A Year In The Making...

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A Year In The Making...

Post by IronNoggin »

As I approach the end of the second decade of my Fascination, and Active Pursuit of Vancouver Island Blacktail Deer, I find myself taking pause and looking back over the many many experiences that have led to where I am in that Learning Curve today. The same thoughts generally run through me at the passing of each season, this one perhaps just a tad more-so than in the years now departed...

When I began this Journey, I was already a well seasoned and experienced Hunter. I poured over any and all forms of information I could find - books, biologist reports, hunting forums and much in the way of first-hand advise from those who Had Been There...

Given my brushes with success in the hunt, I figured then this was pretty much going to be a "Gimme". I couldn't have been more Mistaken...

Armed with all of that carefully collected Intel, I set forth to slay the Biggest, Baddest Blacktail out there, all the while quite convinced this was a relatively easily attainable goal. Armed with my trusty rifle (and at times shotgun) to which numerous species had fallen, it did not take all that long for me to harvest (actually limiting out) the first few years. On young bucks that is...

First Island Buck - Sooo many years ago:


And a couple others along the way...



Over time I recognized, as is the case with pretty well all we hunt, that I would have to forgo the taking of these younger animals were I to ever harvest a Real Biggie. And after a few years of taking one medium sized buck at the end of the season, or none at all, I began to believe that perhaps none of the size I so cherished haunted the areas I wandered...

But stories and pictures convinced me otherwise, and I stuck to The Pursuit as firmly as glue. Even more Dedicated To Task than before...

March forward a few years, years that my Dream continued to elude fulfillment.
I decided to up The Challenge a step or two by leaving the rifle behind and took up the bow.

That first year I passed up many fine shots on bucks most would have taken in a heartbeat. And I re-learned the Total Enjoyment of doing not only that, but extending my time in the field to the Maximum...

The following is my tale of this year's experiences with these elusive Ghosts Of The Forest. An adventure that while beginning so many years ago, as it turned out in this case, was strongly related to the season previous. Thus the title...

A Warning of sorts at this point - This will be one of my lengthier posts. Not as many pictures as some, for few were taken along this run. For those that do not enjoy a good yarn, scroll on down, the pictures will get here... eventually. For those that do, sit back, relax and Enjoy the Ride...

Last edited by IronNoggin on Sun Dec 15, 2013 5:29 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: A Year In The Making...

Post by Normous »

When can I get a signed book? :)
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Re: A Year In The Making...

Post by IronNoggin »

The 2012 season began as many. Flush with Success of the previous year (although NOT my target buck) I found fresh Excitement in the thought of the impending Chase:

2011 Buck:


Enthusiastic, now having many years of on-the-ground experience which lead to a personal feeling of competence, and a rather good knowledge of the areas I hunt. In short, I truly FELT that This would be My Year! :D

A good Buddy, a local rancher, could not wait to inform me about the Massive four point that had been seen several times in the areas above his ranch, and I well knew of another of the same description at a higher elevation. I had seen the latter myself at distance a couple of times the season before, and knew he was of Great Caliber. So it was I decided to split my efforts solely between those two Magical Places, and do my utmost to have a successful Close Encounter with one (or both) of those two Big Boys.

For the ranch area, I decided to go with the blinds. Although I already knew much of the traffic patterns, weeks were once again in re-establishing those and carefully selecting the sites for my ambush.

Over the course of many more weeks, I spent countless hours in those blinds, truly Enjoying each and every visit! Time after time I would be surrounded by passing Blacktails, on one occasion no less than 20 were within 25 yards of me, yet knew Nothing of my presence. And time after time I would slowly raise my bow to sight on a buck, only to slowly lower it and let them pass. I was Truly Committed (or perhaps Should have been! To The Asylum that is. LOL!). The Big Boy or None.

