bullets!!! That is insane. If they do it, burglars are going to prize bullets as much as the guns. They will steal them and use them in a crime and then the cops will be knocking at your door, charging you, and taking away your rights because you let the criminal get the bullets. I bet we will have to pay an extra arm and leg to get them too because they will cost more to produce. And what about the collectors out there who also collect old ammunition? Are they going to be jailed for not getting rid of the old bullets that they paid good money for?

That brings me to another thing I was thinking about yesterday. How come bullets are so dang expesive? I don't think we are in a lead shortage and I know copper is expensive but that does not justify the high prices we pay these days. Is it because of greedy bullet makers, or is it because of the government taxing them and somehow driving the prices high enough to make it impossible to spend a day at the range like I did as a kid and therefore making a lot of people give up shooting or never start. These days, recreational shooting is a distant memory for me. I shoot to sight in and I shoot at animals when I hunt and that is it. :cry
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Post by DanO »

The same sort of difficulties are occuring in Ontario. If you have an exwife or girlfriend that has it in for you, your hunting is done! They need to approve your gun ownership before you can even keep the guns you have. There are ex's that are using this as a bargaining strategy so that the settlement goes in there favour.

Dan O.
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