OT - Bush was AWOL

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OT - Bush was AWOL

Post by Dan_DE »

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Post by DesertRat »

Simple solution. Make Bush serve the 24 months that he owes the US govt in Iraq. Maybe he wouldn't be so quick to engage in his OIL war if it was his a$$ that risked being blown up.
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Post by A.W »

POPLAR BLUFF, Mo. (AP) - President George W. Bush apparently mixed up his words while delivering his usual campaign speech about the rising cost of health care.

"We need to do something about these frivolous lawsuits that are running up the cost of your health care and running good docs out of business," Bush said in a speech Monday. "We've got an issue in America. Too many good docs are getting out of business.

"Too many OB/GYNs aren't able to practise their love with women all across this country."
The president was speaking to an applauding crowd of thousands of supporters in this southeast Missouri town of 16,500 people.

http://cnews.canoe.ca/CNEWS/WeirdNews/2 ... 72-ap.html

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Post by GonHuntin »

Maybe I missed something........hasn't Bush been on active duty as Commander In Chief for the last 4 years??? :lol:

Do any of you really think he has an easy job????

Post by Guest »

Last edited by Guest on Fri Sep 10, 2004 5:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Newbi »

Take your Political debates to the proper forum PLEASE!!
QUANDO OMNI FLUNKUS MORITATI (When all else fails, Play dead)
Genesis 27:3

Post by brayhaven »

[quote="Carl from Vermont"]It should'nt surprise anyone at all. He was born a boy of privilege, a silver spoon in his mouth.

He failed to complete his obligated service time, there's no question there.

Hmm wonder why he got an honorable discharge. seems desertion would have precluded that :? .
In fact, Hanoi John was a worse draft dodger than Bush. He tried with a phony student deferment which was turned down. And then, to avoid being drafted in the Army where he would be in VN combat (with me and a few others without a villa in France), he went in the Navy. That took the same kind of pull that Bush had to get in the guard as there were several hundred apps for every position. he got into the Swift boats because they did nothing except sit around the officers club, until the Admiral volunteered them for patrol on the Mekong. When he saw his ploy had failed he got his 3 band-aid purple hearts quickly and got out. Some "hero" :o).
I interrogated a lot of VC & Northern VN prisoners and asked why they kept fighting with no supplies and being shot at constantly and many quoted those people like kerry & Fonda saying they knew they would win because our celebrities supported their cause. I always wondered how many names on that black wall were there because of traitors like Kerry & Fonda. We'll never know, but I'd rather vote for Saddam than Hanoi John. (not in the primary though :o).

Post by Guest »

Last edited by Guest on Fri Sep 10, 2004 5:24 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Dan_DE »

The 'Swift Boat' smear adds were lies. Visit Fact Check, a non-partisan organization that equal handedly points out the inaccuracies from both camps:



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Post by Book »

I support Bush, I have never voted for a Democrat and never will. Liberals make me want to puke. Book
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Post by GonHuntin »

The Hill ^ | Sept. 08, 2004 | Byron York

Please keep this article and forward to those who have been taken in by the media's spin on Bush's service in the National Guard. Even I, a loyal supporter of the President, was led to believe that he just showed up for a couple of weekends or something. But Byron York spells out exactly how the President served in the guard, not just on weekends, but on a FULL TIME basis for TWO YEARS.

Bush’s National Guard years Before you fall for Dems’ spin, here are the facts BYRON YORK

What do you really know about George W. Bush’s time in the Air National Guard? That he didn’t show up for duty in Alabama? That he missed a physical? That his daddy got him in?

News coverage of the president’s years in the Guard has tended to focus on one brief portion of that time — to the exclusion of virtually everything else. So just for the record, here, in full, is what Bush did:

The future president joined the Guard in May 1968. Almost immediately, he began an extended period of training. Six weeks of basic training. Fifty-three weeks of flight training. Twenty-one weeks of fighter-interceptor training.

That was 80 weeks to begin with, and there were other training periods thrown in as well. It was full-time work. By the time it was over, Bush had served nearly two years.

Not two years of weekends. Two years.

