Good News and bad news

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Good News and bad news

Post by Raymond »

Hey Folks,
I haven't been on a whole lot lately because I had been having a lot of back and leg pain and not sleeping well. Slept a little here and there when I could. I was almost going insane, :lol: , if my hair would not have already been cut short I would have hauled it all out and been bald, :lol: . I forgot to ask my pain specialist for a prescription refill during my last visit and when I realized it he was gone away on vacation for two weeks and I was completely out of pain meds.

I did have some good news and some bad news from the doctors that I met with yesterday. Apparently the first time that they give a spinal epidural, they only put a certain amount of that drug in to see if it is going to help and to see how long it will last. They will and can increase the amount once they know if it will work on the person. So I am really excited to get my next injection done. It was great for two weeks with no pain at all in my back or legs. Any amount of time I can get that kind of total relief is worth the pain while they are doing the injection. It hurt like heck but it was still worth it. And now knowing what more information I know is making me all the more happy. After the injection I could walk without any pain. Now with the pain meds I can walk again but not without some pain so it is still a big plus. I need to loose weight and being able to walk and do things around the house and yard will help. I am about 310 pounds at 6" 1 1/2" tall. I have never been this big in my life. I used to be in great shape but after my back was injured it has been a battle to control my weight. But the last couple of years it was really a huge problem. Now I am looking forward to getting rid of the weight and it will help my back and total health overall. I am working to get my balance back and trying to get as much of my memory back and my strength also because of that dang mini stroke. Something is being pinched off in my neck and they cannot find it yet. They told me that it can happen again and if they cannot figure it out that one of these times it will leave me a total vegetable or I could die from it. I told them that if and when it happens I do not want to be left as a vegetable and to let me go. The vessel in my brain is getting larger, the one in my left lung is staying the same. They will not do anything unless they have to try a life saving measure if they need to. My wife and kids are a little upset from the news we had yesterday but they also know my wishes and that I expect them to be followed just in case. But, I am not going to let anything hold me back. I am just going to live as much and as good as I can and have fun doing it. I believe in God and the power of prayer and the good thoughts. I do know that miracles can happen because our daughter was on deaths door as a baby and they saved her life just in time. So I leave it all in God's hands and continue on with my life the best I can. I believe in prayer and good thoughts from all so please pray for me and think about me, I will appreciate that a great deal. I feel better and well enough today to start my BBQ/Smoker build, and I will take my time. When my son is home we will work at it together. I will take some pictures as I go.
Talk to you later my friends,
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Re: Good News and bad news

Post by Big58cal »

Glad you're doing better Raymond! :D As for the other stuff, when the good Lord decides it's your time, it's your time. Ain't nothing you can do about it, so there ain't no use in obsessing over it. We should all just get out, have fun, and enjoy the time we have with our friends and family, doing things that we enjoy because you never know what lies ahead. :wink:

Look forward to Towering Inferno #2. :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Good News and bad news

Post by Normous »

I'm still trying to get that turkey in your honour Ray. I thought about you quite a bit while getting soaked in the rain during yesterdays turkey hunt.
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Re: Good News and bad news

Post by Raymond »

Big58cal wrote:Glad you're doing better Raymond! :D As for the other stuff, when the good Lord decides it's your time, it's your time. Ain't nothing you can do about it, so there ain't no use in obsessing over it. We should all just get out, have fun, and enjoy the time we have with our friends and family, doing things that we enjoy because you never know what lies ahead. :wink:

Look forward to Towering Inferno #2. :lol: :lol: :lol:
I am going to live life to the fullest each and every day. My wife and kids worry about it and I know they all love me, but I do worry about what happens. I cannot allow myself to worry or I would be a couch potato, I don't like potatoes that much, :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: .

I am still planning on my first ever turkey hunt if I can manage it next spring. if I can't I can see all of you folks with your successful hunts and stories and will have settle with that. Hopefully, I will not need to travel to the city hospitals this year and can try and get enough saved to allow me to go on a hunt.

Boy oh boy if this #2 build burns down I know that I will be in the wrong spot, :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: . I know it will be hotter than you know what, :lol: :lol: :lol: .

I am looking forward to taking my grandson Landon fishing this weekend if it is fine. I started him last year a bit he was 3 years old and he loved it. But due to my back I was even limited with that. It hurt so much just to stand and hold a fishing rod. I am really looking forward to this weekend. Water is really high now after all the rain but I am hoping to be able to get to some of my secret holes for some nice trout fishing so he can hook some trout.

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Re: Good News and bad news

Post by Raymond »

enormous wrote:I'm still trying to get that turkey in your honour Ray. I thought about you quite a bit while getting soaked in the rain during yesterdays turkey hunt.
Hey Norm,
I hope you do get a turkey, I will be sitting there quietly beside you with my excitement boiling over almost. I am feeling better now that I have some more pain meds. We have had sun since this past Saturday. Up until then it rain fir about a week. It was cold and damp, the fire was burning in the furnace to take the chill out of the house.

