Finally......we got one

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Finally......we got one

Post by fratri »

I hope to have some pics soon, it is currently hanging at my buddies place. He and I went out to one of our spots, only to find the farmer havesting the soybeans...We decide to drive over to another place, I just drop off my buddy at a new location that looked promising very close to the vehicle.... Before I can walk the 500 yds or so to my set up I get a call on the 2 way, him telling me he shot his first deer with an arrow.... I quickly double back, he shows me where he was and where the deer was... (personally I would of not taken the shot.....35 yds through the bush, brush, leaves and branches) anyway start looking for blood, find it, follow it for a while, realize the shot is high (blood about 3' high on trees) after about 100 yds we loose the blood trail.... I do a quick estimate on the deers general travel direction, it leads me to a corn field, I walk the edge of the field and find a little tiny piece (size of pencil eraser) of blood on a corn stalk leaf... Begin the search again, by this time we are loosing lite fast.....I get my buddy to come and help with the new search...(my buddy is fairly new to the deer hunting thing, thats why I took the lead in tracking) as we begin to walk the outer edge of the corn field looking for blood or knocked down corn, We travel about 40 yds or so when I round a corner and there he is, alive sitting down, head up and alert, I back up and turn to my buddy and say he is just around the corner and he is still alive, he did not beleive time to argue, since I had my bow already cocked I stuck a bolt in and fired...He got up and ran about 20 yds before he callasped....My buddy could not believe his eyes.... It turned out his original shot hit him in the neck and the far shoulder prevented the arrow from going through...Weird how things worked out.... This turned out to be a real team effort/hunt.....
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Post by one shot scott »

Fancy shoot"n Fratr!! Its amazing the buck didnt bolt before you could get the final shot.
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Post by raydaughety »

My hats off to you for sticking with it and recovering the deer. Not so impressed with your buddy's ethics and shooting skills. Sounds like you need to sit him down for a little talking to. Has he taken a hunter safety course? If not, I'd look into it and personally wouldn't hunt with him again until he get's his act together. Congratulations and hey, at least you got to pull the trigger on one.
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Post by Boo »

Congratulations! Sounds like there was lots of luck involved. Lucky the deer didn't bolt and lucky your friend has you as a hunting buddy! Hope you have a talk with your friend.
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Post by huntman »

That could of turned out a hell of a lot different!!! Congrats anyways but i hope you both learned a lesson espeically your buddy!
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Post by vixenmaster »

congrats on the deer and joint effort y'all put into recovering and finishing the job
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Post by Wishbone »

Way to go, glad you stuck it out !!! It takes a while to get the new guys to get with the program. :evil: :evil: :evil: But if we don't put in the time teaching them they will just keep wounding deer. Or sling an arrow your way shooting at squirrels like mine did because he got bored after only 45 minutes of sitting !!! He stuck the ground three feet in front of me. With all my restraint I walked over to where he was and asked WT%$#@ are you doing. But he puts up his hands and and yells ( I can't hear you give me a sec ) then pulls a set of head phones out of his hat. At that I flung his arrow at him and said we are done for the day we gotta talk.... He does okay now

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Post by Sandman »


Do you think the original shot would have expired the deer if he had been left over night?? Or was it one of those that would have made a real bad impression everytime the deer was seen by people?

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Post by wabi »

Congratulations to you on your efforts to find the deer and finish it off.
Sounds like your buddy has a lot to learn about archery hunting, but you should be able to point out several mistakes made on this deer. It's a good thing you were there to find it and end the hunt.
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Post by Benu »

Jeers to your buddy for the unethical shot. Cheers to you for the good tracking and making a quick kill shot. (Followed by a Dr Hibbard of the Simpsons laugh)

Looking forward to seeing the pictures. :lol:
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Post by maple »

He got buck fever didn't he.

From what you describe the buck was in serious trouble from the first hit and may well have expired right there given time. Good recovery though.

Congratulations on the deer.

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Post by MADMAX2 »

CONGRATS!!good to hear you were able to find the wounded deer experiences like that sometimes have to happen to realize it's not worth the risk on a ? shot.I also live in Brantford wheres the BBQ :lol:
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Post by saxman »

Way to hang in and get it done.
Ditto on the talk with the new guy.
Dont turn him off to hunting just let him know that is unacceptable.
Aw hell,you know what to do.

I had a friend do a simalar thing except he found hi deer parylized and didnt know what to do so he waited several hours,checked the deer and it was still alive so he waited some more and then came and got me.
I dispatched the deer with an arrow and chewed his ass for a while

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Post by sumner4991 »

Congrats on a fine shot, fratri! Is your friend busy tomorrow morning? I need someone to whack and wound so I can get one. :shock: Just kidding! :lol: :lol:

Good job on the finish . . .take it easy on your buddy, we have all been there.

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