Crossbow Hunting

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Post by hunter7558 »

:( Well my x-bow is on the trading post.. and its official I have now done it.. no more bow hunting for me...I am slowly but surely thru the last 3 or 4 years started to loose the fever of hunting the passion I had come the weekend to get out and go...I feel like the people I hunt with dont care enough about the sport and the ones that want to go I dont have the patients for, I think slowly but surely you will see the rest of my gear on here, I am tired of asking friends, " we hunting this weekend" and them answering " I dont know" I just feel like no one wants to hunt, and that the only reason they do end up going is because i have asked them so many times that they just want to shut me up, Well I guess I will still be in here looking and reading some great stories on some truly nice people having a great time doing what the have a passion for and maybe one day I can get that passion back into me...Good luck to all of you the rest of the season! :( :)
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Post by Sliver »

Hey Hunter. Sorry to hear about how your feeling at the moment. I can relate to those feelings... I do all my bow hunting by mself.... I only know guys that are into the shotgun hunt, :roll: so be it, I shotgun hunt with them, but am out there alone with the bow... Keep your chin up buddy, and hopefully you will soon feel that passion ! :wink: :D
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Post by prossbow »

It's definitely hard to stay interested when the people you once enjoyed hunting with don't want to hunt. For me, well I always tended to hunt alone, then after a bad accident leaving an amputated leg I tend to rely on others. It's tough but I'm travelling lighter and getting used to goin it solo again maybe you can too.
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Post by gogo »

Sorry to hear that. I'm 61 and hunt alone 99% of the time as a matter of fact I just came back from relocating my ladder stand. Doing things by myself doesn't bother me perhaps you just need time. Sure hope you change your mind if not all the best to you.
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Post by Grizzly Adam »

Your choice.

That said, if you're at all interested in continuing (and it sounds like you may be) I'd encourage you to try hunting by yourself without regard to the schedule of others before you give up completely.

99% of my hunting is hunting I do on my own.

That's not because I don't like to hunt with others; I do ... but it's a whole lot easier to go by yourself ... and I live so far out in the sticks it's a natural thing.

My brother is about the only one I regularly hunt with, and that's a matter of taking a special trip home ... a "whole 'nother thing"!

Do what you want, but be sure you're not bailing out too early.

All the best! :D
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Post by wheelie »

I hunt alone most of the time. Coyote hunting I walk for 4 or 5 hours alone most Saturdays. I got a beagle to hunt with me. Best hunting partner I ever had. He is always game to go with me and never argues of where he wants to go on a particular day. Even take him turkey hunting to sit in the blind. Just get camo cloths on or pick out a weapon and he runs to the door ready to go. Don't have to ever worry about his wife not wanting him to go. Coyote hunting he sits up and always watchs my back. Hope some day you get the passion back. Hope you will not be sorry for selling all your stuff someday. Try it alone sometime U just might like it.
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Post by bow4it »

Last time I checked, when I am in the tree and look to my left and look to my right, there is nobody to be seen. I am tagged out for the season and my father is 73 and just walked out of the woods trying to get a deer. The passion can be lost in what life throws you, but is it really ever lost?? I don't mean this in a bad way, but I hope nobody buys your hunting will need it again someday. :wink:
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sorry to hear

Post by dutchhunter »

like some others have said .mayby you are looking at bow hunting in a littel differenent light then some of us are .try looking at it as a sport between you and the deer .a challenge if you would show yourself what you can do on your own .i hunt for my self and my enjoy ment .bow hunting for me is all about me and the biggst baddest deer in the woods .f i can figger him out and learn to play by his rules and catch him in his bed room .then you have done somthing you will fell good about .i will bet if you go to the woods by your self you will start to see bigger deer and a lot more deer .and the reward will be much greater when you succed .and you will DUTCH
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Post by bucont »

Just last night we were visit a buddy down home. He is a long time hunter as well so we dicussed his gun hunt in the Haliburtan area last week. Sounds like they had fun, shot 10 deer between the ten of them. Anyway he has asked me many times over the years to go up with them and last night was no different.

They dog blocks simular to jack rabbit drives here at home. Well I never did take to that style of hunting, not that there is anything wrong with it it is just not me. I prefer to still hunt, I like the peace and I like watching nature. I hunt this way and 99% of the time and I now do it alone and have throughly enjoyed it.

My advice, try it by yourself, give it shot, you have all the gear already. You may find it will become your sanity check from the day to day rat race.

Just my 2 cents.
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Post by agingcrossbower »

Hunter! Don't let your fellow so called wanabe hunters destroy what you learn to love. Go by yourself. Its not a group sport anyway. Go for the love of the sport. Do it for you. Pull that bow off trading post less you think you need the money to live, but don't have it on there because your FRIENDS dragged the sport out of you. Go out alone for the love of the sport. That smell of the woods. That peace you can't find elsewhere. Everyone as they get older find it harder to hunt. Hell its damn near impossible to morning hunt for me anymore, but, but don't give up. You just may lose the best part of you. :(
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Post by deer jamie »

hold off on sellin ur stuff .....Dont make rash decisions :? hunting byurself only increasis ur chances of seeing deer. When you have company in the woods with you they may be spooking the deer. Just a thought :o
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Post by munch »

when it comes to deer i like to hunt myself and can spend days in the bush this time of year. i know the plan. where i will sit, how long i will sit ,when to move .when not to move what time i need to go home it's a lot easyer than trying to plan whos where at what time and what you going to bring .the last few years moose hunying has got to be the same .some guys you can count on and some you cann't. i can count on myself and will not be p/$$%7 at anyone but myself when things go wrong
one more thing to tee a guy off is you work all week planning on hunting a spot sat and find out some one you know has been in there all week and the only day you have to hunt is a wash because of that
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Post by maple »

You'll regret it some day.

Sitting inside looking out and saying darn, darn.

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Post by hetichunter »

maybe just take a sabbatical and come back with better attitude.
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Post by chris4570 »

Do you have your own transportation?? If so there is nothing stopping you from hunting.

Prior to owning a vehicle I relied on my uncle but he was unreliable, and stopped hunting all together. I enjoy hunting far too much. I saved my pennies by eating plain rice for almost a year, bought a vehicle, and started hunting again. As often as possible.

You have the passion. The desire. Get out there and hunt.
You can take the man out of the woods but you can't take the woods out of the man.

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