After training, Bush kept flying, racking up hundreds of hours in F-102 jets. As he did, he accumulated points toward his National Guard service requirements. At the time, guardsmen were required to accumulate a minimum of 50 points to meet their yearly obligation.

According to records released earlier this year, Bush earned 253 points in his first year, May 1968 to May 1969 (since he joined in May 1968, his service thereafter was measured on a May-to-May basis).

Bush earned 340 points in 1969-1970. He earned 137 points in 1970-1971. And he earned 112 points in 1971-1972. The numbers indicate that in his first four years, Bush not only showed up, he showed up a lot. Did you know that?

That brings the story to May 1972 — the time that has been the focus of so many news reports — when Bush “deserted” (according to anti-Bush filmmaker Michael Moore) or went “AWOL” (according to Terry McAuliffe, chairman of the Democratic National Committee).

Bush asked for permission to go to Alabama to work on a Senate campaign. His superior officers said OK. Requests like that weren’t unusual, says retired Col. William Campenni, who flew with Bush in 1970 and 1971.

“In 1972, there was an enormous glut of pilots,” Campenni says. “The Vietnam War was winding down, and the Air Force was putting pilots in desk jobs. In ’72 or ’73, if you were a pilot, active or Guard, and you had an obligation and wanted to get out, no problem. In fact, you were helping them solve their problem.”

So Bush stopped flying. From May 1972 to May 1973, he earned just 56 points — not much, but enough to meet his requirement.

Then, in 1973, as Bush made plans to leave the Guard and go to Harvard Business School, he again started showing up frequently.

In June and July of 1973, he accumulated 56 points, enough to meet the minimum requirement for the 1973-1974 year.

Then, at his request, he was given permission to go. Bush received an honorable discharge after serving five years, four months and five days of his original six-year commitment. By that time, however, he had accumulated enough points in each year to cover six years of service.

During his service, Bush received high marks as a pilot.

A 1970 evaluation said Bush “clearly stands out as a top notch fighter interceptor pilot” and was “a natural leader whom his contemporaries look to for leadership.”

A 1971 evaluation called Bush “an exceptionally fine young officer and pilot” who “continually flies intercept missions with the unit to increase his proficiency even further.” And a 1972 evaluation called Bush “an exceptional fighter interceptor pilot and officer.”

Now, it is only natural that news reports questioning Bush’s service — in The Boston Globe and The New York Times, on CBS and in other outlets — would come out now. Democrats are spitting mad over attacks on John Kerry’s record by the group Swift Boat Veterans for Truth.

And, as it is with Kerry, it’s reasonable to look at a candidate’s entire record, including his military service — or lack of it. Voters are perfectly able to decide whether it’s important or not in November.

The Kerry camp blames Bush for the Swift boat veterans’ attack, but anyone who has spent much time talking to the Swifties gets the sense that they are doing it entirely for their own reasons.

And it should be noted in passing that Kerry has personally questioned Bush’s service, while Bush has not personally questioned Kerry’s.

In April — before the Swift boat veterans had said a word — Kerry said Bush “has yet to explain to America whether or not, and tell the truth, about whether he showed up for duty.” Earlier, Kerry said, “Just because you get an honorable discharge does not, in fact, answer that question.”

Now, after the Swift boat episode, the spotlight has returned to Bush.

That’s fine. We should know as much as we can.

And perhaps someday Kerry will release more of his military records as well.

Byron York is a White House correspondent for National Review. His column appears in The Hill each week. E-mail: [email protected]
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Update on Bush's Guard Srvc: New Evid. of Preferential Trtmt

Post by Dan_DE »

More from http://www.factcheck.org/

Update on Bush's Guard Service: New Evidence of Preferential Treatment


We have updated our Feb. 8 article on the "Texans for Truth" ad to include new evidence that Bush received preferential treatment while serving in the Texas Air National Guard.

In documents released after our original article was posted, Bush's squadron commander Lt. Col. Jerry B. Killian describes pressure from his superiors to give Bush a satisfactory performance rating despite Bush's failure to attend drills and failure to take a flight physical "as ordered."

Killian died in 1984. His memos were first obtained by CBS News and afterward also released by the White House.

