Crossbow Hunting

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just wanted to see how many people hunt out of stands vs. ground with their excal's. i injured my back at work last november driving a fork lift, and have multiple disc damage in my lower back. huntin from my api treestand this year is pretty much out of the question. i'm on light-duty at work, and here in pennsylvania im eligible to hunt with an xbow. it'll be weird bowhuntin this year from the ground, but at least i'll be out there. so my question is, do you guys prefer tree stand or groundblind hunting with your excal's or both?
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Post by RichardS »

I hunted from natural cover on the ground last year, but this year I bought my first treestand. I have tryed it a few times and I think I will prefer it from the ground.

The thing I like about hunting from the ground is you CAN move.

Last year I watched a friend climb out from behind a fallen tree and sneak up 50 yards on a deer from behind. He then bleated snd when the doe doe turned around he got off a good shot.
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thankx richard thats the stories i like to just so used to treestand hunting. stories like this keep me optimistic!

Post by Bronco »

I have only been deer hunting with a bow a couple of years and have taken both mine from the ground and have been very close to a lot. But I have also seen many from the stand as well. The others are right tho it is easier to reposition from the ground than a stand and if you dont have enough ground cover the portable ground blinds work awsome.
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Post by GREY OWL »

Steely, 99% of my hunting has always been done from the ground, and still hunting at that. Although its been only with a rifle, I've come up on so many deer, fawns, does, and yes BIG bucks, and I know that if I would of had a Xbow in my hands, they would have a tag on them. I bought my Exomag this spring and have yet to peg a deer, but I have full confidence one will be down this fall.

I had a small buck last fall walk by me so close, I could see his eyes blinking. I was crouched down in the bush, not hidden at all, he walked just yards away, head down totally oblivious of my presents. I could'nt believe it. This my friend is the ultimate in hunting.

I also realize that the habitat where you live might not be condusive to this kind of hunting.

Good luck Steely

Grey Owl
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Post by maple »


Of the deer I have taken with my exomag, about 90% were from the ground. Only recently have I started using a tree stand, and I am not all that comfortable being off the ground. Usually I take one of those small folding lawn chairs that sit close to the ground into the bush and just set up down wind from where I expect to see action. Sometimes just a piece of wood will do. Throw up a bit of cedar cover in front and Bob's your uncle.

I have had deer walk right up to me while standing in the open, as well as RUN past so close I coulda hit them with a stick. So don't worry. Play the wind, sit still, and have a blast. That's one advantage of using a crossbow. You can shoot 'em sitting down.


Post by skeeter »

Hunting from a tree stand ,you can get away with alot more movement,you have better vision,maybe sometimes the wind thermals will carry your scent up and away so game can come at you from any direction.When hunting from the ground you have more mobility,easier and sometimes quieter to get in to your blind.I personally hunt exclusivly from the ground for a couple of reasons.I always been afraid of heights and have only been in a tree a couple of times.The first time in one i harvested a nice doe with a compound but still can't get comfortable up there no matter how hard i try.I guess i'm just a chicken s--t.But now i have an arthritic disablity called Anklosing Spondylitis which hampers my physical activity.This disease causes chronic inflammation in my spine and makes my back easy to break the docters say. So you can see i have no business being up in a tree for two reasons.As long as you pay stricked attention to the wind,wear full camo from head to toe,only move your eyes or move very slowly you can harvest game consistintly.Deer are just big turkeys with a whopper nose.I build my ground blinds ahead of time .It's just as important to have cover behind as it is in front of you.This is just my opinion.Now i have to go lay down somewhere cause it took me 2 hours to type this.I'll stop by the fridge first though. :lol:
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Post by buckmark »

Both,at the beginning of the season we have portable stands hung in certain places based on our scouting, but if for some reason they change their pattern(that never happens lol) We will move in to the new location and hunt from the ground. After the gun season is over I would say that 90% is done from the ground based on the fact that most of our stands are not in prime locations anymore and the fact that bundled up for our winters weather I usually don't feel like climbing into a stand. Based on our observations during the seasons some of these ground spots become
permanent tree stand locationsfor the follwing year.
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Post by chris4570 »

I much prefer being on the ground, one on one with the animals. As Richard said it allows you to be more mobile. I was close enough to several deer last fall that they were within crossbow range. Mostly does, but also a couple of bucks, one which I unfortunately wounded due to poor judgement.

The only game I would prefer to hunt out of a treestand is bear over bait, for obvious safety reasons.

While on the ground, when hunting deer, I like to rattle and use grunt tubes. I think you can produce a lot more commotion when rattling while on the ground. Kicking leaves and sticks, raking the antlers on small shrubs, etc. just as would happen if two bucks were tussling.
XBow in SW Ontario

Post by XBow in SW Ontario »

I'm an avid crossbow hunter as well, up here in Ontario. However, when I'm not out in the woods, I'm a chiropractor. I can tell you that sitting in a flexed and confined position in a treestand is the last thing that anyone with intervertebral disc disease should be doing, especially if you have sciatica or any nerve-compression pain into your leg(s). The real problem arises the longer that you have to sit that way. Standing up and being able to stretch your back 3-4 times every hour is not always practical when you are 20 feet up and strapped to a tree. This is why being on the ground is going to be the best thing for you. You'll be able to move around enough and stretch out without being forced into that one position. What might be good for you, and I know this may not be very practical, is a type of chair that doesn't have a back on it, but instead you have to place your knees on a couple of pads and force yourself to sit upright. Seems funny I know, but keep it in mind. And listen to what the other guys are saying about being on the ground, there's a lot of collective wisdom among the members of this forum. Take care,

GH. :)
Woody Williams
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Post by Woody Williams »

I'm scheduled for hernia surgery on Sept. 10th. That will probably keep me out of the trees until the second week in deer saeson. Our seaosn comes in on October 1st.

I do have a ground blind set up on the edge of a clover field that looks promising.

If nothing else there are a couple of ground hogs there that "need killin'."
Woody Williams

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Post by STEELWORKER » guys are alright!! very helpful info you possess,it makes me even prouder to be an excalibur owner after finding this forum. thanks to everyone who replied. im lookin forward to hunting from the ground it'll be a change but you guys reassured me. skeeter i know how you feel, i have that spondylitis problem also to top off everything else messed up in my back. like you guys have said i'll have to keep the wind right and watch my scent a bit more. one thing i can say is come opening day here on oct. 2 whether I'M ready on not, i know my exomag will be :D ....thanks again guys---------STEELWORKER
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Post by OneShot »

Hunting downwind is the secret!

It does not matter if you are up or down.

But I prefer up!

A ladder stander is easily placed in a good area and will allow you to see deer before they see you.

That is the secret!

Then you can choose to pass or take them!

Leave the concrete jungle behind and just go hunting !
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Post by Deadeye »

I prefer the tree stand in heavy cover, it allows me to see past it, over it, and beyond it from many angles.

There are time that the ground hunt in natural cover is the tickect as well. On the intrance to agricultural food sources is excellent. Look for natural cover its the best. Un-natural cover can spook that lead doe fast!

I use a good cover scent on my clothes.. i carry it with me and apply it several times during the hunt. I've had deer walk so close to me while I was cammo'd and using cover scent so close I coulnd't see them in the scope. That is why whenhunting from the gorund I use the open sites on the exomag exlusively.

Just access your situation and choose your fields of Fire! Either way is productive.

Blood make's the grass grow, Owh-ay!

Post by Guest »

A good book on ground hunting is, Fred G Asbell"s stalking and still hunting, a ground hunter's bible.
Although he is recurve shooter a possibly anti crossbow, it has excellent information.
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