What the #@#$$

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What the #@#$$

Post by theoldarcher »

Uncle Ted is in the headlines again. Only this time he is pleading no contest to baiting deer. :( But I would still vote for him if he ran for President! :D :lol:

http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2010/08/ ... 2423.shtml
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Re: What the #@#$$

Post by evaughan »

I know that this is not going to be a popular position here , but... I have never cared for him, as a hunter I personally would prefer that he did not speak in public on my behalf.

I never found him offensive though until he started piping off about welfare, unemployment, social programs, politics etc.. Now I just wish he would go away.

Here's the problem; his entire fortune and financial well-being was provided to him through the support of hard working blue collar people in manufacturing towns like Detroit and Cleveland. People saved up their hard earned $ to see his concerts and buy his records.

Now he is is filthy rich, the blue collar community in Detroit and Cleveland etc. are out of work and in a horrible spot and he can't shut up about abolishing social assistance, programs etc. using the term welfare bums etc. all the while referring to himself as a "hard working American".

If he were a good dude he would use at least some of his stature, influence etc. to be a spokesperson for the unemployed blue collar citizens of Detroit. It is easy for the rest of us to see that to these people he owes an incredible debt, however Ted refuses to see it that way. These are the people who supported him and provided his family with everything they have today.

Reading between the lines of this story it would be reasonable to assume that Ted was aware of the regulations but chose to ignore them as he felt they were unreasonable or for some reason shouldn't apply to him. Tomorrow he will be on TV somewhere else shooting his mouth off about how people who can't abide by the laws of the land should go back to where they came from. :shock:hypocrit.

Ted is horribly confused, half a bubble off level or..... a little from column A, a little from column B.
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Re: What the #@#$$

Post by sumner4991 »

evaughan wrote: half a bubble off level or..... a little from column A, a little from column B.
You may have a point. However, I just looked at the CA fish and game website and it's confusing. You can bet your arse, if I were to be hunting in CA, then I'd know the regulations or I would at least leave my camera at home. Since Ted is a fairly smart guy, I seriously doubt he knew and did it anyway. However, if he knew, then he also knew the fine if caught. Which is like asking me for a spare penny(or less). :roll:

If Ted had taken a trophy buck, then I could agree with you. However, taking a immature buck . . .I really don't think Ted needed the meat that bad.
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Re: What the #@#$$

Post by bkisel »

You mean to tell me that Ted Nugent isn't perfect? Quick, let me cast the first stone!

Bill K.

Re: What the #@#$$

Post by MarkMarine »

As I said in an earlier post: Ted is a friend of mine. I have not seen him in over 30 years, however (though he did send me a signed book of his). When I knew him, he was a tad wilder than he is now - but still he is "what you see is what you get" kind of individual. Our paths diverged: he went Rock - I went Marine. He is rich - I live on VA disablity.

As far as hard working goes, he spent (and still does) countless hours practicing his craft. He is one of the best guitar players I have ever known and plays much more than his own music. The skill necessary and the devotion required to be able to do so are laudable, not laughable. That he uses any of his fame or fortune to the benefit of hunting is a boon to all.

He does speak on social issues and is fervent when it comes to politics. So what, so am I. We have a wonderful thing in the creation of the "Power Switch" - if we do not like what is coming over the airwaves of radio or television, all we have to do is turn it off and by doing so we withdraw our ears and selves from the equation (I use it quite often). It is our right to free speech for in our silent censoring, we speak to those who sponsor his, or anyone else's, programs.

I like the boy - always have. I do not care for baiting deer, however. Never have - never will. I count on Creator to provide me with meat if it is His will to do so - Creator counts on me to be prepared within and without.
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Re: What the #@#$$

Post by crazyfarmer »

I like the ideas and goals he has but for some reason I cant watch his shows on TV... he's one of the only hunting shows on TV its something about that doesnt appeal to me at all.. thats just me and I wish him the best.

im strongly agaist hunting over bait such has piles of corn and etc.. i know its legal in some places(not Va LOL) but its just one hunting style I dont like. If he broke the law, he broke it. If he plead guilty then props to him for admitting it. Everyone makes mistakes.. its what we learn from them that makes us better people
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Re: What the #@#$$

Post by DirtyGun »

More from Mr. Nugent on this:

"Here are words right from Ted regarding this:

heres some irrefutable facts for ya-1-Never ever used Cmere Deer in CA, 2-never ever put out any bait in CA, -3-never ever saw any bait when hunting in CA, 4-I plead no contest to POSSIBLY bowhunting within 400 yards of bait (equal to jaywalking) since my hunting grounds of a buddy has an apple orchard on it & the neghbors fence is less than 100 yarrds my treestand & who knows whats over there, 5-I was told CA F&G would bankrupt me if I fought it & that they would pursue felony charges against my friends. INSANE antiJustice maniac court system. sad sad soullesss condition & people. I am innocent of any wrongdoing whatsoever. know it.

so the hunting webs are in a tizzy gorging themselves on the innacurate & unfounded attack on me by CA F&G. But where was the story on TNKFK for 21 years? My 1000s of military and childrens charities in the name of hunting & gun ownership? My nonstop fight for gun rights & hunting rights in major global media for 40+ years? My record votes by real Americans for NRA BOD? My winning by landslides of every poll for favorite American hunter? My record setting numerous pro hunting & gunrights TV shows? My 45+ years of archery, hunting & gun rights promotion on tour forever? The FRED BEAR song? My induction into the National Bowhunters Hall of Fame? ad nauseum ad infinitum. Their petty and soulless malprioritizations are obscene and worse than the antis. Think about it. Truly phenomenal. I shall not only carryon, I shall continue to turn up the heat. Godspeed BloodBrothers."
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Re: What the #@#$$

Post by See4miles »

Wow, look at these posts. Ted Nugent is a controversial man to say the least. I was going to bite my tongue but here I am weighing in.

