Hog hunting

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Hog hunting

Post by Farmer »

how about hunting hogs with Dogs , but no bow or gun :shock:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A46Ndk-r ... re=related
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Re: Hog hunting

Post by GaryL »

Farmer wrote:how about hunting hogs with Dogs , but no bow or gun :shock:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A46Ndk-r ... re=related
Man he or they sure need a HEAD SHRINK, see what happens when ya get boooooored :!: :!:
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Post by DropTine »

Man, how dumb do you get.

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Post by Sandman »

I some how dont think that footage will make it to Wild TV~! :roll:
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Post by Farmer »

My son put me on to these hog hunting videos you you tube . There were more, ah , shall I say colourful ones . They have some where the pig was dispatched with a knife .

Call me a sissy but that just ain't for me .
hawg hunter
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hog hunting

Post by hawg hunter »

And people called me crazy. I've hunted with the knife for many years and as I got a little older and wiser gave it up. A spear and crossbow are a lot safer.
Mike P
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Post by Mike P »

From a while ago..
Mike P wrote:
hawg hunter wrote:.One thing to remember is that your hunting a very intelligent animal. He's very tough and dangerous when wounded. Give them at least a half hour after you shoot before you approach.

saxman wrote: Mike,it sounds like that hunt came back to bite you in the @$$ :D
I agree with mike,dont underestimate these hogs down here,I had one put me up a tree.

I put an arrow into a big boar in 1989. I was shooting my Martin Firecat. It was really a good hit, quartering away and placed (I thought) behind the rib cage. I waited twenty minutes, climbed down from the treestand and went to the spot I last saw him. There were copious amounts of blood and the trail led into a grove of palmettos. I started following the blood trail and it kept going through thicker and thicker densities within the grove.

I heard him coming before I could see him. He was giving out with that half screech half growl. If you have hunted pigs, you know the sound I am talking about. I didn’t wait to see him, I turned and picked out the closest thing to a climbable tree and sprinted for it. I didn’t make it.

He hit me from behind and knocked me down face first. He hooked me in my right butt cheek and tossed me a good five feet and smack into the middle of a palmetto. I could hear the screeches as he ran past me and out of the grove.

Thank goodness he didn’t clip any major arteries or vessels. As it was, I was still bleeding profusely and to make a long story short, I ended up with twenty-eight sutures to close the wound.

I was lucky. That boar could have killed me. Later that day we went out with the dogs and found him. He went about two hundred yards from the point where he attacked me. He was dead when we found him.

The arrow hit had been a good one and ran at an angle from behind the right rib cage and through the left lung. It missed his heart by less then half an inch. It just goes to show you how incredibly tough these animals are. It also left a lifetime impression on me as to just how really dangerous they can be.

I still hog hunt every year but I do it with a firearm, every thing from rifle to slug gun, black powder and pistol. I will never track a pig without my service issued Colt model 1911 45 cal. I recommend to anyone tracking a pig to have a semi-auto side arm with them.

Every year my hunting buddies delight in telling this story on the trip to the ranch from the Orlando airport. They all laugh and hee haw at my expense. I am quick to remind them that none were laughing when they saw me after the attack that morning. The grins leave their face as they remember the sight of me, blood everywhere and my pants in shreds. It is usually at this time that we review all of our safety protocol for the hunt. So in the end (no pun intended) my experience has served a purpose.
For some reason I just never see the humor when hogs attack.
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Post by saxman »

Me and another club member had to go in and get another member out of his stand with our pistols.
He called and had 30 hogs around him at his feeder and was afraid to get down.
he was embarressed,I would not have been,It was scarey going in with just a 38 + P

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Post by Grizzly Adam »

saxman wrote: It was scarey going in with just a 38 + P
Yeah, Sax ... but the gun you've got with you is the gun that counts ... and I've got a concealed hammer Smith Airweight in .38 Special +P that is nearly always with me in the woods, 'cause it's lightweight and easy to carry. It's not meant for long range accuracy or killing power ... it's meant for snag-proof, jam-proof, fool-proof up-close and personal when you ain't got time for dickerin' self-defense. And at that, my friend, a quality "squeezer" really shines.

Policemen know this.

When a hog is about to chew on your leg, that .38 will serve just fine. :D

Put it in his mouth and pull! :shock: :wink:
hawg hunter
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hog hunting

Post by hawg hunter »

My wife and I both carry the same type of weapon, even if we're just going to the mall. Lots of more dangerous things in the city than whats in the woods. Very good choice never stove pipes and don't stop pulling the triger til it goes klick klick.
Grizzly Adam
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Re: hog hunting

Post by Grizzly Adam »

hawg hunter wrote:My wife and I both carry the same type of weapon, even if we're just going to the mall. Lots of more dangerous things in the city than whats in the woods. Very good choice never stove pipes and don't stop pulling the triger til it goes klick klick.
Full concealed hammer snubs have some very real advantages in a scuffle.

To verify this, I had a friend with very strong hands assist me in an experiment with the aforementioned S&W Airweight. After demonstrating that to him that it was unloaded, he verified for himself that it was unloaded, and a third party also verified that it was unloaded (redundancy for the sake of absolute safety).

We then simulated an aggressor / defender situation, in which he loudly confronted me and pushed me (up really close). I drew, and as we'd planned, he grabbed the revolver with both hands. HE COULD NOT PREVENT ME FROM PULLING THROUGH ALL FIVE CYLINDERS, even with all of his hand strength!

No hammer to block, no slide to stop or jam ... nothing to grab onto or foul up. Try that with a semi-auto!

Also, if you've got a dud, fire on and bring it round again.

Squeezers are hard to beat for fighting defense.

Although they're "Double-Action Only", I can even fire mine single action. All it takes is practice. :D

Now, for the hogs BEFORE they close in on you and knock you down, I've got a Smith 629 Hunter Classic with an 8 & 3/8" barrel in .44 Mag. Sweet hunting revolver! 8)
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