Let The Games Begin!!!

Crossbow Hunting

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Let The Games Begin!!!

Post by IronNoggin »

For quite a few years I had given in to the realization that far too many shoulder injuries had taken their toll on this aging body, and that as a consequence it was extremely doubtful that I'd ever hunt with pointy sticks again. No way in hell could I draw my old compound to full draw, and certainly no chance of holding it there.

Then along came a great Ducks Unlimited dinner at which myself and our "Git 'Er Done Team" from Port Alberni were being toasted for having helped capture the title of Canada's Ultimate Fishing Town. Amongst the many items at auction there was a super-slick looking Excalibur Ibex Crossbow. That got me to thinking... maybe with this little toy I could once again join in the ranks of those hunters who aspire to taking their game with a bow...
Bidding was serious between only me and one other. At the last possible moment, I RAN to up the ante just slightly, and before the other fellow could react, the auction Gal snapped up the form! The bow was MINE!!

Did a fair amount of practice with that new weapon after fully dressing her in all the latest finest. Extremely accurate, I soon found out NOT to shoot two arrows at the same point lest risking pulling a "Robin Hood" and literally destroying the first arrow in the target! Sweet!!

That accuracy paid off in the fall, when once again I set out to try my luck! I passed many shots on our smaller Island deer, and then decided to hook up with a Good Buddy out near Kelowna (BC) for the late bow season. Managed to muff the first shot I ever took on game with it, my fault, certainly not the bow's. But the next two shots resulted in a couple of fine eating whitetails for the larder, and now the hook was set deep! Right Hooked that is!

I had no intention of replacing the Ibex, it performed beyond my expectations. Then, a fellow on this Forum listed a new Exomax, looking for the exact bow I had. Hmmmm....
The Exomax is one of the fastest hunting crossbows ever produced, boasting a 225 lb. draw weight and capable of arrow speeds of 350 FPS. This was noticeably stronger and faster than the Ibex, and so I decided to toy with the idea of a possible trade. Several lengthy conversations later, I made the decision, dismantled the Ibex and boxed her up for shipping.

Days passed, and I began to second guess that decision! What if the bow on it's way to me is a piece of crap? What if I don't like it when it gets here? What the hell have I done??

Then, yesterday, a call from The Missuz while out on the Big Pond: Your bow has arrived! It took everything I could do to stay out there to collect my Buddy's first ever spring, but I somehow managed to throttle that back, and indeed, he SCORED! Great day all round...

Back at The Hacienda, it was with trembling hands and great apprehension that I carefully un-crated the new bow. Better than advertised, the stickers were still in place, and the bow looks to be brand spanky new!!

Many THANKS and a tip of the hat to Derf! The trade was even better than I had hoped for! I can whole-heartedly recommend dealing with this Fine Gentleman, and yet another Prime Example of the great type of folks who frequent this fine site!

Too tired after days upon days of fishing, I decided to put it together and fully dress her in the morning. Dreams of hunting entertained me through the night, but right early I awoke and literally scrambled to get her in Hunting Form!!

Fully dressed the Exomax is a delightful albeit fearsome looking bow!

Here's a few pictures of the latest weapon in my arsenal:






Had to run a buddy down-Island last night to catch a plane back to the mainland. On the way home The Missuz and I stuck our noses into an area we know is often frequented by about a dozen blacktails, including one Gagger buck with rather magnificent headgear. To our utter amazement, the field in question hosted more deer than we have ever seen there! We counted them three times to be certain, the number came up the same each and every time! FORTY-TWO, including not one, but Two HUGE Bucks, one very typical four point with good brows, and a second non-typical with far too many points to get an accurate count on! WOW!!

I usually wait for the bucks to shed their velvet before taking up the chase. But with the new bow in hand, and the deer rather close to home, I am now toying with the thought of engaging in the early bow season here damn soon (that is already open!).

So, this afternoon I am off to see what the new Gal shoots like. If things go as well as I think they will, those two Gaggers just inherited a rather serious problem!! ME!!

