See All sight review

Crossbow Hunting

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See All sight review

Post by cld.1 »

These hunting post have really got me amped up. Season starts Tuesday for me and trying to get the wife to come home early and watch the baby so I can get in an afternoon sit.

Anyways, switched it up and took the scope off and have been shooting with the See All open sight since early this year. One of the reasons I wanted to switch was to get rid of the magnification. I had a couple deer last year that I was not able to get on target quick enough with the magnified scope. Ended up taking a long shot to bring one down, when it should have been a gimme at 5yds. The sight works great in low light and doesn't require any batteries. Quick acquisition on moving targets with both eyse open, or when swinging the crossbow on target, but if I concentrate too much the sight picture disappears. Its hard to explain as its almost like a holograph in front of the target when using both eyse, but if I concentrate on the sight the aimpoint disappears. Not what I want, but a quick wink with one eye and the picture is back. Not sure if it is because I am left handed and right eye dominant (shoot right handed), but this is how it works for me. You can also use it with one eye shut as a traditional open sight, but the bottom half of the target is obscured and I'm not sure I like that.

I have it mounted on a HHA optimizer rail. I was procrastinating setting it up and finally got around to order a flemish string from Vixenmaster. The factory string never seemed to stop stretching and I didn't want to set up the HHA with it. So far the new string is performing great and has settled in. I have the HHA setup mainly to shoot in the back yard and then change the zero point for hunting. The See all sight doesn't have clickable adjustments on windage or elevation so would not be easy to change back and forth. Not sure I will change the HHA yardage while actually hunting, but the option is nice.

My biggest surprise came today when I went to zero in at 60 yards as recommended by HHA. I have not shot at 60 without magnifications before, and could not make out the center black of the target, but just aimed for the center of the white blob surrounding it on my beat up target. To my surprise when I walked down to the target to retrieve my arrows I found I was grouping a little over an inch at 60 from prone with no sand bags or sling support. Not bad considering my target is beat up, making the aim point fuzzy and I was just guessing what to aim at. The mind is a wonderful tool and does all kinds of things if you just let it. I also play around with a long bow in the back yard and am in amazement when I hit a cherry tomato at 20-25 paces, even though I am guessing as to exactly where the tomato is. Still have my good and bad days with the long bow so for now the first choice is still the crossbow. Can't wait for the season to open.
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Re: See All sight review

Post by amythntr »

....way to go...and we can call your wife for you if you need more people to badger her into coming home early :lol: :lol: :lol: ....Heck, what are friends for :mrgreen: :mrgreen: I'm close enough in Jersey that I can make a special trip if need be :shock: :lol:

Hopefully it all works out with the new sight and getting out in the afternoon!

Anthony :)
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Re: See All sight review

Post by bubba »

Welcome to the forum.. Sounds like you have all in order, for the up and coming season. If you are sticking arrows like that at 60 yards, the venison is in trouble. good luck...
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Re: See All sight review

Post by Waif »

Welcome to Excalibur cld.1 .
I'm running a "see all" on one of the .22's.
Interesting sight and once using it for several shots it explains itself better than print does...
Hunt safe and have fun.
S5s,cheek piece,firebolts, Original Rocket Steel heads.
Bushnell yardage pro on Excalibur mount.

Hawke 1.5-5x32ir SR.
Easton xx75,s 2219. Bolt-cutters.
Bunch of bumpers.
Vixenmaster! string.
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