O/T - Canadian Gun Registry - Your Thoughts?

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O/T - Canadian Gun Registry - Your Thoughts?

Post by Big58cal »

I try to check the NRA-ILA (National Rifle Association - Institute for Legislative Action) site each day to see what kind of gun articles are making news and to keep up on any legislation that may be coming up.

One of the articles that I read today (and have read several in the past) related to the impending demise of the Gun Registry you folks 'up nort' have. Below is a link to the article if your interested.

http://www.ottawacitizen.com/opinion/co ... story.html

If that link doesn't want to work, here's the one to the article on the NRA-ILA web site, with a link in it to the article:


Anyway, all I know on it is what I've read about it. I remember even reading about it back when it was first implemented. Since it hasn't affected me directly, I thought I'd ask some of our neighbors 'up nort' what you all thought of it, how it's impacted you, etc.

I know that since the people on here are hunters, it's probably been a pretty sore spot for some/most/all of ya'll.
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Re: O/T - Canadian Gun Registry - Your Thoughts?

Post by Helmut »

Well here are my thoughts.
I basically had no problem with the thought of a registry for any firearms(mine included). My big beef and I'm sure many others was the way and reason it was brought in.

The registry was a knee jerk reaction to a lot of pressure created by womens groups(no offense just truth). This was in reaction to a high profile multi murder case in Quebec of several women by a lone gun man. A very terrible event for sure.
It was rammed down our throats with the caveat that it would reduce gun crime in our country. The average gun owner knew full well this was crap as did the politions that implimented it.

When that no longer worked as an excuse the police cheifs jumped on it saying it saved officers lives(more crap). ANy officer will tell you that they must always ASSUME that there are weapons in a house, no need for an expensive registry to tell you that. And yes i have been told this by officers. If a person has a PAL then one must assume weapons are present.

The vast majority of gun crime is commited by life long crooks. Crooks dont register firearms, So the concept that a registry save lives is nonsence.
Further more crimes against a spouse woman or man that are commited with a firearm are likely to be spur of the moment crimes of passion. Again a registry would stop that HOW???

All this being said If our government said to me we need a registry to track the movment of firearms with in the country then fine by me. If for example your guns are stolen at least there is hope you will get them back. There is nothing wrong with that. Just dont pee on my leg and tell me its raining. Then chagre us billions to run it.
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Re: O/T - Canadian Gun Registry - Your Thoughts?

Post by Raymond »

This is one Canadian that agrees that it was a total mess and needs to be totally destroyed with all of the information that has been gathered in regards to the Long Gun Registry. Quebec now wants the information from the Long Gun Registry because they paid for it also. Check out this news report, "http://news.ca.msn.com/top-stories/queb ... ry-data-19". Hopefully it is all filed in a huge paper shredder and then burn until only small ashes are left and then spread all over Canada from an airplane so everybody gets a share of what they paid for, :) . That is my opinion.
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Re: O/T - Canadian Gun Registry - Your Thoughts?

Post by xbhntr »

As a means to " shut the public up " due to some senseless murders that happened , Gun Control was born ! ! Also another money grab ! ! Ray
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Re: O/T - Canadian Gun Registry - Your Thoughts?

Post by ninepointer »

Years ago my (laid back) thinking was, "A long gun registry, no big deal, after all we register cars right?" And when I heard people warn that "Registration leads to confiscation.", I thought those folks were the radical fringe.

Then it started to happen here. Guns that were legal at the start of the registry were later re-classified as "prohibited" and were confiscated. If Grandpa forgot to renew his paperwork for his old duck gun that he hasn't fired in 25 years, the City of Toronto police came knocking on his door and took the gun away.

The more I looked into it the more I realized that the registry had nothing to do with reducing violent crime, preventing suicides, making policing safer or using gun serial numbers to solve crimes. The registry had no measurable effect on any of these yardsticks.

I realized that the reason the government put in place the registry was in fact to establish a mechanism with which to go after us and to get our guns when it suited the government to do so. The "radicals" were right after all.

We, the law-abiding gun owners, were the low-hanging fruit. The government knew it could never get the crook's guns, but they could get our guns very easily. And that would make them look good; they were doing something about "guns and gun crime".

But the government ran into two unforeseen problems:

1) The registry only picked up only half (maybe) of the long guns out there. The rest of the long guns remain quietly tucked away.

2) They underestimated the amount of opposition out there to the registry. Not just opposition from gun owners, but from taxpayers who recognized that the spending money on the gun registry to reduce crime was like spending money on curtains & wallpaper when your house needs a new furnace.

While the long gun registry will soon be gone, all gun owners in Canada will still be required to be licensed and to follow storage laws for our guns and ammunition. That license includes a background check as well as a sign-off from your spouse or common-law partner. In addition, all handguns, "prohibited weapons" and "restricted weapons" (including many semi-automatic long guns that the government has deemed "assault rifles") will still need to be registered. Handgun hunting remains non-existent in Canada. Even with the long gun registry gone, nobody other than the fear-mongering radicals will say that Canada has "lax gun control".
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Re: O/T - Canadian Gun Registry - Your Thoughts?