I look at it this way. You may not like what he has to say, but at least you know where he stands. I can respect a man like that whether I like him or not. He doesn't waver to who he is standing in front of just to get along.

Also, he makes plenty of time to fight for hunters, sportsman, and gun owners rights. If every one of us in the out of doors community did as much as he has done, does, and will do, we would literally steamroll all naysayers to our beloved sport.

You have men like him, and you have men like Harry Reid (and all other politicians) Who would you rather have standing beside when wolf comes calling?

By the way, he plays a pretty good guitar too!
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Re: What the #@#$$

Post by gerald strine »

You my not care for Teds style but he has done more for hunting and firearms ownership than any body I know of. Over the top you bet but he is on our side and we need to embrace him.
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Re: What the #@#$$

Post by OkXbowHunter »

The man also gives a tremendous amount of his time and money to help various charities. He doesn't just sit on the sidelines and throw money at them, he actually gets involved. That's a lot more than you can say for most celebs and politicians.

The way I see it, he screwed up and took responsibility for it and has paid his dues.

I'm not particularly fond of his TV Show, but I'm a lot less fond of the shows where popular hunting celebs and outdoor writers pose as expert deer hunters when the only place they ever hunt is private farms managed for trophy bucks.

As for the baiting, well, one mans corn and apple pile is another mans 40 acre Corn and Wheat field. How do you define baiting? Isn't planting a field with Corn, Soybeans, Wheat or exotic clover seeds to attract deer every bit baiting as putting corn or apples out?
Now therefore take, I pray thee, thy weapons, thy quiver and thy bow, and go out to the field, and take me some venison; And make me savoury meat, such as I love, and bring it to me, that I may eat; that my soul may bless thee before I die. Gen 27:3-4
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Re: What the #@#$$

Post by Undertaker »

Sounds like it would have been a better show had he passed on that deer, and spent the extra time talking about Detroit's "Summer of Recovery".

I have aquaintences that have been caught doing things. Mostly they were and are nice people, and were mortified from the experience. I was always too chicken to try something stupid.

The small antlers, not checking the deer after harvest, bait, etc- not good. He is lucky he got a plea deal. His celebrity status probably would not have impressed the jury. The warden that saw the offense probably was a little nervous about proceeding, but hey- they are just that way.

When I think back at all the opportunities I have had to skirt the rules- none would ever have been worth it. A man can find much satisfaction in living right.

My girlfriend just completed her state mandated hunter safety course. I want to put a rifle in her hands and her butt in a stand. I stayed out of the 'training', because she needed to hear it from someone else. I have no doubt that when she is out there, she will opt to do the exact right things. If that means she comes home empty handed, so be it. The joy of a successful hunt done right, and fair, and with real obstacles to overcome, will be all that much sweeter for the both of us.

Ted needs to step back and take a break from himself. Get back to the basics. Those things he truely loves about hunting, and not those things he thinks we want to see on TV. After all of this settles in real good, he will be a better man, or he will be a more careful man. I know which I want him to be.
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Re: What the #@#$$

Post by bkisel »

As hunters our ethics are often tested with no one but ourselves and our God to judge. You're hunting the edge of a field, you look at your watch and note that legal shooting time has just passed, you see out of the corner of your eye a shooter walking down the edge of the field headed in your direction, there is enough shooting light left and the deer will be broadside in just a few seconds, you decide to....?

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Re: What the #@#$$

Post by crazyfarmer »

bkisel wrote:As hunters our ethics are often tested with no one but ourselves and our God to judge. You're hunting the edge of a field, you look at your watch and note that legal shooting time has just passed, you see out of the corner of your eye a shooter walking down the edge of the field headed in your direction, there is enough shooting light left and the deer will be broadside in just a few seconds, you decide to....?

Take care,
Bill K.
Ive passed up so many deer because of it being to late that were good shooters. I let what would have been my biggest buck walk because of that which was taken the next morning right across the field. As said, you sometimes have to be the judge. Everyone makes mistakes. To me its not worth the hassle that would come from that one stupid mistake. If I cant kill a deer thats legal its no point in killing it.
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Re: What the #@#$$

Post by Cossack »

Blood brother my arse. He's a babbling rock star turned video freak. Can't stand to watch him or listen to his nonstop gibberish. May do wonders with his money, still sounds like he's high most of the time. His 'reality' show re hunting was an absolute bust. Like him or hate him, count me in the latter.
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