My time on the mountain was dedicated to an entirely different method. Ground proofing their movement patterns was similar, but for that area I chose to still hunt, desperately hoping for the coveted Spot and Stalk situation to unfold. Not as many sightings as the other method, but I understood their numbers to be less in that area, and stuck with the program. On four or five occasions, I did see an up-and-coming three point which indicated the characteristics suggesting he was most likely the offspring of the Giant I pursued. Two of those times he was within range, and two of those times he walked in the hope and desire he would some day reach his father's potential. I also had several encounters with his older brother, now a decent four-point, but also well indicating the characteristics of becoming an eventual Big Boy himself. Again on each of those occasions... A Pass.

As the rut neared, I found myself spending more and more time above the ranch. Rubs became abundant, and you could almost Smell the impending Party. Pretty well every time on the way through the ranches and up, I would wander across younger bucks, already on the prowl down below:


The action increased daily, and so it was the the mountain received less than the attention I would have desired...

One particular morning, on my way to the selected blind, I recognized a HUGE Bodied Blacktail was ghosting his way along the path that blind overlooked. DAMMIT! Dropped all the gear except the bow, and slowly closed. In the too early light, I could still make out his Massive Head Gear!! I studied him from no less than seventy yards, recognizing there was NO Way to cut the distance, and that he was well beyond bow range. Fifteen minutes passed as he fed, and slowly ambled along until out of sight. Felt like HOURS, my heart was Hammering at being so close to this Elusive and Majestic Creature, and I found I had to Force myself to breath!

The rest of that day, and the subsequent few were filled with action, but The Ghost made but one more appearance. That at 90 yards where he fed for a half hour while I once again studied him in intimate detail. Such detail I simply KNEW I would recognize him anywhere at first glance...

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Re: A Year In The Making...

Post by Boo »

I love it! You're a great writer!
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Re: A Year In The Making...

Post by IronNoggin »

As the rut ran on, I was faced with the dilemma of an impending mainland moose hunt, and the subsequent late season archery hunts for mulies & whitetails.

Given the mountain was closer, and I had been neglecting the area too long, I found myself wandering there a little more frequently - sneaking in forays between readying for the next long run.

Although I had not actually laid eyes on the Big Boy there, his bootprints were common enough to give me continued hope. He WAS there, all I needed was to time my visit Just Right...

Mere days before my departure, the skies opened up and began to dump snow all around. I spent the morning on a successful (for him) rifle hunt with a Buddy, and was still dressed for the field when I returned home. Standing outside, watching the gently falling snow, I made the instant decision to give the Mountain Buck a try.
Grabbed the bow, and set out immediately...

Something came over me when I got to the area. I almost always wandered UP that hill to the ridge tops, but some kind of inner voice Demanded I choose the lower elevation that day. Without much thought as to Why (Rare for me to ignore that kind of thing), I set off downhill in hopes of at least seeing the Big Guy.

Several hundred yards later, I came across a mature doe, feeding, unaware, at 30 yards. Alone? Not this time of year methinks...
Ten or so minutes passed as she slowly fed into the timber. Painstakingly, I made my way towards the Jungle she had departed into. Ever so slowly, I peered around the thick growth to Instantly recognize MASSIVE Body! Horns!!
The Exomax seemed to jump into place all by itself as I searched for a reasonable shot. His chest behind a fallen log, only exposing his frontal neck and face! At less than 30 yards, I centered the bow under his chin and sent the boltcutter on it's way. Instant drop, and extremely clean kill, the Old Warrior dropped right back into the bed he had been sleeping in as I made my approach:

2012 Buck:


By FAR the largest Blacktail Buck (body size) I had ever seen, let alone taken, he went WAY over their typical weight. Roman-nosed, blind in his right eye from previous years fights, cuts and scrapes all over his face and neck, he was obviously the Old Man of The Mountain I had been seeking. :mrgreen:

Although his antlers had regressed from the previous year quite substantially, I truly recognized him as the Grandaddy and Pa of the majority of the other bucks on that hill. In the matter of the antlers, I was simply a year too late. The year previous he was truly Magnificent. But I felt NO sense of loss at that, I had earned enough stripes to collect him after all.

