The Rain

Crossbow Hunting

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Mike P
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The Rain

Post by Mike P »

The Rain

There is finally a small break in the rain here in southern Ohio. I will hunt this afternoon for the first time in two days. The rain has kept me out of the woods.

I have all the right gear, I can stay snug as a bug with the all the high tech waterproof hunting clothing I own. That's not the problem. It is the baggage the rain brings with it that keeps me out of the woods.

I refuse to lose a blood trail to the rain. I lost a really good buck on Halloween night about ten years ago. I arrowed him about twenty minutes before the end of legal shooting. I thought it was good hit. And I waited about fifteen minutes before climbing down the tree to have a look see. I went to the exact area where I shot him and sure enough, there was my arrow with blood. And then I felt the first drops.

I knew the forecast called for rain so I should have known better. But the moment and the antlers overtook me, and I squeezed the release and let the arrow fly from the Martin compound.

When the first drops hit I started to panic. I picked up the line of the blood trail and started to follow it. And the drops fell with more intensity. I made a quick decision. I stuck an arrow into the ground at the last blood spot where I was standing. I knew the blood trail would be history in about five minutes or less as the sky's opened. I looked for the line I thought he used and I took off.

I looked in the dark and the pouring rain for over an hour. What blood trail there had once been was now long washed away. I gave up and walked home.

I searched for that buck over twenty hours during the course of the following two days. I never did find him.

I knew if he was down the crows and the turkey vultures would tell me. And sure enough on the forth day after the shot, I found him. There was not enough left to tell me where my shot was placed. I can only surmise that it was not the best of shots as I found him about six hundred yards from where I let the arrow fly. And during my search I walked as close to him as twenty yards on several occasions and didn't see him. He crashed in some honeysuckle and was almost invisible unless you stepped on him.

Would I have been able to track the blood trail those six hundred yards if the rain had not come? I like to think I could. But I will never know. I never had the opportunity.

And I swore it would never happen again.
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Post by mikew »

Well said (as usual) Mike.

I have the opportunity to hunt Saturday morning; however, I'm going to pass on it due to the wet forecast.

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Post by maple »

That's sure something you have to consider when planning to hunt, or not.

Morning and long day light vs. evening and impending dark; gotta be at work by 8:00 vs. got all day; the wind is wrong vs. all is perfect; and yes, is it going to rain or snow.

It's all part of the plan.

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Post by crazyfarmer »

Mike, i braved the rain today and had 10 deer come into the field while it was pouring.. Then the rain died off right around 5pm and here walks Mr Big about 150 yards out. Now I can make that shot fine with a solid rest, but I was about to attempt it with fading light and rain still dipping from tree's. I would say he was a 140inch deer, but I just wasnt taking that chance of losing him on a iffy shot. Heading back in the morning to the same spot. Hopefully he's not far :D

I just had to hunt since after Saturday the woods will be alive with hounds
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Post by wabi »

I think most of us who have hunted long have made that mistake of shooting one with rain on the way. Last time I did it I shot a doe under cloudy skies, then the rain started. I had to push her or loose her, so I hit the trail in fading light. Finally managed to get close enough to her on the third bed to get another arrow into her and end it, but she made one last sprint to (where else :roll: ) the creek bed. She was well hit, and would have died in a few minutes in the first spot she bedded (about 60 yards from where I shot), but I had to push her much too soon and that gave her the will to keep running from me.
I'll agree - it's much easier (and smarter) to find another way to enjoy your time when it's raining.
I've used the rainy days to set out a small trapline where I hunt. The landowner wants the raccoon population reduced (to zero would make him happy) so I've been catching a few raccoons to keep me busy and make him happy.
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Post by Benu »

I used the rain today as good sound cover to allow me finally make a good trip around the entire area where I am hunting. It took most of the day, during the breaks in the rain, I sat against trees and ate a bit of food. Saw a couple of new rubs approx 300m as the crow flies from my stand site. So I now am a reassured with my site selection. The animals were all most likely taking shelter, cause I only saw the usual chipmunks and one woodpecker during the entire day. On the plus side I did harvest a hippo off the forest floor. He was made in England, out of porcelian and fit in my hand. Strange find.
Take it easy.


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Post by Hoss »

i was wondering where i dropped that dang thing!
Dedicated.... ta all the sweet Bucks yet ta die!
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Post by hetichunter »

Yep rain can be a pain in the rear with blood trails! But for some reason I seem to see a lot of deer when I hunt in the rain. Maybe it is just me i dunno.

Mike P you are a machine with putting out great reads.

Is there any where else I can find your writings?
If it isn't hectic, it isn't hunting!
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Post by crazyfarmer »

hetichunter wrote:Yep rain can be a pain in the rear with blood trails! But for some reason I seem to see a lot of deer when I hunt in the rain. Maybe it is just me i dunno.

Mike P you are a machine with putting out great reads.

Is there any where else I can find your writings?
same here... Ive seen more deer in the past 2 days of rain than I have the whole past 2 weeks...

They are feeding hard! A buddie took a nice 21inch 8pt last night in the rain which we tracked and found. He only went roughly 100 yards though. I seem to kill bigger deer in extreme weather conditions :D
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Post by MADMAX2 »

I dono but I will find out in the AM!!
The best things in life are not things!!
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