And of course what bow would be complete without a decent handful of Big John's custom arrows! Head's up John, after I shoot this Gal and see what weights she likes, I will very shortly be calling on your expertise to enhance our field times this fall!!

Hope to soon be posting pictures of the new toy's success! Best of Luck to all who are heading out this fall in pursuit of The Game!!

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Re: Let The Games Begin!!!

Post by Deerstalker »

Thank you for a truly outstanding post & hope you get a big deer with your new X-Bow. Be sure & use the rope cocking aid as it sure saves my shoulders and without it I would be unable to cock my new Equinox. I am really impressed with how very accurate the Excalibur bows are. I am confident that up to 35 yards they are as good as my 30:06 and certainly as powerful.

Is that a Wolverine in your pictures and what is the story behind that beautiful trophy?

You may want to add the S-5s to your new bow but I don't have enough knowledge on that as I am brand new to X-Bow hunting/shooting.
Semper Fi

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Re: Let The Games Begin!!!

Post by roly »

Congrats on that sweet lookin new bow

Lots of great fun ahead for you :D :D
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Re: Let The Games Begin!!!

Post by IronNoggin »

Deerstalker wrote:Is that a Wolverine in your pictures and what is the story behind that beautiful trophy?
Hey & Hi Deerstalker,

Thanks for the kind words! Appreciated!!

NO WAY I could ever cock the Exomax without the cocking aid! Thankfully some of the few parts that still work on this aging body are my arms and back! I have no problem cocking the bow with the aid whatsoever.

You're bang on regarding accuracy! The Ibex was truly outstanding out to 50! Just waiting the call from my Buddy, and headed out to test the Exomax! Pacing... LOL!

Kinda thought the wolverine made a good base for the pictures.
Interesting story too...

I was a Marine Biologist in Canada's Western Arctic for a fair bit of my working career. Had a Carry Permit, and did carry various "back-up" hand-guns while out in the back country.

One particular trip, an Inuit Buddy of mine had a Polar Bear tag, so we set off the couple hundred miles from town on our snow machines to one of their whaling camps to base out of. Had to dig down through 5 feet of snow to get to the cabin door, and the same for the woodpile we'd left there in the fall. Got the stove stoked up and wandered out the door to collect more wood for it.

50 yards from the cabin door was a large male wolverine as I stepped out. He'd been coming down to raid the cabins while their owners were hunkered down in town. Wind was wrong for him, so he was caught in the open by surprise. I made myself look as big as I could, and yelled loudly at him. His answer was to slink low to the ground, and GROWL menacingly back at me?? What the H?? Tried yelling again, and on he comes... FAST!! JhuhEezuz!! Took my eyes off him for a mere second or two as I fumbled madly for the diminutive little 22 automatic I had in an inside pocket. Freed it, thumbed the safety off and looked back up. Still coming... at TEN BLOODY FEET! EEK!! :shock:

Realizing 'd have but one shot, i made damn certain his eyes were centered between the sights before loosing a round. Tumbled him head over heels, right at my feet! My buddy heard me yell, heard the shot, and rammed me out of the way as he came running with the big Bear Gun. You got Damned Lucky he said! Like grabbing the business end of a chainsaw if they ever get ahold of you!!

Took an hour before the shakes disappeared! Skinned him out, and had him rug-mounted. Still shake a little inside when i look at it and realize What Could Have Been!!

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Re: Let The Games Begin!!!

Post by HIGHBOW »

Good luck to you with the new crossbow, I know that I can return to the season that I love most and have the confidence to bring down a deer in short order.Good Hinting too you!
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Re: Let The Games Begin!!!

Post by mr meat »

congrats on the bow!
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Re: Let The Games Begin!!!

Post by derf »

glad you like the exomax igloo man. thanks for the kind words on our transaction. the ducks unlimited special edition ibex shoots awsome. and another koo doo to big john those bolts you are making are awsome, and to munch those camo mounts are to die for . regards derf
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Re: Let The Games Begin!!!

Post by vixenmaster »

Congrats on yer new to you E'max. May you get yer deer soon
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Re: Let The Games Begin!!!