We have posted copies of all four memos in the "supporting documents" section of our article. The article now includes the following new section:

The Squadron Commander: Bush's "failure to perform"

New evidence emerged Feb. 8 that Bush had received favored treatment during this period. In four memos obtained by CBS News, Bush's former squadron commander in Houston describes Bush's desire to "get out of coming to drill," Bush's refusal to take a flight physical "as ordered," and subsequent pressure from an Air National Guard official to give Bush favorable performance ratings despite his leaving the squadron with a "critical" pilot vacancy and failing to perform to standards required of pilots.
The author of the memos was then-Lieutenant Colonel Jerry B. Killian, who died in 1984. CBS didn't say how it had obtained the documents. The White House later released copies of the same memos.

The Killian memos:

May 4, 1972: In a memo addressed to Bush, Killian says "you are ordered to report" by May 14 "to conduct annual physical examination (flight)" in accordance with regulations. Bush never showed up for that exam.
May 19, 1972: Five days after failing to report for the physical, Killian wrote a memo regarding a telephone call Bush made to him. "Discussed options of how Bush can get out of coming to drill from now through November. . . . We talked about him getting his flight physical situation fixed before his date. Says he will do that in Alabama if he stays in flight status. . . . I advised him of our investment in him and his commitment" (This is an apparent reference to the Guard's investment in Bush's flight training, and Bush's signed commitment to attend drills and to serve a full six years in the Guard). Killian said he told Bush he would need a written document accepting Bush into an Alabama unit before he would approve a transfer, and added, "think he's also talking to someone upstairs." (emphasis added).
August 1, 1972: "On this date I ordered that 1st Lt. Bush be suspended from flight status due to failure to perform to the USAF/TexANG (US Air Force/Texas Air National Guard) standards and failure to meet annual physical examination (flight) as required. . . Officer (Bush) has made no attempt to meet his training certification or flight physical. . . . I also suggested that we fill this critical billet with a more seasoned pilot from the list of Vietnam pilots that have rotated." (emphasis added).
August 18, 1973: (a year later) Killian says Col. Buck Staudt, the man in charge of the Texas Air National Guard and a supporter of the Bush family, is applying pressure to "sugar coat" the annual evaluation of Bush. "Staudt has obviously pressured (Bobby) Hodges (Killian's immediate superior in the Houston Guard unit) more about Bush. I'm having trouble running interference and doing my job. (Lt. Col. William D.) Harris (another of Bush's supervisors) gave me a message today (regarding Bush's annual evaluation) Staudt is pushing to sugar coat it: Bush wasn't here during rating period and I don't have any feedback from 187th in Alabama. I will not rate. . . . I'll backdate but won't rate. Harris agrees." Bush's annual evaluation, signed by Harris and Killian, says "Lt. Bush has not been observed at this unit during the period of report. " It is dated May 2, though this new memo suggests that it was actually written later and the date was falsified to dress up Bush's file as he was preparing to leave the Guard to attend graduate school. Killian was clearly not happy with the situation: he wrote the subject of the memo was "CYA," military slang for "cover your ass." (emphasis added).
The White House response to these memos came from White House Communications Director Dan Bartlett, as quoted by CBS:

Bartlett: At every step of the way, President Bush was meeting his requirement. Granted permission to meet his requirement. And that's why President Bush was honorably discharged.

Please visit http://www.factcheck.org/miscreports.aspx?docid=255 to view this announcement in full.
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Update on Bush's Guard Srvc: New Evid. of Preferential Trtmt

Post by Dan_DE »

More from http://www.factcheck.org/

Update on Bush's Guard Service: New Evidence of Preferential Treatment


We have updated our Feb. 8 article on the "Texans for Truth" ad to include new evidence that Bush received preferential treatment while serving in the Texas Air National Guard.

In documents released after our original article was posted, Bush's squadron commander Lt. Col. Jerry B. Killian describes pressure from his superiors to give Bush a satisfactory performance rating despite Bush's failure to attend drills and failure to take a flight physical "as ordered."

Killian died in 1984. His memos were first obtained by CBS News and afterward also released by the White House.