Post by Doe Master »

The registry was definitely a knee jerk reaction to alot of the worlds events . It was also a political reward for an area in New brunswick with high unemployment that has supported the Liberals .
I won`t be sad to see it go .
Sad part is some of the states ie California is going this route . :shock:
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Re: O/T - Canadian Gun Registry - Your Thoughts?

Post by Gregoire1960 »

The biggest problem I had with the registry was the cost, which was over a billion $$$. Registering the firearms was easy and I never had a hassle registering a new or used firearm. I'll be happy however when it's gone. Glad there is still a handgun registry and strict rules regarding transport and use of same. Frankly, I'd really prefer not to have folks walking around with concealed weapons unless they are law enforcement.

Ironically, the biggest hassle for a Canadian trying to purchase and import a firearm into Canada from the USA is the ATF and homeland security. Why in the name of god would the ATF & homeland security worry about some Canadian citizen buying a Rem 870 to bring back to Canada when almost any US citizen can buy a lot more lethal firearms and keep them in the good old USA where they can use them on American citizens? Honestly, if anyone can explain that to me I'd be greatfull.
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Re: O/T - Canadian Gun Registry - Your Thoughts?

Post by dutchhunter »

I to will be happy to see it gone . As far as handguns go what is the big deal if you can trust a guy with a shotgun why not a handgun an honest person is still going to be a honest person be it with a hand gun or any other gun . we can still carry a 22 cal handgun on are trap lines . and that does not make us bad guys . Every time i go to get a new gun it is just like i got to ask permission from some lady behind a desk . when i already have permission to own guns . its just not right . hope to see it gone soon DUTCH
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Re: O/T - Canadian Gun Registry - Your Thoughts?

Post by goosesmasher »

The sooner its gone the better!

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Re: O/T - Canadian Gun Registry - Your Thoughts?

Post by one shot scott »

Its sad really. To think that a vast majority of people really thought (and still do) that a registry would cut down on gun crime. Bug's reference to her Grandmother in her post is a great example. They think that a registry is the only thing preventing anyone and everyone from going out and getting any kind of firearm they wish. Some political parties Would like to keep it that way(see link)

http://m.theglobeandmail.com/news/polit ... ice=mobile


Im glad the liberals were not voted in, we would be kissing our semi's goodbye if they had their way. The conservatives are far from perfect but destroying the registry is a step in the right direction.
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Re: O/T - Canadian Gun Registry - Your Thoughts?

Post by one shot scott »

Not my creation, but I wish it was :mrgreen:
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Re: O/T - Canadian Gun Registry - Your Thoughts?

Post by j.krug »

one shot scott wrote:Not my creation, but I wish it was :mrgreen:
Great posters! There's a few more of them floating around. They were created by a guy going by DocM on the Canadian Gun Nutz (CGN) site. There's lots of great articles and info there about the registry and other firearms laws.

The long gun registry is a huge mistake for so many reasons. That being said the entire bill C-68 which basically is "gun contol" in Canada is wrong from the start. I'm not even sure where to start.

I will say that I'll be glad to see the LGR go and that will be a good first step. The entire C-68 bill should be repealed and the handgun registry should be thrown out the window as well.

Both registries are nothing more than exspensive lists of law abiding citizens. This list does nothing to stop violent crime or make Canadians safer as it was touted to do. Criminals do not now and will not ever register their guns so the registry is useless. Further more it has created bad feelings and distrust towards police (some, not all) who use the registry to harrass people and charge them with paper crimes and storage violations to pad there "gun crime" stats to make it look like they are actually doing something to fight gun crime. All the while the criminals are still running the streets with their illegal unregistered guns!! Much easier to hassle the law abiding citizens (after all there's a whole list of them!!) than to actually go out into the streets and take the guns from the criminals!!

I could go on and on but I keep it short and simple cause this whole "gun control" topic makes my blood boil!! :twisted: It's just plain wrong for so many reasons.
Gun control is like trying to reduce drunk driving by making it tougher for sober people to own cars.

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Re: O/T - Canadian Gun Registry - Your Thoughts?

Post by BBDOWN »

heres a thought if I had all my firearms regiserd and I was going to rob or kill someone what make are goverment think that I'm not smart enought to get a gun elswere. Its not that I would ever do something as careless or stupid but we still have people out there that do everyday! gun crime has not declined in canada. I would like someone to tell me where all the money went from the registry I don't see it going to conservation.
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Re: O/T - Canadian Gun Registry - Your Thoughts?

Post by Dash »

This happened in Australia a long time ago. Its the first step.
The only benefit here is that everyone has to pass a safety test with firearms before getting a lisence. I agree with that, but otherwise the registry's has only been a tool for the government to use against us to prohibit guns and know where to chase people up We have ridiclulous restrictions on numerous common firearms now. Police statistics show that the majority of all gun crimes here were commited by illegal guns anyway, so the registry has only served to hinder the legitimate shooters only.
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Re: O/T - Canadian Gun Registry - Your Thoughts?

Post by MADMAX2 »

Long gun resgistry was a waste of time and money,did nothing to increase the safety to the Canadian citizens the sooner it's gone the better!!
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