Post by wabi »

Great looking bow! I'm sure you'll like it.

Neat hide and story, too! I've always read that wolverines have a bad attitude toward any other living creature, and I guess you'd agree. :lol:
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Re: Let The Games Begin!!!

Post by Hester0305 »

Sounds like you both had some good trades and received what you wanted. I really studied about the Ibex and the Vortex they both were my options. I got a great deal on a used Vortex package deal so that helped with my decision. I don't ever see me getting rid of mine ever, I think I'll be buying one my wife next since she's been shooting mine.
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Re: Let The Games Begin!!!

Post by IronNoggin »

wabi wrote: I've always read that wolverines have a bad attitude toward any other living creature, and I guess you'd agree. :lol:
aYup! Amazing animal actually, very intelligent, usually downright secretive, and as TOUGH as anything out there. We had the occasion to watch one back a Barren Ground Grizzly off a kill on the North Slope. The bear was REALLY Pissed, but it was rather obvious he wanted NO Part of that aggressive Skunk-Bear!! Having seen the damage they can do to a cabin, can't say as I blame him!

As for what that Beast was thinking? I'd guess he was simply PO'd someone was interrupting his access to the free Gravy Train the un-occupied cabins represented. And fitting with their personality, when in doubt ATTACK! Most critters give way damn quick, I simply didn't have that option. My buddy was right, I was Extremely Lucky. Had I missed... :shock:

Never did get to shoot the new bow yesterday. My buddy was having too much fun on the Big Pond with huge springs, and didn't make it in until damn near dark. Hoping on this afternoon...

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Re: Let The Games Begin!!!

Post by sumner4991 »

Great reading on the wolverine . . .glad you made it out with the rug instead of it making off with you. That's why I try to always have a friend with me that runs slower than I.
I'd rather wear out than rust out.
Perception trumps intention.

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Re: Let The Games Begin!!!

Post by IronNoggin »

She Shoots - She SCORES!!

I finally got the opportunity to try out the new-to-me Exomax yesterday afternoon.

Right from the get-go it needed very little tweaking to find dead-center at 20 yards:


You can see from the picture I basically forgot the Golden Rule and fired twice at the same point. Arrows ended up just touching each other... Lucky I didn't blow one of them up!!

A couple minor adjustments at 30 yards, and Bang On at 40 yards with no further tweaking!


This time I intentionally held a little high for the first shot, and about an inch low for the second. Seems to me that they certainly would have Robin Hooded had I aimed at the same point!

First and second broadhead flights at 40 yards resulted in:


And the results of five consecutive shots at 40 yards basically cut the center of the target right out!!


Fred sent along a couple of Big John's custom arrows with the bow.
Those together with the Exomax are literally a Work Of Art!
Incredible accuracy, once again living up to the Standard of Excellence Excalibur bows are so famous for!

Taking her back to the range again this afternoon, just a little more proving with the broadheads, and then thinking seriously about heading after those two Big Bucks the Missuz and I saw just a couple of days ago! At this point I am VERY Comfortable that the bow will indeed do it's job in that pursuit providing I do mine... :mrgreen:

Letcha know as it goes...

"Political correctness is a doctrine, fostered by a delusional, illogical minority, and rabidly promoted by an unscrupulous mainstream media, which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a turd by the clean end."
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Re: Let The Games Begin!!!

Post by derf »

truly awsome grouping, whats the target made of curious? regards derf
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Re: Let The Games Begin!!!

Post by IronNoggin »

derf wrote:... whats the target made of curious?
Thanks Fred, but most of the Credit goes to that Awesome Bow!! :mrgreen:

I simply took an old burlap bag, stomped a bunch of old rags into it tightly, a couple shots of spray paint and Good To Go! :wink:

It easily stops any arrow with a target point.

When shooting broadheads however, they will sail right through the bag. So I "back-stop" that with a large block of compressed peat moss. That is enough to stop the broadheads even at 20 yards.

"Political correctness is a doctrine, fostered by a delusional, illogical minority, and rabidly promoted by an unscrupulous mainstream media, which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a turd by the clean end."
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