Content with that development, I wandered over to the mainland for an (unsuccessful) moose hunt, and a very successful foray for mulies & whitetails.

Upon my return, I once again spent the last few days of the season seeking the Big Four above the ranches. Another sighting, again too far for the bow, and again imprinting DEEPLY his overall characteristics.

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Re: A Year In The Making...

Post by IronNoggin »

In the early spring, Excalibur decided to come up with the new Matrix series. Even though my bow was Tried & True, I simply HAD to have one! So, handed my proven Exomax off to a Buddy, and awaited the arrival of the New Toy.

Outfitted over the spring with Custom Boo Strings, a Hunter Model Trigger Tech Trigger, and some Fine Big John LumiCutioners, she rapidly developed into what I had been hoping for: One Hell of an Excellent Hunting Bow! Finest I had ever owned in fact!

Over the months of practice, my mind's eye could not help but center the chest of the Big Four by Four from the ranch area directly in front of the target bullseyes! Perhaps that helped, for the Accuracy was, to me, Amazing!

As the season drew nearer, I was openly enticed into That Feeling we get that special time of year by the frequent appearance of bucks - right in the town I was guiding for salmon & halibut from:




Some time before the opener, I called down to chat with a couple of the area ranchers. The Big Four Point seems to have disappeared some time over the summer. BUMMER! :cry:
But... there are TWO new ones, one VERY Tall, and the other Heavy & Wide (the latter one likely the son of last year's Big Boy they suggested). And Both of Great Size!!

GAME ON!! :twisted:

I spent a handful of days wandering down there, again selecting sites for the blinds, and even one encounter with Wide Load (as he became known). Plans well made, I then set off for a draw moose hunt which we were downright successful with:


That story here: http://www.excaliburcrossbow.com/phpBB2 ... =1&t=50178

It was a mere matter of days before I recovered sufficiently from that to once again rejoin my Quest for the Big Blacktails. And once again I found myself putting countless hours in the blinds, and many more skulking around the mountain of the year before...

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Re: A Year In The Making...

Post by IronNoggin »

I had an eerily similar encounter with the Tall Buck as I had with the Big Four the season previously. As I approached the blind in damn near total darkness one morning, there, on the same bloody path, was a Blacktail of Substantial Size! :shock:
Again I dropped all but the bow, and again attempted to close in. This time Luck was a little more in my favor, and the Buck fed TOWARDS me as I stealthily approached. At about 40 yards, I tried to range him. Too Damn Dark, and the rangefinder would NOT cooperate! CRAP!

Maybe I can cut that to 30... Moving only when his head was down I closed ever so slowly. Heart again HAMMERING (I swore he should have heard that!) I tried not to look at the rack that seemed to reach Forever towards the Heavens. Two More Steps I recall thinking, and I can try to range him again. HAS to be around 30 now... In that little light, I have a tough time guesstimating range, and Frantically wanted the rangefinder to confirm my thoughts before any attempt at a shot..

Just as I reached for the rangefinder, BANG! What?? :shock:
A gun hunter had fired down below us and off to one side on another of the ranches. Double DAMMIT! :(

That Big Boy hit the ground running, Instantly increasing the range to beyond 70. There, he spun, and stared in the direction of the shot. After a moment, he settled, fed a little, then decided to rest on top of a little knoll 100 yards distant. No Way to close, and pinned now, all I could do was DROOL at those impressive antlers while Cursing the fact my Luck had Gone South. Although barely outside his ears in spread, he was Extremely Tall, and I took it upon myself to name him The Skyscraper that very moment...

After a spell he rose, and wandered off in another direction. Still one hell of an Exciting encounter, for now I seen BOTH Targets up close and personal...

