A 1st for me.

Crossbow Hunting

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A 1st for me.

Post by DesertRat »

I asked a friend of my wife's for permission to hunt their land and they politely said "no". Tonight we got an email saying that I could go mess around in the back fourty. She wasn't clear about hunting though so I asked for clarification. Her response was, "I don't really want bambi shot, but if you would like to shoot one of the cows, feel free". AM I on freaking mars here :shock: ? Every farmer I have talked to says , take the deer, just for god's sake don't hit any livestock. I have since then replied with a huge question mark and a request for an explanation. Stand by for her answer.
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Post by fletch »

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Post by GaryL »

Good move on request for an explanation, way I read no small baby deer but ok on mom or dad :!: :wink:
Always learning!!
Home fer now!
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Post by mdcrossbow »

You have wacko's everywhere. For the last 4 years I have had a lease and on both sides are 6 mega homes. The last 4 years the left side has been a problem but the problem moved. Now last night I was walking out by way of a privit rd. I hadn't thought much about it sence evey one knows I hunt it the land behind them and want all the deer killed. But this lady was pulling out of her drive way and said to me while I'm in full camo , Are you hunting here? I told her that I am and she said this is privit and I said I hold the lease behind her house . She said we don't want our animals killed. I simply told her I'm killng every deer I see. She floored the car and that was that. I will have to avoid her in the furture.

If you do get permission let her know she will not have to see the deer taken or better yet , tell her you wouldn't know if any are taken. Leave the gut pile way back so the scavengers will not be a nunsents. But let her know if she she's you out there and if there is anything you can do to help her out with anything , ie. unloading grocheries exc. you are avalible. I have gone and shoveled entire drivways for the land owner , brought up the paper, taken the trash can out to the street and brought it back when I see it empty. Treat the land as it was your own. A little help goes a long way with land owners. Don't make a big deal about it and you'll gain allot of points with them.
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Post by Sandman »

One of those things that make you go..."HMMMMMMMM"
Wildlife Management & Reduction Specialist
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