Now I know where I got this small cold from, sitting in the rain waiting for that tiurkey to come out, :lol: :lol: . I will be honored when you slam that Thunder Chicken. From what I heard it is a rush when they start thumping, you can feel the ground shake around you they say. I can't remember the proper words I want to use, dang it, my speech and memory has still not fully recovered, it frustrates me sometimes but I just continue doing my best, :) . Good Luck and have a safe and successful hunt.
Thank you,
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Re: Good News and bad news

Post by Ont_Excal »

For your loved one I hope you put your wishes on paper in a living will and power of attorney in case the worst may happen.
Unless it is all done on legal document you may not get your final wishes.
This gives your loved ones peace of mind.
You can also decide if you wish to be an organ donor.

Take care and keep up the good fight.
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Re: Good News and bad news

Post by Raymond »

I have been putting that off but we talked last night and it is in the process now. I have one of those will kits and we are doing it tonight. I thank you for your thoughts and advice. And I am definitely an organ donor. I think everyone should have to donate their organs if they can when their life is done. So many people needs our help and so many organs going to waste. After our daughter almost died at 1 month old, with what I saw at the IWK Hospital for sick children in Halifax, Nova Scotia, I made up my mind that I was going to be an organ donor right then and there.

I am a fighter and have always been and will continue, I am not ready to go any where yet, as long a the Good Lord leaves me here I am willing to stay.

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Re: Good News and bad news

Post by Ont_Excal »

Kits may not be legal in your province.
There are many both federal and provincial statutes that the kits may not cover.
When doing this one size does not fit all.

I know lawyers cost a lot of money but POAs and living wills require legal registration to be enforceable.

As a POA I have been dealing with issues concerning a loved one here in Ontario for a number of years now. As a legal guardian I have had to prove this many times to authorities.

Again all the best to you my friend.
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Re: Good News and bad news

Post by agingcrossbower »

Jeeze you talking of papers to fill out reminds me of the wife and I. Raymond, it sure is hard to actually sit down and pander a person's demise. I guess if you can do it I sure will try. This weekend for sure. I really admiral your spunk Raymond. Your doing it the right way for sure cuz if you sit around and be depressed you won't be long in this world. Got to keep on moving. Well, I'm going to take Rocco for a walk right now. I'll say a prayer for you while I'm doing it. Take Care and have lots of pics of that smokers, OK. :D

Re: Good News and bad news

Post by masboy »

praying for you and your family raymond ! I think about you a lot and hope things get better for you soon! your a tough man Raymond don,t let it get you down I know with gods help your going to get better ! god bless you Raymond!!!!!
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Re: Good News and bad news

Post by Ont_Excal »

agingcrossbower wrote:Jeeze you talking of papers to fill out reminds me of the wife and I. Raymond, it sure is hard to actually sit down and pander a person's demise. I guess if you can do it I sure will try. This weekend for sure. I really admiral your spunk Raymond. Your doing it the right way for sure cuz if you sit around and be depressed you won't be long in this world. Got to keep on moving. Well, I'm going to take Rocco for a walk right now. I'll say a prayer for you while I'm doing it. Take Care and have lots of pics of that smokers, OK. :D
I know from first hand experience what it is like to deal with issues left by a deceased member of the family who did not have a will or set a power of attorney.

That was with the passing of my dad a long time ago. Fortunately with my mother's case a will and POA were in place. Even this still leaves a few small gaps but makes them very manageable.

As tough as it may be for some to do, just think what your loved ones will be dealing with, while they grieve for that special one they lost.
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Re: Good News and bad news

Post by Raymond »

Hey Folks,
Sometimes things are good and sometimes they are bad. All I focus on now is being as well as I can be and just moving on and enjoying everyday. I have lots to do even though it takes me time to do it I enjoy doing what I can. To be honest if I was to worry about my health condition I would just turn into a hermit. To heck with that I have a lot going for me, my 3 year old grandson needs his Grandpere to teach him to hunt because his dad, my son is not a hunter. And the rest of my family needs me.
i do agree with Richard though about taking care of all the paper work no matter if you are as healthy as a horse because you never know when something might happen to you. And who would want the government or some undeserving family members to be able to step in and start crap. I already faced that when my Mom passed away four years ago and with the papers they got their faces slap. Even though my Mom had let us all know what her wishes were and where her estate was to go. There was two in the family that was dirty dogs, oh well they will have to live with it not me. I did exactly what my Mom had expected of me. And that is why she asked me to be the Executor I guess, I was honored and proud that my Mom thought that much of me.
Maybe I shouldn't have started this thread, if I have or do offend anyone then accept my apology in advance. It just helps to get out of my system and sometimes people has answers that can help with questions that people have.
Thank you,
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Re: Good News and bad news

Post by Ont_Excal »

Putting issues out on paper or in this case sharing here lightens the load.

For me when I talk things out it is liberating and it doesn't matter whether the dog listens or not.

Take care;
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Re: Good News and bad news

Post by denisdendenis »

My thought and prayers are with you .I hope you have a great time with your grandson . One day at a time ... Living life to the fullest . You got the right attitude Raymond. i hope you get some relief so you can enjoy god creation (the great outdoor )with your family and grandson .
All the best to you
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Re: Good News and bad news

Post by Bullzeye »

Ray, I love your POSITIVE outlook, and I think your quite an inspiration, and that positive outlook alone will help you in this situation, and I think you give many of us a perspective on our own lives that we may have not seen before.

Stay Strong !!!
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