Whitetail institute and Food Plots

Crossbow Hunting

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Whitetail institute and Food Plots

Post by Swish »

Hey folks!

I'm new to this whole hunting thing. Since i'm doing it primarily for food, i'd like to help manage the population of deer that i'll be harvesting from. My family owns a 200 acre property in the Bowmanville area, most of which is hardwood woodlot with a few fields thrown in. One field (~3 acres) is inside the property and completely surrounded by forest.

How big are food plots usually? I'd like to keep mine small but not too small. Anyone here have experience with food plots and/or the Whitetail Institute products? It seems like they're more concerned with antlers than meat- is good antler growth an indicator of overall health and good nutrition, or is feeding for antler growth like the deer version of Enzyte?

This forum has been a great resource so far with a surprising amount of Canucks. I'm looking forward to getting to know you folks and to siphon your brains for information :wink:

Cheers all and Thanks!
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Post by vixenmaster »

i can't answer most of your ?'s. i have a food plot 50'x50' with white/red and ladino clover in it. i don't have many deer here, about 10/12 use it. they seem to like it. they are in health, i have never set my eyes on a Buck in it. always Doe's and fawns
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Post by sevenmmstalker »

You can plant as much food plot as your wallet and equipment allow. I lease 800 acres in Ga and plant 18 acres of oats , wheat and rape. The rape is especially good after the 1st frost. Deer candy.
I do not know your location , but buying "name brand" seeds can cost a fortune. For annual crops I think the above is great if you get enough water.
The prior poster gave you clover. If you can get that going ...that is great too, and last longer. Next year I start planting clovers to cut down on the annual cost.
If you don't want to plant all 3 acres, I would plant 10 +_ yard wide strips along the wood line. Depending on the # of deer you have in the area, this may not last long.
Good luck. I enjoy putting in food plots just to feed the deer. Getting ready for the hunt is almost as much fun as the hunt.
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Post by pdislow »

i have a food plot about 10 feet wide and 100 yards long. it gets plenty of use and the bucks only show up on a trail camera after dark. the resident 8 pointer shows up between midnight and 0300. any cheap stuff has worked as good a the high dollar stuff for me. soil prep and fertilizer makes a difference though. good luck
thanks philip
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