Over the coming weeks, I sat in the blinds a LOT! Having the time off to do so is a Double-Edged Sword - one has the time, but little in the way of jingle to make it happen. Those days I could not afford the fuel to run to the ranch area, I spent on the closer mountain.

The mountain offered up the signs that both of last year's up-and-comers were about, but even with the major amount of effort put in, I only saw the one - again at distance but just enough to understand he was a Worthy Opponent!

Back at my blinds, I did see The Skyscraper on a couple more occasions, and once more the one I called Wide Load. Both Magnificent, and either of which I would not hesitate to mount for the wall.

Time wore on, the rut swung into it's full Craziness, and sightings once again jumped through the ceiling. Rubs began to show in earnest, and be refreshed upon each visit. Here's comparison shot of one rub, an evening apart when these pictures were taken:


And here are a couple of the Largest rub I've ever encountered made by Blacktails:



No, there are no elk in there! LOL!
From the damage, I believed that latter tree was being visited by both the Big Boys, and likely by one or two of the smaller Ladz as well.

Many of the younger and medium sized bucks tempted me somewhat over the next while, But I managed to stay steadfast in my decision to let them pass. Even with the rut in Full Roar, the two Big Boys continued to remain as elusive as the Ghosts they are named after. Frustrating, but Oh So Exhilarating to be so damn close...

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Re: A Year In The Making...

Post by Big John »

Well, good thing to be continued Bud. I need to reload on popcorn and pop! Like reading
one of my Hunt books! Excellent Nog!!!
Keep it up, and bring on the rest!

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Re: A Year In The Making...

Post by Deerstalker »

Outstanding & thanks!!
Semper Fi

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Re: A Year In The Making...

Post by westcoastruss »

I agree with the others, great story. Thanks for sharing and entertaining us.
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Re: A Year In The Making...

Post by Masboy »

Great read! Made my day :D
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Re: A Year In The Making...

Post by IronNoggin »

One particular evening. my usual Partner could not make it for the run to the ranch lands. Recognizing the rut was winding down, I decided to wander off there solo, and give it yet another try...

That evening, a good handful of does wandered by, and I had an unusual encounter with one set of them. One of the Leading Ladies had kicked her bambi out for the rut about a week previous to this date. That Little One seriously Adopted me, and would follow me around like a pup at times when wandering to and from the blinds. In fact, it was something of a nuisance at times, as it would stroll right up to the blind and cheerily greet me on occasion. It became something of a joke amongst the ranchers, and they referred to this displaced fawn as My Little Friend. Guess she kind of was, I have to admit to developing a little bit of a soft spot for her...

That afternoon, the Leading Lady (whom I had seen in the accompaniment of several bucks over the past week) came out and was feeding about 40 yards from my blind. Shortly after her arrival, My Little Friend made an appearance, and cautiously approached her Mama. The doe initially rebuked this advance by jumping HARD in the little one's direction a couple of times. The fawn hung it's head, obviously dejected at the rebuke, and obviously sulking. Mama then shook her head, studied her little one for a minute, the sidled up to her fawn and began to groom her. This lasted for a good 10 minutes, after which the Little One jumped Frantically and Joyously all around for a considerable time! Rather an interesting watch for me, but also Strongly signaled the rut was OVER - at least for that particular Gal...

As the evening progressed, a handful of other does joined in the feeding parade, accompanied not by their little ones, but rather by young & hopeful up-and-comer bucks. One was so eager he attempted to sniff the business area of one of the larger Gals, and she responded with a double rear blast of both hind hooves to the chops! Sounded like pistol shots going off, and damn near leveled the little bugger! It was damn tough not to laugh out loud at his misfortune and give myself away! :lol:

Shortly after that display, ALL of the young bucks suddenly lifted their heads, staring HARD back into the timber behind them. Hmmm...
Just as suddenly they all remembered a serious appointment somewhere else, and departed rather quickly. The does did not appear to be overly concerned though, with but a few glances from time to time in the same direction... Hmmm...