We have posted copies of all four memos in the "supporting documents" section of our article. The article now includes the following new section:

The Squadron Commander: Bush's "failure to perform"

New evidence emerged Feb. 8 that Bush had received favored treatment during this period. In four memos obtained by CBS News, Bush's former squadron commander in Houston describes Bush's desire to "get out of coming to drill," Bush's refusal to take a flight physical "as ordered," and subsequent pressure from an Air National Guard official to give Bush favorable performance ratings despite his leaving the squadron with a "critical" pilot vacancy and failing to perform to standards required of pilots.
The author of the memos was then-Lieutenant Colonel Jerry B. Killian, who died in 1984. CBS didn't say how it had obtained the documents. The White House later released copies of the same memos.

The Killian memos:

May 4, 1972: In a memo addressed to Bush, Killian says "you are ordered to report" by May 14 "to conduct annual physical examination (flight)" in accordance with regulations. Bush never showed up for that exam.
May 19, 1972: Five days after failing to report for the physical, Killian wrote a memo regarding a telephone call Bush made to him. "Discussed options of how Bush can get out of coming to drill from now through November. . . . We talked about him getting his flight physical situation fixed before his date. Says he will do that in Alabama if he stays in flight status. . . . I advised him of our investment in him and his commitment" (This is an apparent reference to the Guard's investment in Bush's flight training, and Bush's signed commitment to attend drills and to serve a full six years in the Guard). Killian said he told Bush he would need a written document accepting Bush into an Alabama unit before he would approve a transfer, and added, "think he's also talking to someone upstairs." (emphasis added).
August 1, 1972: "On this date I ordered that 1st Lt. Bush be suspended from flight status due to failure to perform to the USAF/TexANG (US Air Force/Texas Air National Guard) standards and failure to meet annual physical examination (flight) as required. . . Officer (Bush) has made no attempt to meet his training certification or flight physical. . . . I also suggested that we fill this critical billet with a more seasoned pilot from the list of Vietnam pilots that have rotated." (emphasis added).
August 18, 1973: (a year later) Killian says Col. Buck Staudt, the man in charge of the Texas Air National Guard and a supporter of the Bush family, is applying pressure to "sugar coat" the annual evaluation of Bush. "Staudt has obviously pressured (Bobby) Hodges (Killian's immediate superior in the Houston Guard unit) more about Bush. I'm having trouble running interference and doing my job. (Lt. Col. William D.) Harris (another of Bush's supervisors) gave me a message today (regarding Bush's annual evaluation) Staudt is pushing to sugar coat it: Bush wasn't here during rating period and I don't have any feedback from 187th in Alabama. I will not rate. . . . I'll backdate but won't rate. Harris agrees." Bush's annual evaluation, signed by Harris and Killian, says "Lt. Bush has not been observed at this unit during the period of report. " It is dated May 2, though this new memo suggests that it was actually written later and the date was falsified to dress up Bush's file as he was preparing to leave the Guard to attend graduate school. Killian was clearly not happy with the situation: he wrote the subject of the memo was "CYA," military slang for "cover your ass." (emphasis added).
The White House response to these memos came from White House Communications Director Dan Bartlett, as quoted by CBS:

Bartlett: At every step of the way, President Bush was meeting his requirement. Granted permission to meet his requirement. And that's why President Bush was honorably discharged.

Please visit http://www.factcheck.org/miscreports.aspx?docid=255 to view this announcement in full.
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Post by GonHuntin »

This could go back and forth until Nov........question you have to ask yourself.......is Kerry a better man for the job than Bush???

Kerry has voted against gun owners at every opportunity.....that alone is enough for me to despise him.......but, leaving the gun issue aside......there is no way I would ever support a person that thinks it's normal and acceptable to kill unborn children! Those who support abortion, and especially "partial birth" abortions condone murder......no way around that!

So, if you want a president who is anti gun, supports abortion and gay marriage/rights and is more liberal than even Ted Kennedy...... place your vote for Kerry.......God help us all if he wins!
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Post by patmax »


I think you summed it up perfectly.

I know who I'm voting for. I can't understand all this "who served where, when and most decorated ", especially after Clinton (the original draft dodging antiwar activist).

Let's get back to crossbow talk and hunting. You Canadians need to move South of the Great Lakes and register to vote if you want to do something about the US President.
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