should i stay or go ??????

Crossbow Hunting

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should i stay or go ??????

Post by chessy »

Supposed to leave work at 11 never got out of there till 1 .on my way to pick up the rest of supplies my wife calls and says babysitter cancelled so we cant go out for our anniversary dinner (I am away moose hunting when it is my anniversary day long of a story to type.) Next thing I stop for a school bus with flashing lights and you guessed it I get smoked in the rear end hard car is in bad shape ... my back is killing me but not enough to stop me from leaving at 9 am for a week in the woods. The question is do you guys think it is safe for me to be in the woods this week :roll: :roll:
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Post by GaryL »

No not inless some one is with you :!: And you should get a doctors check up....Hunting is not worth your safty or $1.00 worth,

GARYL play it safe :!: :!: :!:
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Post by Sandman »


It's tough I know but if you are not sure about your back I would not take the chance.

I just nicely closed my garage door after my buddy picked up the moose camp equipment. They are leaving at 8:00 tonight.....WITHOUT ME! :cry: :x
After my crash a few weeks back I thought I would be good to go by now.? But, I seen a surgeon on Tuesday and among other things I asked if I could go as long as I did not do anything strenuous (sp?). His respone was "Your a big boy so you can either miss your hunt this year or maybe miss it for the rest of your life....your choice!" :shock: I am not going moosen for the first time in 22 years!! At age 38 I have found that I do not heal like I did at 25!

Just my opinion from up here in the cheap seats......

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Post by maple »

Not if it were me.

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Post by chris4570 »

This is a personal decision. It really depends on what part of your back is injured. I have a bad back, injured it while lifting a half full aquarium in '97, and probably made it worse by trying to backpack a 275+lb deer out of the woods. Live with it (pain) every day. There are many times where my back is just about to give out or seize up. But I won't let it stop me from doing the things I like to do. I just have to be more careful. When I feel it getting tender or to the point where it might give out I have to move carefully and take my time. If it weren't for the rope cocking aid the Exocet would be too hard for me to draw back more than a few times in a row.

If you have an injured disc, I would be really hesitant about going out into the woods. A muscle spasm is enough to drop you to your knees, and make every step feel like pure torture. I can't imagine, and really try not to think about having my back go out on me in the woods. Making my way over fallen logs, under overhanging branches, up and down inclines, or getting into and out of a canoe would be near impossible. An injured disc that is further pushed may leave you in far worse shape.

If you decide to go out make sure at the very least you bring some form of communication device, whether it be a cell phone, mirror, flare, whistle or flashlight. Items one should carry with them anyways.
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