In the fading light, I saw two Ghostly Shapes moving quietly through the timber towards the feeding does. Binocs confirmed, first one Doe. Second one... Antlers. Who The Hell is THAT? My eyeballs felt like they were being sucked right through the lenses as I tried to determine just Which buck was now approaching. I've seen you before... I DO recognize you... BUT...

Sudden Realization! It's the Big Four from last year!! Where the hell have You been all year? And the realization that he, too, has slid somewhat downhill in the antler department since I last saw him. Instead of sporting his 4x4 frame, he was now packing a 4x2 set? Still... Reasonably Wide, Reasonably Tall, Reasonably Heavy...

Dozens of thoughts raced through my mind as he continued his approach. He AIN'T what I was looking for this season. But those Boys have been downright Elusive of late, and the season IS winding down...
And... After last year's serious effort, it would be Nice to finally collect him...

When he broke cover, one of the feeding does startled, causing him to walk along the far edge of the herd. Hmmm...
Range: 44 Yards.

We have Enjoyed The Dance My Friend, and I guess it is now time to bring that to it's conclusion...

Decision made, I readied the Matrix and ever so slowly raised it to my shoulder. The Buck continued to stroll slowly along the far side of the herd, and when he came to a good opening between the rest, I gave a soft bleat with the excellent Wabi call I collected for just that purpose. Confused, he turned to look behind him, then stalled out...

The Trigger Tech Trigger broke ever so cleanly, the Boo String launched one of Big John's Works of Art, the Spitfire broadhead sped towards it's target, and the Luminok lighted it's path along it's short journey...

PERFECT Hit! The Buck jumped, ran 10 feet, looked around, then slowly walked away from the herd. Reloading quickly, at first I thought my perception of the shot was in error. At 30 yards, he again stopped, then toppled over without so much as a kick.

The Luminok glowed brightly back in the timber, and after watching the buck for 20 minutes (no movement) I went over and retrieved it. The blood trail could have been followed by a Blind Man in the now dark of evening, and the offside of the buck's flank was so soaked I refused to roll that side up for his final picture...


As is usual for me, many emotions swam through me as I gazed upon him. Was a hell of a Fun Dance with him, and I guess I'll always wonder just where he'd been hiding all these months. Not the two Big Boys I was after this season, likely their Dad or an Uncle I'd guess. But a Sweet way to end up the season regardless.

Within mere days of that, I wandered over to the mainland for an attempt at whitetails and mulies again. First for me coming home empty after that run, guess the weather and the Goddess of the Hunt had decided my season was already blessed enough this year. I will be back on that one...

And Rest Assured, My Quest for a Big Blacktail will NEVER end! I just Hope that one year, that quest is rewarded with Big Ol' Boy that isn't "A Year In The Making"...

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Re: A Year In The Making...

Post by IronNoggin »

Thanks for the Kind Words Folks! Appreciate them!

A few footnotes:

The last buck's teeth were worn right down, and it is entirely likely he would not have made it much more than another season.

Even with the weird regression to 2x4 from 4x4, he still scored 107 & 7/8".
Not at all bad for an Island Deer, and in fact may be my personal best at this point. I will always wonder what he might have scored in his prime.
And... I had never even heard of a 2x4 (Board Buck?) before lest year, and have now managed no less than THREE of them! Strange! :shock:

I am Pleased with this year's buck. He was a Fantastic Opponent, and gave me The Slip many a time.
I do however hope to eventually collect one while it is still in it's Prime!
Here's Hoping the two Big Boys from this season don't manage to regress themselves over the coming months! :lol:

Many Thanks to Wabi, Boo, Big John & Trigger Tech. Collectively you have helped turn both me & my Matrix into One Deadly Hunting Machine!! :twisted:

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Re: A Year In The Making...

Post by Waif »

Very goods hunting!
Thanks for sharing its recounting.
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Re: A Year In The Making...

Post by Fletch2 »

WOW what a story. Thanks for sharing :D
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